Module:R:M&A/memory special cases

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local special_case_a = { ["20"]={"_ea"," quae a terra stirpibus continentur_","the vegetable kingdom."},["35"]={"_collis leniter ab infimo acclivis_ (opp. _leniter a summo declivis_)","a gentle ascent."},["150"]={"_est a septentrionibus collis_","a hill lies to the north."},["184"]={"_a mille passibus_","a mile away."},["236"]={"_discedere a"," de"," ex loco aliquo_","to leave a place."},["464"]={"_a latere regis esse_","to belong to the king's bodyguard."},["538"]={"_sevocare mentem a sensibus_ (De Nat. D. 3. 8. 21)","to free one's mind from the influences of the senses."},["539"]={"_aliquid a sensibus meis abhorret_","something offends my instincts"," goes against the grain."},["553"]={"_Cato Uticensis ortus erat a Catone Censorio_","Cato of Utica was a direct descendant of Cato the Censor."},["555"]={"_Romae natus"," (a) Roma oriundus_","a native of Rome."},["576"]={"_a puero (is)"," a parvo (is)"," a parvulo (is)_","from youth up."},["577"]={"_a teneris unguiculis_ (ἐξ ἁπαλων ὀνύχων) (Fam. 1. 6. 2)","from one's cradle"," from one's earliest childhood."},["901"]={"_a fortuna desertum"," derelictum esse_","to be abandoned by good luck."},["1050"]={"_voluntatem_or _animum alicuius a se abalienare"," aliquem a se abalienare_ or _alienare_","to become estranged"," alienated from some one."},["1094"]={"_nihil tibi a me postulanti recusabo_","I will refuse you nothing."},["1142"]={"_aliquid alienum (a) dignitate sua_ or merely _a se ducere_","to consider a thing beneath one's dignity."},["1158"]={"_res a me probatur_","I express my approval of a thing."},["1250"]={"_nullum tempus a labore intermittere_","not to leave off work for an instant."},["1299"]={"_animum a voluptate sevocare_","to hold aloof from all amusement."},["1368"]={"_a sententia sua discedere_","to give up one's opinion."},["1388"]={"_opinio praeiudicata_"," also simply _opinio_ (not _praeiudicium_ = a preliminary decision)","prejudice."},["1404"]={"_a vero aversum esse_ (Catil. 3. 1. 29)","to be averse to truth."},["1405"]={"_a veritate deflectere"," desciscere_","to swerve from the truth."},["1408"]={"_a vero abduci_","to be led away from the truth."},["1410"]={"_a vero non abhorrere_","to be probable."},["1413"]={"_vera et falsa (a falsis) diiudicare_","to distinguish true and false."},["1473"]={"_a consilio deterreri aliqua re_","to be deterred from one's intention by something."},["1506"]={"_propositum"," consilium tenere_ (opp. _a proposito deterreri_)","to abide by one's resolution."},["1514"]={"_a me impetrare non possum"," ut_","I cannot bring myself to..."},["1635"]={"_a doctrina mediocriter instructum esse_","to have received only a moderate education."},["1658"]={"_homines"," gentem a fera agrestique vita ad humanum cultum civilemque deducere_ (De Or. 1. 8. 33)","to civilise men"," a nation."},["1709"]={"_exempla petere"," repetere a rerum gestarum memoria_ or _historiarum (annalium"," rerum gestarum) monumentis_","to borrow instances from history."},["1710"]={"_exempla a rerum Romanarum (Graecarum) memoria petita_","examples taken from Roman (Greek) history."},["1713"]={"_a Socrate exemplum virtutis petere"," repetere_","to quote Socrates as a model of virtue."},["1749"]={"_qui sunt a Platone_ or _a Platonis disciplina; qui profecti sunt a Platone; Platonici_","disciples of Plato"," Platonists."},["1783"]={"_a certa ratione proficisci_","to be based on a sound principle."},["1784"]={"_a falsis principiis proficisci_","to start from false premises."