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English citations of tardling

Noun: "(slang, derogatory) a contemptible person, especially a foolish one"

1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2011 2012
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1999 February 24, Tyrone666 [username], “Re: Sending this to your ISP! Re: selling whole collection!”, in rec.arts.comics.dc.universe[1] (Usenet):
    Read it again, tardling.
  • 1999 October 6, Mysterian [username], “Re: Xavier's email address”, in[2] (Usenet):
    This isn't a chat-room, tardling.
  • 1999 October 17, Sergi, “Re: That's a Loaf Head”, in alt.gossip.celebrities[3] (Usenet):
    Big words? The biggest word in there had two syllables, tardling.
  • 2001 February 7, Checkmate [username], “Re: SPANK on Checkmate!”, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk[4] (Usenet):
    Then why do you feel compelled to keep harping on it, little tardling?
  • 2002 February 28, Allisson, “Re: Asking Where A Man Works”, in[5] (Usenet):
    Someday, when we're in the same space or at least on[sic] that doesn't provide fodder for tardlings, I'll tell you a story or two.
  • 2002 September 4, Sharon B, “Re: Larry Bullis - We know you are reading this. Better take a look.”, in alt.usenet.kooks[6] (Usenet):
    I believe *that* quote (one of many about your address) is in your FAQ, tardling.
  • 2003 July 9, Mike Colburn, “Re: Newsgroup of the Living Dead”, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk[7] (Usenet):
    Suggestion: get your facts straight before you run at the mouth, tardling.
  • 2003 August 22, Bingo Gas Station Motel CheeseBurger with a side of AirCraft Noise and you'll be Gary, Indiana [username], “Re: Where would spiketard be...”, in[8] (Usenet):
    Reality gets in the way of your delusions doesn't it, tardling? lol
  • 2004 September 28, Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy) [username], “Re: James you can be the GURU!! Re: ON THE WATCH OF THE ONLY BUDDHA ON THE PLANET”, in alt.consciousness.4th-way[9] (Usenet):
    Since I'm very large, very white, and very hairy, I started going by Vanilla Gorilla. Seemed appropriate. Later, some tardling tried to insult me by calling me "Monkey Boy".
  • 2006 May 6, Sekhmet [username], “Re: Women NEED men”, in[10] (Usenet):
    Anybody who is worried about what the cast of tardlings thinks, doesn't belong on Usenet... or even on this planet, for that matter.
  • 2011 February 5, Kadaitcha Man [username], “Re: #Replacing God”, in alt.society.liberalism[11] (Usenet):
    Tell me, tardling, are you always so thorough at shooting off both your feet below the knee in five words or less?
  • 2012 September 6, Checkmate [username], “Re: PING *FRED* *HALL*”, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk[12] (Usenet):
    Just smile, nod, and slowly walk away from the non sequitur-spewing tardling