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The Palette variables shown below are defined in MediaWiki:Gadget-Palette.css. To request a new variable to be added, do so here using this format: <name> <light mode hex code> <dark mode hex code>.

Examples of palette variables in light and dark mode
Variable name Light mode Dark mode
--wikt-palette-white #ffffff #101418
--wikt-palette-black #202122 #eaecf0
--wikt-palette-beige #fffbf2 #2f1f10
--wikt-palette-grey #9e9e9e #4e4e4e
--wikt-palette-lightgrey #cccccc #3d3d3d
--wikt-palette-lightergrey #eeeeee #242424
--wikt-palette-pink #ffe0f0 #612042
--wikt-palette-peach #e4d4c0 #58230a
--wikt-palette-gold #b88d00 #edd174
--wikt-palette-dullgold #826f34 #c9b165
--wikt-palette-yellow #ebe8b9 #52421c
--wikt-palette-dullyellow #dedbc1 #3a3520
--wikt-palette-palegreen #e2f6e2 #112511
--wikt-palette-palergreen #f8fffa #051f0c
--wikt-palette-mint #c0e4c0 #194819
--wikt-palette-forestgreen #235923 #499149
--wikt-palette-paleblue #f8f9fa #1c2229
--wikt-palette-cyan #eaffff #184e4e
--wikt-palette-lightblue #d9ebff #0e4887
--wikt-palette-dullblue #49555f #b8c0c5
--wikt-palette-dullcyan #eaecf0 #27292d
--wikt-palette-deepblue #2f445c #a5c3e1
--wikt-palette-lavender #f8f8ff #15202b
--wikt-palette-lightyellow #ffffe0 #24241a