},["1792"]={"_a definitione proficisci_","to start from a definition."},["1824"]={"_positum est a nobis primum_ (c. Acc. c. Inf.)","we start by presupposing that..."},["1854"]={"_hoc est a (pro) me_","this goes to prove what I say."},["1872"]={"_a se dissidere_ or _sibi non constare_ (of persons)","to contradict oneself"," be inconsistent."},["1905"]={"_ut a fabulis ad facta veniamus_","to pass from myth to history."},["1942"]={"_(artis"," artium) intellegens"," peritus_[1] (opp. _idiota_"," a layman)","a connoisseur; a specialist."},["1990"]={"_symphōnīa canit_ (Verr. 3. 44. 105)","the orchestra is playing."},["2192"]={"_digredi (a proposito)_ (De Or. 2. 77. 311)","to digress"," deviate."},["2231"]={"_a proposito aberrare"," declinare"," deflectere"," digredi"," egredi_","to digress from the point at issue."},["2290"]={"_aliquid a consuetudine sermonis latini abhorret"," alienum est_","the expression is not in accordance with Latin usage."},["2352"]={"_verbum ductum esse a...putare_","to derive a word from... (used of an etymologist)."},["2353"]={"_originem verbi repetere a..._","to derive a word from... (used of an etymologist)."},["2394"]={"_oriri a longa_ (De Or. 1. 55. 236)","to begin with a long syllable."},["2460"]={"_epistula ad Atticum data"," scripta"," missa_ or _quae ad A. scripta est_","a letter to Atticus."},["2478"]={"_litteras reddere datas a. d. Kal. X. Octob._","to deliver a letter dated September 21st."},["2560"]={"_a metu respirare_ (Cluent. 70. 200)","to recover from one's fright."},["2723"]={"_de fide deducere_ or _a fide abducere aliquem_","to undermine a person's loyalty."},["2751"]={"_suspicionem a se removere"," depellere"," propulsare_ (Verr. 3. 60. 140)","to clear oneself of a suspicion."},["2756"]={"_a suspicione alicuius rei abhorrere_","to have no presentiment of a thing."},["2820"]={"_a virtute discedere_ or _deficere_","to deviate from the path of virtue."},["2822"]={"_a maiorum virtute desciscere"," degenerare"," deflectere_","to deteriorate."},["2823"]={"_a parentibus degenerare_","to degenerate (from one's ancestors)."},["3007"]={"_aliquid abhorret a meis moribus_ (opp. _insitum [atque innatum] est animo_ or _in animo alicuius_)","something is contrary to my moral sense"," goes against my principles."},["3028"]={"_aliquem ab inferis_ or _a mortuis evocare"," excitare_ (passive _ab inferis exsistere_)","to summon some one from the dead."},["3083"]={"_precari aliquid a deo_","to pray to God."},["3117"]={"_diem festum celebrare_ (of a larger number)","to keep"," celebrate a festival."},["3171"]={"_rem bene (male) gerere_[1] (_vid._ sect. XVI. 10a)","to manage one's affairs"," household"," property well or ill."},["3311"]={"_sermo inductus a tali exordio_","the conversation began in this way."},["3381"]={"_exheredari a patre_","to be disinherited."},["3393"]={"_a vetere consuetudine discedere_","to give up old customs."},["3394"]={"_a pristina consuetudine deflectere_","to give up old customs."},["3592"]={"_a negotiis publicis se removere_","to retire from public life."},["3593"]={"_a re publica recedere_","to retire from public life."},["3701"]={"_a lege discedere_","to transgress a law."},["3755"]={"_a partibus rei publicae animus liber_ (Sall. Cat. 4. 2)","an independent spirit."},["3791"]={"_a re publica deficere_","to betray the interests of the state."},["3879"]={"_iugum servile a cervicibus deicere_ (Phil. 1. 2. 6)","to shake off the yoke of slavery."},["3886"]={"_rem publicam in libertatem vindicare a_ or _ex dominatione_","to deliver the state from a tyranny."