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English citations of trendite

Noun: "a person given to following trends"

1975 1986 1989 1993 1995 1996 2000 2001 2002 2003 2007 2008
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1975 — William Safire, "Trends In Trendiness", The New York Times, 18 August 1975 (reprinted in the St. Petersburg Times, 19 August 1975):
    One of these days, all these angry trendites will appear together in a single ad to deliver the message at the root of the campaign: "The Surgeon General Can Go To Hell."
  • 1986 — Jane Kenway & Sue Willis, "Countering sexism the single-sex way: A flawed proposition", in Sociology of the School: Gender and Education (ed. Paige Porter), Deakin University (1986), →ISBN, page 132:
    Without the resources for 'trendy' clothes, for appropriate leisure-time activities (be they pub crawling, video viewing, or party giving and going) and without family freedom and suburban accessibility, full membership in the school's 'trendite' cliques is not possible.
  • 1989 — Jesse Sublett, Rock Critic Murders, Dell Publishing (1990), →ISBN, page 186:
    We went in the out door, past the flush-faced trendites and Reagan Youth chatting, giggling, and dancing as they waited in the line that snaked out to the street.
  • 1993 — Jeannine Stein, "Biting Into a New Career", Los Angeles Times, 2 May 1993:
    "The impressive thing in terms of Brent is that he's really on it, he's really committed to doing all these projects," says Sean MacPherson, a club impresario who co-owns The Olive, the clubby restaurant favored by young Hollywood and other trendites.
  • 1993 — "Foods of the Famous", Buffalo News, 11 July 1993:
    One of the best scenes in Steve Martin's movie "LA Story" has California trendites ordering their own baffling range of coffees, from double-decaf espressos to cappuccino, hold the cream.
  • 1995 — Coerte V. W. Felske, The Shallow Man, Crown Publishers (1995), →ISBN, page 172:
    It has a New York feel to it and seeks out those itinerant trendites who have come to party in Florida's fashion stopover.
  • 1995 — Kendall Morgan, "Reggae in Addison? It's a Moet Point", Dallas Morning News, 28 September 1995:
    The brewery is already drawing the trendites and neighborhood types and, of course, the city's true beer connoisseurs.
  • 1996 — Elizabeth Snead, "Taking a shine to '70s paintsuits", USA Today, 11 January 1996:
    True trendites will wear 'em with clunky-heel black boots.
  • 1996 — David Booth, "Biking in Greece's beauty", Toronto Star, 22 July 1996:
    Despite scenery and decor that would drive Yorkville trendites to distraction, none seemed overladen with tourists.
  • 2000 — Insight Guide: Tokyo, APA Publications (2000), →ISBN, page 48 (image caption):
    Left: a Shibuya trendite sporting tinted hair and tanned skin.
  • 2001 — Pat Bruno, "Best of the Best", Chicago Sun-Times, 9 February 2011:
    This place is filled with 30-something trendites, but those are the people to follow when you hit the sushi trail; []
  • 2002 — Valli Herman-Cohen, "Tyler Tailors His Style to Hip Sportswear", Los Angeles Times, 17 April 2002:
    Surrounded by legions of young trendites in low-slung jeans and shrunken tops, the elegantly dressed actress was out of her element.
  • 2003 — Julie Ihle, "Get those water-toting wannabes out of my giggle class", Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2003:
    And there's hardly a trendite in Sydney who isn't seen wandering around the eastern suburbs on Saturdays with a blue mat tucked under one arm and wearing an outfit that screams: "Look at me! I'm on the way to yoga class."
  • 2007 — Michael Vasquez, "The Needle and the Damage Done", Urb, 29 March 2007:
    Through it all, vinyl has endured, but there's no doubt it got sucker-punched by CDs, knocked to the canvas when the pills wore off for the DJ-come-lately trendites, and subsequently bodyslammed by MP3 DJing à la Final Scratch and Serato, which jumped from high on the ropes.
  • 2008 — Richard Roeper, "New iPhone? Maybe it's cool to go old school", Chicago-Sun Times, 10 June 2008:
    So now all the iPhone trendites (myself included) are expected to buy the thinner, cooler, iPhone 3G next month?