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English citations of synanthropic

  • 1993, Vlastimil Mikoláš and Lenka Mihoková, “Synanthropic occurrence of Taraxacum bessarabicum (Hornem.) Hand.-Mazz. in Košice, Eastern Slovakia” in Thaiszia, Košice, volume III, §: ‘Eco-phytocoenological conditions of the localities with Taraxacum bessarabicum in Košice (in comparison with the species Puccinellia distans)’, page 43:
    The species is indisputably well-naturalized on its habitats in Košice and it behaves as an epekophyte (fully naturalized in unnatural vegetation), up to very slight hemiagrophyte (the species partly penetrating natural vegetation), when only close flora of Košice is taken into the consideration. But from the point of view of East-Slovakian flora we can speak about kenapophyte (a species growing besides natural communities also in pioneer synanthropic ones) to leimonapophyte (apophyte penetrating to perennial synanthropic stands – cf. Sudnik-Wójcikovska, Koźnievska 1988).