},["3890"]={"_pecuniam cogere a civitatibus_","to extort money from the communities."},["3922"]={"_repulsam ferre consulatus (a populo)_ (Tusc. 5. 19. 54)","to fail in one's candidature for the consulship."},["3979"]={"_appellare_[3] _tribunos plebis (in aliqua re a praetore)_ (Liv. 2. 55)","to appeal to the plebeian tribunes against a praetor's decision."},["4003"]={"_a senatu res ad populum reicitur_","a matter is referred (for decision) from the senate to the people."},["4064"]={"_aliquem a ceteris separare et in arcam conicere ne quis cum eo colloqui possit_ (Mil. 22. 60)","to isolate a witness."},["4079"]={"_adhuc sub iudice lis est_ (Hor. A. P. 77)","the case is still undecided."},["4115"]={"_abesse a culpa_","to be free from blame."},["4116"]={"_prope abesse a culpa_","to be almost culpable."},["4125"]={"_culpam a se amovere_[1]","to exonerate oneself from blame."},["4322"]={"_signa sequi_ (opp. _a signis discedere"," signa relinquere_)","to follow the standards."},["4425"]={"_salutem petere a victore_","to beg for mercy from the conqueror."},["4495"]={"_hostes a tergo adoriri_","to attack the enemy in the rear."},["4516"]={"_circumvenire hostem aversum_ or _a tergo_ (B. G. 2. 26)","to surround the enemy from the rear."},["4635"]={"_a senatu amicus_[1] _appellatus est_ (B. G. 1. 3)","he received from the senate the title of friend."}}

local special_case_de = {["22"]={"_arbores stirpesque, herbae stirpesque_ (De Fin. 5. 11. 33)","the vegetable kingdom."},["23"]={"_radices agere_ (De Off. 2. 12. 73)","to take root."},["142"]={"_de caelo tangi, percuti_","to be struck by lightning."},["204"]={"_de via declinare, deflectere_ (also metaphorically)","to turn aside from the right way; to deviate."},["205"]={"_(de via) decedere alicui_","make way for any one."},["211"]={"_fessus de via_","weary with travelling; way-worn."},["236"]={"_discedere a, de, ex loco aliquo_","to leave a place."},["238"]={"_decedere loco, de, ex loco_[2]","to quit a place for ever."},["297"]={"_se deicere de muro_","to throw oneself from the ramparts."},["298"]={"_deicere aliquem de saxo Tarpeio_","to throw some one down the Tarpeian rock."},["409"]={"_de nocte, de die_","while it is still night, day."},["410"]={"_multa de nocte_","late at night."},["444"]={"_aures elegantes, teretes, tritae_ (De Or. 9. 27)","a fine, practised ear."},["473"]={"_de manu in manus_ or _per manus tradere aliquid_","to pass a thing from hand to hand."},["474"]={"_ex_ or _de manibus alicui_ or _alicuius extorquere aliquid_","to wrest from a person's hand."},["480"]={"_e (de) manibus effugere_,[5] _elābi_","to slip, escape from the hands."},["531"]={"_res sensibus_ or _oculis subiectae_ (De Fin. 5. 12. 36)","the world of sense, the visible world."},["538"]={"_sevocare mentem a sensibus_ (De Nat. D. 3. 8. 21)","to free one's mind from the influences of the senses."},["578"]={"_ab ineunte (prima) aetate_ (De Or. 1. 21. 97)","from one's entry into civil life."},["710"]={"_somniare de aliquo_","to dream of a person."},["711"]={"_(de) vita decedere_ or merely _decedere_","to depart this life."},["713"]={"_de vita exire, de (ex) vita migrare_","to depart this life."},["741"]={"_e_ or _de medio tollere_","to remove a person."},["742"]={"_perii! actum est de me!_ (Ter. Ad. 3. 2. 26)","I'm undone! it's all up with me!"},["812"]={"_iustis de_[1] _causis_","for valid reasons."},["982"]={"_consolari aliquem de aliqua re_","to comfort a man in a matter; to condole with him."