Citations:wizard's sleeve

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English citations of wizard's sleeve

Noun: "(slang, vulgar) the vagina"

2013 2014 2016
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2013, Don Calame, Call the Shots, unnumbered page:
    "I'm telling you, it is," Coop says. "I've seen enough closeup shots of the wizard's sleeve to know one when I'm looking at one. And if you don't acknowledge receipt of this wonderful gift, you'll be insulting her.”
  • 2013, Nick Oldham, Psycho Alley, unnumbered page:
    'Henry, me old mate,' he'd said drunkenly once, 'losin' it all for the sake of a wizard's sleeve is bloody crass stupidity.'
  • 2014, Shane Colwell, Tsunami Eyes, page 160:
    [] Not that I've been with any woman like that. I'd imagine such a woman would have a flange like a wizard's sleeve," Jamie said.
    "'Wizard's sleeve,' you say?"
    “Yes, a particularly capacious sausage wallet.”
    "Aaah, I see now," Aaban said, nodding. "You can never know that for sure about a woman's past. [] \
  • 2014, Vaughan Humphries, Like a Shag on a Rock, unnumbered page:
    'It's a disappearing act she pulled out of her “wizard's sleeve”.'
  • 2016, Liliana Hart, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, unnumbered page:
    [] I'm thinking my wizard's sleeve is in need of a healing spell, if you catch my drift.”
  • 2016, Lydia Michaels, La Vie en Rose, page:
    "Oh, how was your girlie appointment? Everything okay with the old wizard's sleeve?"