Citations:worker bee

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English citations of worker bee

  • 1991, Gene Stratton-Porter, The Keeper of the Bees, reprint edition, Indiana University Press, →ISBN, page 197:
    Then, a worker bee has got six thousand eyes of each side of its head so it can see the flowers that it wants to get the pollen and the nectar from.

English citations of worker-bee

  • 2010, James F. Robinson, British Bee-Farming - Its Profits and Pleasures, READ BOOKS, →ISBN, page 118:
    The worker-bee is an imperfectly-developed queen or female. [...] Some writers have divided them into several sections, according to their work or tasks assigned them in the hive; thus they have nurses, wax-makers, ventilators, honey-collectors, &c. This we believe to be only imaginary, for every bee in the course of its life may undertake each of the above divisions of labour.