},["1069"]={"_bene, praeclare (melius, optime) mereri_[1] _de aliquo_","to deserve well at some one's hands; to do a service to..."},["1070"]={"_male mereri de aliquo_","to deserve ill of a person; to treat badly."},["1164"]={"_conqueri, expostulare cum aliquo de aliqua re_","to expostulate with a person about a thing."},["1186"]={"_certiorem facere aliquem_ (_alicuius rei_ or _de aliqua re_)","to inform a person."},["1187"]={"_mentionem facere alicuius rei_ or _de aliqua re_[1]","to mention a thing."},["1188"]={"_mentionem inicere de aliqua re_ or Acc. c. Inf.","to mention a thing incidentally, casually."},["1207"]={"_de gloria, fama alicuius detrahere_","to detract from a person's reputation, wilfully underestimate a person."},["1214"]={"_bona, mala existimatio est de aliquo_","to have a good or bad reputation, be spoken well, ill of."},["1243"]={"_opus_[1] _facere_ (De Senect. 7. 24)","to do work (especially agricultural)."},["1247"]={"_desudare et elaborare in aliqua re_ (De Senect. 11. 38)","to exert oneself very considerably in a matter."},["1347"]={"_cogitationes in res humiles abicere_ (De Amic. 9. 32) (Opp. _alte spectare, ad altiora tendere, altum, magnificum, divinum suspicere_)","to study the commonplace."},["1349"]={"_intellegentiae adumbratae_[1] or _incohatae_ (De Leg. 1. 22. 59)","vague, undeveloped ideas."},["1369"]={"_de sententia sua decedere_","to give up one's opinion."},["1370"]={"_(de) sententia desistere_","to give up one's opinion."},["1371"]={"_de sententia deici, depelli, deterreri_","to be forced to change one's mind."},["1372"]={"_de sententia aliquem deducere, movere_","to make a man change his opinion."},["1396"]={"_de se (ex se de aliis) coniecturam facere_","to judge others by oneself."},["1470"]={"_consilium capere, inire_ (_de aliqua re_, with Gen. gerund., with Inf., more rarely _ut_)","to form a plan, make a resolution."},["1481"]={"_consilium habere (de aliqua re)_","to deliberate together (of a number of people)."},["1482"]={"_consultare_ or _deliberare (de aliqua re)_","to deliberate, consider (of individuals)."},["1528"]={"_de industria, dedita opera_ (opp. _imprudens_)","designedly; intentionally."},["1544"]={"_ex memoria_ (opp. _de scripto_)","from memory; by heart."},["1580"]={"_ad artem, ad rationem revocare aliquid_ (De Or. 2. 11. 44)","to reduce a thing to its theoretical principles; to apply theory to a thing."},["1607"]={"_in litteris elaborare_ (De Sen. 8. 26)","to apply oneself very closely to literary, scientific work."},["1634"]={"_doctrina abundare_ (De Or. 3. 16. 59)","to be a man of great learning."},["1638"]={"_studia, quae in reconditis artibus versantur_ (De Or. 1. 2. 8)","abstruse studies."},["1644"]={"_penitus percipere et comprehendere aliquid_ (De Or. 1. 23. 108)","to have a thorough grasp of a subject."},["1653"]={"_sunt in illo, ut in homine Romano, multae litterae_ (De Sen. 4. 12)","for a Roman he is decidedly well educated."},["1658"]={"_homines, gentem a fera agrestique vita ad humanum cultum civilemque deducere_ (De Or. 1. 8. 33)","to civilise men, a nation."},["1690"]={"_aliquid efficere, consequi in aliqua re_ (De Or. 1. 33. 152)","to obtain a result in something."},["1691"]={"_adulescens alios bene de se sperare iubet, bonam spem ostendit_ or _alii de adulescente bene sperare possunt_","he is a young man of great promise."},["1720"]={"_sibi exemplum sumere ex aliquo_ or _exemplum capere de aliquo_","to take a lesson from some one's example."},["1727"]={"_praecepta dare, tradere de aliqua re_","to give advice, directions, about a matter."