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English citations of taphophobia

Henri Berr, et al. (1929) Revue de synthèse:The idea that death is a duration, a reversible, often only apparent process was at the basis of the taphophobia which the Illuminists suffered.

Martin Kaye (1999) The Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes:It had crossed my mind that Lady Frances might have stirred a latent taphophobia in Holmes. By 1900, the fear of premature interment had grown to epidemic []

Jan Bondeson (2002) Buried Alive: The Terrifying History of Our Most Primal Fear:A man suffering from severe taphophobia indulged in fantasies of being buried alive day and night and insisted that his coffin be equipped with electric wiring and an air tube.

Matthew Shaer (2016 June) “Passage to the Gods”, in Smthsonian, volume 47, number 3, editorial offices: MRC 513, Washingotn DC 20013-7012, (202)-633-6090: Smithsonian Institution, pages 66-67:As protection against cave-ins, Gómez's workmen have installed several dozen feet of scaffolding-the earth here is unstable, and earthquakes are common. So far, there have been two partial collapses; no one had been hurt. Still, it was hard not to feel a shiver of taphophobia.