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English citations of wagecuck

Noun: "(Internet slang, derogatory) a person who works a mindless, low-paying job"

2017 2020 2021 2020
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.

  • 2017, Benjamin Thomas Collins, "Who Are Anonymous?: A Study of Online Activism", thesis submitted to King's College London, page 276:
    This Ressentiment, this focus on extolling the virtues of the ‘weak’ in any situation calls back to Anonymous’ gestation on 4chan, a place which to this day still frequently sees similar discussion among people who are (or claim to be) desperately poor, disaffected or lonely; using a shield of Ressentiment against so-called ‘wage-cucks’ or ‘normies’ with jobs, houses or who have any kind of genuine emotional connection to another human being.
  • 2020, "Gradient descent", "How To Create A Company That Co-Op Students Thirst After", mathNEWS (University of Waterloo), 10 July 2020, page 9:
    I've written a lot and looking back, I wonder why I wrote all this (probably sound like a wagecuck but hey, I probably am one). So let's just end off with this: hire me plz.
  • 2020, Katrine Rummelhoff, "Incels and Misogyny: what’s so appealing about hatred?", thesis submitted to the University of Oslo, page 41:
    The use of the word “wagecuck” is telling as it directly relates the action of working to the subject position of being a cuck.
  • 2021, anonymous, quoted in Hugo Engholm, "The lack of looks: A study on the Incel ideology of Incelism during the 2010s–2020s and its relation to historical and contemporary ideologies particularly within far right milieus", thesis submitted to the University of Uppsala, page 62:
    “Average man is a crippling lonely wagecuck with two childhood friends and a 7 year long dryspell [sic].”
  • 2021, Chet Preston, acknowledgements in "Acoustoelectric Imaging of Deep Brain Stimulation Currents", dissertation submitted to the University of Arizona, page 4:
    Somehow, we survived Pri’s lab. Brighter days after that. Too bad you’re both wagecucks.
  • 2022, Josh Vandiver, "'Apollo Has Saved Us!': Global Ambition and Metapolitical Warfare", Journal for the Study of Radicalism, Volume 16, Issue 1, Spring 2022:
    The term enjoys astonishingly rapid and widespread uptake in the manosphere and the popular culture more broadly, even taking on additive forms: for instance, one now finds attacks on “cuckservatives” (faux conservatives) and “wagecucks” (men who surrender their time and liberty for a capitalist sinecure).
Not durably archived:
  • 2021 28 April,, /r9k/, post #63420124
    Idk man, boomers seem so highly engrossed in/proud of the fact that they throw away 40+hrs of their week every fucking week and I literally can't imagine working that much and not thinking every second I'm there that there has to be another way to live that isn't this shit wagecuck existence.
  • 2021 28 April,, /r9k/, post #63414683
    [] the enserfed farmer of 0AD is basically the same, psychologically, as the modern wagecuck []
  • 2015 22 December,, /fit/, post #35334478
    Not really, still a wagecuck in retail, still no gf
  • 2015, 21 December,, /int/, post #52449870
    Now that I've finished college I'm directionless. I'm almost too beta for this world. I would probably end up being a wagecuck in a shitty job.

Verb: "(Internet slang, derogatory) to work in a mindless, low-paying job"

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2022, Yathukulan Yogarajah, 'Hodling' on: Memetic storytelling and digital folklore within a cryptocurrency world", Economy and Society, Volume 51, Issue 3, page 483:
    /biz users are often young, male, white and looking to get rich, though not through being ‘wagecucked’ – a term reserved for someone working away at a dead-end job.