},["1740"]={"_Ciceronis de philosophia libri_","Cicero's philosophical writings."},["1750"]={"_Solo, unus de septem (illis)_","Solon, one of the seven sages."},["1754"]={"_tradere (aliquid de aliqua re)_","to teach"},["1760"]={"_disserendi subtilitas_ (De Or. 1. 1. 68)","dialectical nicety."},["1767"]={"_philosophia, quae est de vita et moribus_ (Acad. 1. 5. 19)","moral science; ethics."},["1768"]={"_philosophia, in qua de bonis rebus et malis, deque hominum vita et moribus disputatur_","moral science; ethics."},["1774"]={"_ad rationem, ad artem et praecepta revocare aliquid_ (De Or. 1. 41)","to systematise."},["1795"]={"_constituere, quid et quale sit, de quo disputetur_","to determine the nature and constitution of the subject under discussion."},["1815"]={"_loci (τόποι) argumentorum_ (De Or. 2. 162)","the points on which proofs are based; the grounds of proof."},["1830"]={"_disputare_[1] (_de aliqua re, ad aliquid_)","to discuss, investigate a subject scientifically."},["1832"]={"_in utramque partem, in contrarias partes disputare_ (De Or. 1. 34)","to discuss both sides of a question."},["1844"]={"_in controversiam vocari, adduci, venire_ (De Or. 2. 72. 291)","to be contested, become the subject of debate."},["1848"]={"_id, de quo agitur_ or _id quod cadit in controversiam_","the point at issue."},["1890"]={"_duplex est memoria de aliqua re_","a twofold tradition prevails on this subject."},["1958"]={"_carmina , versus fundere_ (De Or. 3. 50)","to write poetry with facility."},["1983"]={"_fidibus discere_ (De Sen. 8. 26)","to learn to play a stringed instrument."},["1992"]={"_modi_ (De Or. 1. 42. 187)","the melody."},["1996"]={"_ars pingendi, pictura_ (De Or. 2. 16. 69)","the art of painting."},["2001"]={"_ars ludicra_ (De Or. 2. 20. 84)","the dramatic art."},["2013"]={"_de scaena decedere_","to retire from the stage."},["2063"]={"_disertum esse_ (De Or. 1. 21. 94)","to be fluent."},["2064"]={"_eloquentem esse_ (De Or. 1. 21. 94)","to be a capable, finished speaker."},["2117"]={"_flumen_[3] _orationis_ (De Or. 2. 15. 62)","flow of oratory."},["2125"]={"_oratio inquinata_[4] (De Opt. Gen. Or. 3. 7)","incorrect language."},["2131"]={"_lumina, flores dicendi_ (De Or. 3. 25. 96)","flowers of rhetoric; embellishments of style."},["2139"]={"_exponere aliquid_ or _de aliqua re_","to give an account of a thing (either orally or in writing)."},["2147"]={"_de ingenio moribusque alicuius exponere_","to make a character-sketch of a person."},["2151"]={"_rerum sub aspectum paene subiectio_ (De Or. 3. 53. 202)","graphic depiction."},["2165"]={"_multum, nimium esse (in aliqua re)_ (De Or. 2. 4. 17)","to go deeply into a matter, discuss it fully."},["2167"]={"_fusius, uberius, copiosius disputare, dicere de aliqua re_","to speak at great length on a subject, discuss very fully."},["2188"]={"_interponere aliquid_ (De Am. 1. 3)","to interpolate, insert something."},["2192"]={"_digredi (a proposito)_ (De Or. 2. 77. 311)","to digress, deviate."},["2195"]={"_oratio longius repetita_ (De Or. 3. 24. 91)","a rather recondite speech."},["2203"]={"_de scripto orationem_[3] _habere, dicere_ (opp. _sine scripto, ex memoria_)","to read a speech."},["2223"]={"_dispositio rerum_ (De Inv. 1. 7. 9)","the arrangement of the subject-matter."},["2239"]={"_ponere alicui, de quo disputet_","to set some one a theme for discussion."},["2240"]={"_ponere iubere, qua de re quis audire velit_ (Fin. 2. 1. 1)","to let those present fix any subject they like for discussion."},["2245"]={"_res, de qua nunc quaerimus, quaeritur_","the question at issue."