Citations:strike while the iron is hot

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English citations of strike while the iron is hot

These citations are intended to show usage of 'strike while the iron is hot' as a proverb.

  • 2015, Jennifer Speake, The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Oxford University Press, USA (→ISBN), page 303
    STRIKE while the iron is hot Act immediately when circumstances are exactly right. A proverb originally alluding to the blacksmith's craft. Cf. late 13th-cent. Fr. len doit batre lefer tandis cum il est chauz, one must strike the iron while it is hot. D c 1386 CHAUCER Tale of Melibee l. 1035 Whil that iren is hoot, men sholden smyte. 1546 J. HEYwooD Dialogue of Proverbs I. iii. A4 And one good lesson to this purpose I pyke [pick] From the smiths forge, whan thyron is hote stryke. 1576 G.
  • 2000, Robert J. Sbordone, Ronald E. Saul, Neuropsychology for Health Care Professionals and Attorneys, Second Edition, CRC Press (→ISBN), page 262
    For example, if they are asked to indicate what the proverb "Strike while the iron is hot" means, they will frequently say, "When the iron is hot, you strike it," thus failing to grasp the abstract principle contained within the proverb and instead providing a concrete interpretation based on the perceived physical properties contained within the proverb. Reliability and Validity This test appears to have adequate test-retest reliability. It appears to be sensitive to patients with bilateral frontal lobe ...
  • 1855, John Warner Barber, The Hand Book of Illustrated Proverbs: Comprising Also a Selection of Approved Proverbs of Various Nations and Languages, Ancient and Modern, page 152
    In public affairs, we see the lesson conveyed by the proverb. In public meetings, where some object of great utility is proposed, the orators on the occasion often have a powerful influence on the minds of the audience, their feelings are deeply engaged, " they are warm on the subject." Now is the time to send round a subscription paper, or contribution box. Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot. If it is delayed to next week, or some other time, the public mind becomes cooled, or is ...