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Delirious from drugs

2004 April 17, Daniel, “Kerry for Prez?”, in alabama.shoals.general[1] (Usenet):
sometimes he is just plain old gotta-love-him completly zoinked nuts in the noggin, crazy as a spinbug, and insane in the midbrain, and loopy as a loon.
2003 June 26, Gary S. Callison, “Hoorah for the SCOTUS”, in[2] (Usenet):
According to a graphic in yesterday's Post, it is still illegal to get zoinked in the dumper in the state of Virginia.
2002 July 26, Tobey, “Prozac + Trazodone: Do the side effects go away?”, in[3] (Usenet):
I've gone from feeling *great* but a little jittery and sleepless during the first week (I'm guessing it was just effect of therapy and just feeling like I was getting on a better track), to being "zoinked" for the last three days. I've been in a total daze.