},["2252"]={"_percontanti non deesse_ (De Or. 1. 21. 97)","to answer every question."},["2264"]={"_arcessitum dictum_ (De Or. 2. 63. 256)","a far-fetched joke."},["2276"]={"_ineptum esse_ (De Or. 2. 4. 17)","to be silly, without tact."},["2283"]={"_eiusdem linguae societate coniunctum esse cum aliquo_ (De Or. 3. 59. 223)","to be united by having a common language."},["2301"]={"_ab_ or _de_ (not _ex_) _Platone vertere, convertere, transferre_","to translate from Plato."},["2314"]={"_grammaticus_[3] (De Or. 1. 3. 10)","a linguist, philologian."},["2325"]={"_lectissimis verbis uti_ (De Or. 3. 37)","to employ carefully chosen expressions."},["2337"]={"_ne verbum_ (without _unum_) _quidem de aliquo facere_","to say not a syllable about a person."},["2338"]={"_verba facere (de aliqua re, apud aliquem)_","to speak on a subject."},["2394"]={"_oriri a longa_ (De Or. 1. 55. 236)","to begin with a long syllable."},["2409"]={"_librum conficere, componere_ (De Sen. 1. 2)","to compose, compile a book."},["2417"]={"_est liber de..._","there exists a book on..."},["2425"]={"_hic liber est de amicitia_ (not _agit_) or _hoc libro agitur de am._","the book treats of friendship."},["2433"]={"_librum de manibus ponere_[3]","to lay down a book (_vid._ sect. XII. 3, note _vestem deponere..._)."},["2479"]={"_animi affectio_ or _habitus_ (De Inv. 2. 5)","humour; disposition."},["2506"]={"_doleo aliquid, aliqua re, de_ and _ex aliqua re_","I am pained, vexed, sorry."},["2530"]={"_non laborare de aliqua re_","not to trouble oneself about a thing."},["2605"]={"_animum alicuius de statu, de gradu demovere_ (more strongly _depellere, deturbare_)","to disconcert a person."},["2606"]={"_de statu suo_ or _mentis deici_ (Att. 16. 15)","to lose one's composure; to be disconcerted."},["2607"]={"_de gradu deici, ut dicitur_[1]","to lose one's composure; to be disconcerted."},["2619"]={"_quid (de) me fiet?_ (Ter. Heaut. 4. 3. 37)","what will become of me?"},["2620"]={"_actum est de me_","it's all over with me; I'm a lost man."},["2625"]={"_bene, optime (meliora) sperare de aliquo_ (Nep. Milt. 1. 1)","to hope well of a person."},["2654"]={"_exspectationem explere_ (De Or. 1. 47. 205)","to fulfil expectation."},["2663"]={"_misericordia moveri, capi_ (De Or. 2. 47)","to be touched with pity."},["2702"]={"_studio ardere alicuius_ or _alicuius rei_ (De Or. 2. 1. 1)","to have enthusiasm for a person or thing."},["2723"]={"_de fide deducere_ or _a fide abducere aliquem_","to undermine a person's loyalty."},["2740"]={"_fidem facere, afferre alicui rei_ (opp. _demere, de-, abrogare fidem_)","to make a thing credible."},["2743"]={"_praestare aliquem, aliquid, de aliqua re_ or Acc. c. Inf.","to be answerable for a person, a thing."},["2745"]={"_suspicionem habere de aliquo_","to suspect a person."},["2772"]={"_capitali odio dissidere ab aliquo_ (De Am. 1. 2)","to be separated by a deadly hatred."},["2789"]={"_virus acerbitatis suae effundere in aliquem_ (De Amic. 23. 87)","to vent one's anger, spite on some one."},["2830"]={"_vitia erumpunt (in aliquem)_ (De Amic. 21. 76)","his vices betray themselves."},["2881"]={"_satisfacere alicui pro (de) iniuriis_","to give some one satisfaction for an injury."},["2914"]={"_specie_ (De Amic. 13. 47)","apparently; to look at."},["2941"]={"_de, ab officio decedere_","to neglect one's duty."},["2956"]={"_studiis suis obsequi_ (De Or. 1. 1. 3)","to follow one's inclinations."},["3000"]={"_praecepta de moribus_ or _de virtute_","moral precepts."},["3002"]={"_de virtute praecipere alicui_","to give moral advice, rules of conduct."