Citations:tiger mom

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English citations of tiger mom

Noun: "a mother who drives her child/children very hard to succeed in school and/or in extracurricular studies like learning a musical instrument"

2011 2012
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  • 2011 — Leanne Italie, "Tiger Mom memoir sets moms to buzzing", The Orange County Register, 13 January 2011 (image caption):
    Chua's book, released Tuesday, has some adult offspring of Asian and Asian-American immigrants weighing in on their own tiger moms.
  • 2011 — "Tiger mothers: India & China breed competition", The Economic Times, 21 January 2011:
    Why then did it take a Chinese-American Harvard law professor Amy Chua to let the world in on the secret of eastern brain power: tiger moms?
  • 2011 —Richard Whitmire, "On U.S. education reform, 'safe' has gotten us nowhere", USA Today, 26 January 2011:
    The conventional logic that American students' creativity and critical thinking skills will trump the rote rigor of kids raised by "tiger moms" in Shanghai and Mumbai crumbles when you see that only our smartest kids can figure out the basics of plant life and earth rotation.
  • 2011 — Elizabeth Davies, "Parenting imperfect kids", The Daily Telegram (Adrian, MI), 28 January 2011:
    But today’s mother — tiger moms included — wraps her whole identity up in that small child.
  • 2012Neal Gabler, "One Percent Education", The New York Times, 20 January 2012:
    Some may see this obsession with perfection as the culmination of a long trend; tiger moms have been pushing their children to be intellectual decathletes for generations.
  • 2012 — Clifford Coonan, "In Vogue in China", Irish Times, 21 January 2012:
    She switches to schools for girls, as we both have young daughters, and this is a big concern in a country famous for tiger moms who push their children to the maximum.
  • 2012Gary Stix, "Can A Middle-Aged Neophyte Make It to Carnegie Hall?", Scientific American, 21 January 2012:
    Raw talent also plays a role, he says—a message that will come as a surprise to many people in an era that lauds "tiger moms" and 10,000-hour apprenticeships.
  • 2012 — Calum MacLeod & Elizabeth Weise, "Lin-sanity spans continents", USA Today, 17 February 2012:
    David Bachman, a professor of Chinese studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, says having a new star in the firmament will only make life harder for one group: the children of "tiger moms."
  • 2012 — Mark Magnier, "India is no stranger to the tiger mom trend", Los Angeles Times, 10 March 2012:
    At a January literary festival in Jaipur, "Tiger Mother" author Amy Chua told adoring audiences that Indian tiger moms may outnumber China's.
  • 2012 — Mary Kunz Goldman, "Joshua Bell and Max Valdes do Beethoven", Buffalo News, 24 March 2012:
    "I have a tiger mom, otherwise known as a Jewish mother," he jokes.
  • 2012 — Stefanie Weisman, "Taming the Tiger of Achievement", The New York Times, 30 March 2012:
    The message to tiger moms: telling your kids that failure is not an option does not set them up for success.
  • 2012 — "Tiger Moms Craving SUVs", Bloomberg Businessweek, 19 April 2012:
    "For tiger moms -- and other moms -- SUVs offer great appeal as the whole family can be transported safely and in style," said Trevor Hale, Ford's Shanghai-based spokesman, in reference to the nickname coined by author Amy Chua for strict Chinese mothers.