},["3044"]={"_divinitus_ (De Or. 1. 46. 202)","by divine inspiration (often = marvellously, excellently)."},["3132"]={"_de caelo servare_ (Att. 4. 3. 3)","to observe the sky (_i.e._ the flight of birds, lightning, thunder, etc.)"},["3160"]={"_deducere_[3] _aliquem de domo_","to escort a person from his house."},["3177"]={"_severum imperium in suis exercere, tenere_ (De Sen. 11. 37)","to be a strict disciplinarian in one's household."},["3181"]={"_demovere, deicere aliquem de possessione_","to dispossess a person."},["3235"]={"_de suo_ (opp. _alieno_) _vivere_","to live on one's means."},["3278"]={"_facilitas, faciles mores_ (De Am. 3. 11)","a sociable, affable disposition."},["3301"]={"_sermonem inferre de aliqua re_","to turn the conversation on to a certain subject."},["3303"]={"_sermo incidit de aliqua re_","the conversation turned on..."},["3309"]={"_sermonem habere cum aliquo de aliqua re_ (De Am. 1. 3)","to converse, talk with a person on a subject."},["3342"]={"_inter se consalutare_ (De Or. 2. 3. 13)","to exchange greetings."},["3348"]={"_gratulari alicui aliquid_ or _de aliqua re_","to congratulate a person on something."},["3363"]={"_nuntium remittere alicui_ (De Or. 1. 40)","to separate, be divorced (used of man or woman)."},["3380"]={"_exheres paternorum bonorum_ (De Or. 1. 38. 175)","disinherited."},["3389"]={"_in nostros mores inducere aliquid_ (De Or. 2. 28)","to introduce a thing into our customs; to familiarise us with a thing."},["3414"]={"_transigere aliquid (de aliqua re) cum aliquo_ or _inter se_","to transact, settle a matter with some one."},["3468"]={"_de capite deducere_ (_vid._ sect. XII. 1, note _Notice too..._) _aliquid_","to subtract something from the capital."},["3471"]={"_rationem ab aliquo reptere de aliqua re_ (Cluent. 37. 104)","to demand an account, an audit of a matter."},["3499"]={"_fides (de foro) sublata est_ (Leg. Agr. 2. 3. 8)","credit has disappeared."},["3502"]={"_laborare de pecunia_","to have pecuniary difficulties."},["3540"]={"_ut sementem feceris, ita metes_ (proverb.) (De Or. 2. 65)","as you sow, so will you reap."},["3551"]={"_arbores serere_ (De Sen. 7. 24)","to plant trees."},["3612"]={"_bene, optime sentire de re publica_","to have the good of the state at heart."},["3613"]={"_omnia de re publica praeclara atque egregia sentire_","to have the good of the state at heart."},["3614"]={"_rector civitatis_ (De Or. 1. 48. 211)","the head of the state."},["3618"]={"_prudentia (civilis)_ (De Or. 1. 19. 85)","statesmanship; political wisdom."},["3622"]={"_longe prospicere futuros casus rei publicae_ (De Amic. 12. 40)","to foresee political events long before."},["3645"]={"_homo plebeius, de plebe_","one of the people."},["3649"]={"_unus de_ or _e multis_","one of the crowd; a mere individual."},["3659"]={"_aliquem de dignitatis gradu demovere_","to overthrow a person (cf. sect. IX. 6)."},["3660"]={"_aliquem gradu movere, depellere_ or _de gradu (statu) deicere_","to overthrow a person (cf. sect. IX. 6)."},["3667"]={"_de principatu deiectus_ (B. G. 7. 63)","deposed from one's high position."},["3668"]={"_contendere cum aliquo de principatu_ (Nep. Arist. 1)","to contend with some one for the pre-eminence."},["3715"]={"_in album referre_ (De Or. 2. 12. 52)","to record in the official tablets (_Annales maximi_)."},["3756"]={"_idem de re publica sentire_","to have the same political opinions."},["3795"]={"_coniurare (inter se) de_ c. Gerund. or _ut..._","to form a conspiracy."},["3822"]={"_de, e civitate aliquem eicere_","to banish a person, send him into exile."},["3823"]={"_exterminare (ex) urbe, de civitate aliquem_ (Mil. 37. 101)","to expel a person from the city, country."},["3837"]={"_postliminium_ (De Or. 1. 40. 181)","a returning from exile to one's former privileges."},["3916"]={"_manus prensare_[2] (De Or. 1. 24. 112)","to shake hands with voters in canvassing."},["3941"]={"_de potestate decedere_","to give up, lay down office (usually at the end of one's term of office)."},["3945"]={"_viri clari et honorati_ (De Sen. 7. 22)","men of rank and dignity."},["3946"]={"_honoribus ac reipublicae muneribus perfunctus_ (De Or. 1. 45)","a man who has held many offices."},["3950"]={"_aliquem consulem renuntiare_ (De Or. 2. 64. 260)","to offically proclaim (by the _praeco_, herald) a man elected consul; to return a man consul."},["3989"]={"_patres (senatum) consulere de aliqua re_ (Sall. Iug. 28)","to consult the senators on a matter."},["3992"]={"_senatus sententia inclīnat ad..._ (De Sen. 6. 16)","the senate inclines to the opinion, decides for..."},["3996"]={"_quid de ea re fieri placet?_","what is your opinion?"},["4012"]={"_de iure suo decedere_ or _cedere_","to waive one's right."},["4040"]={"_quaerere aliquid_ or _de aliqua re_","to hold an inquiry into a matter."},["4041"]={"_quaestionem habere de aliquo, de aliqua re_ or _in aliquem_","to examine a person, a matter."},["4061"]={"_quaerere tormentis de aliquo_","to have a person tortured."},["4062"]={"_de servis quaerere (in dominum)_","to examine slaves by torture."},["4074"]={"_patronus_[1] _(causae)_ (De Or. 2. 69)","counsel; advocate."},["4090"]={"_eximere de reis aliquem_","to strike a person's name off the list of the accused."},["4098"]={"_postulare aliquem repetundarum_[2] or _de repetundis_","to accuse a person of extortion (to recover the sums extorted)."},["4101"]={"_accusare aliquem ambitus, de ambitu_","to accuse some one of illegal canvassing."},["4102"]={"_accusare aliquem de vi, de veneficiis_","to accuse a person of violence, poisoning."},["4106"]={"_iudicare causam (de aliqua re)_","to decide on the conduct of the case."},["4134"]={"_supplicium sumere de aliquo_","to exact a penalty from some one."},["4142"]={"_luere_[1] _aliquid aliqua re_ (De Sen. 20)","to atone for something by..."},["4155"]={"_supplicium sumere de aliquo_","to execute the death-sentence on a person."},["4605"]={"_victoriam_ or _de victoria gratulari alicui_","to congratulate a person on his victory."},["4607"]={"_triumphare de aliquo (ex bellis)_","to triumph over some one."},["4608"]={"_triumphum_[1] _agere de_ or _ex aliquo_ or c. Gen. (_victoriae, pugnae_)","to triumph over some one."},["4614"]={"_agere cum aliquo de pace_","to treat with some one about peace."},["4696"]={"_sustinere, inhibere remos_ (De Or. 1. 33)","to stop rowing; to easy."},["4715"]={"_exire ex, de navi_","to land, disembark."},["4738"]={"_ut non (nihil) dicam de..._","not to mention..."},["4763"]={"_hoc dici potest de aliqua re_","this can be said of..., applies to..."},["4776"]={"_mihi quaedam dicenda sunt de hac re_","I have a few words to say on this."},["4783"]={"_sed de hoc alias pluribus_","more of this another time."},["4785"]={"_atque haec quidem de..._","so much for this subject...; enough has been said on..."},["4786"]={"_ac (sed) de ... satis dixi, dictum est_","so much for this subject...; enough has been said on..."},["4825"]={"_male_ (opp. _bene_) _narras (de)_","I am sorry to hear..."},["4846"]={"_sed manum de tabula!_","but enough!"}}

return { ["a"]=special_case_a, ["de"]=special_case_de }