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This is a private module sandbox of AmazingJus, for his own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at AmazingJus's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local export = {}

local find = mw.ustring.find
local len = mw.ustring.len
local match = mw.ustring.match
local gmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local sub = mw.ustring.sub

-- Mapping of initial consonants.
local initial_conv = {
	['ກ'] = 'k', ['ຂ'] = 'kh', ['ຄ'] = 'kh', ['ງ'] = 'ng',
	['ຈ'] = 'ch', ['ສ'] = 's', ['ຊ'] = 's', ['ຍ'] = 'ny',
	['ດ'] = 'd', ['ຕ'] = 't', ['ຖ'] = 'th', ['ທ'] = 'th', ['ນ'] = 'n',
	['ບ'] = 'b', ['ປ'] = 'p', ['ຜ'] = 'ph', ['ຝ'] = 'f', ['ພ'] = 'ph', ['ຟ'] = 'f', ['ມ'] = 'm',
	['ຢ'] = 'y', ['ຣ'] = 'r', ['ລ'] = 'l', ['ວ'] = 'w',
	['ຫ'] = 'h', ['ອ'] = 'ʼ', ['ຮ'] = 'h', ['ຼ'] = 'r',

	['ຫງ'] = 'ng',
	['ຫຍ'] = 'ny',
	['ຫນ'] = 'n', ['ໜ'] = 'n',
	['ຫມ'] = 'm', ['ໝ'] = 'm',
	['ຫຣ'] = 'r',
	['ຫລ'] = 'l', ['ຫຼ'] = 'l',
	['ຫວ'] = 'w',

	['ກຣ'] = 'kr', ['ກລ'] = 'kl',
	['ຂຣ'] = 'khr', ['ຄຣ'] = 'khr', ['ຂລ'] = 'khl', ['ຄລ'] = 'khl',
	['ປຣ'] = 'pr', ['ປລ'] = 'pl',
	['ພຣ'] = 'phr', ['ຟຣ'] = 'fr', ['ພລ'] = 'phl', ['ຟລ'] = 'fl',
	['ດຣ'] = 'dr', ['ຕຣ'] = 'tr'

-- Mapping of vowel combinations.
local vowel_conv = {
	['ະ'] = 'a', ['ັ'] = 'a',
	['ິ'] = 'i',
	['ຶ'] = 'ư', ['ຸ'] = 'u', ['ຸຍ'] = 'ui',
	['ເະ'] = 'e', ['ເັ'] = 'e',
	['ແະ'] = 'æ', ['ແັ'] = 'æ',
	['ໂະ'] = 'o', ['ົ'] = 'o',
	['ເາະ'] = 'ǫ', ['ັອ'] = 'ǫ',
	['ເິ'] = 'œ',
	['ເັຍ'] = 'ia', ['ັຽ'] = 'ia',
	['ເຶອ'] = 'ưa',
	['ົວະ'] = 'ua', ['ັວ'] = 'ua', ['ວັ'] = 'ua',
	['ໄ'] = 'ai', ['ໃ'] = 'ai', ['ັຍ'] = 'ai',
	['ເົາ'] = 'ao',
	['ົາວ'] = 'uau',
	['ຳ'] = 'am', ['ໍາ'] = 'am',
	['ວຳ'] = 'uam',

	['າ'] = 'ā',
	['າວ'] = 'āo',
	['ີ'] = 'ī',
	['ື'] = 'ư̄',
	['ູ'] = 'ū',
	['ເ'] = 'ē',
	['ແ'] = 'ǣ',
	['ໂ'] = 'ō',
	['ໂຍ'] = 'ōi', ['ໂຽ'] = 'ōi',
	['ໍ'] = 'ǭ', ['ອ'] = 'ǭ',
	['ອຍ'] = 'ǭi', ['ອຽ'] = 'ǭi',
	['ເີ'] = 'œ̄',
	['ເີຽ'] = 'œ̄i', ['ເີຍ'] = 'œ̄i',
	['ເຍ'] = 'īa', ['ເັຽ'] = 'īa', ['ຽ'] = 'īa',
	['ເືອ'] = 'ư̄a', ['ເືອຍ'] = 'ư̄ai',
	['ົວ'] = 'ūa', ['ວ'] = 'ūa',
	['ວຍ'] = 'uāi', ['ວຽ'] = 'uāi', ['ວຽນ'] = 'uīan',
	['າຍ'] = 'āi', ['າຽ'] = 'āi',
	['ວາ'] = 'uā',
	['ວາຍ'] = 'uāi', ['ວາຽ'] = 'uāi',
	['ແວ'] = 'ǣu', -- ແ_ວ can either be ǣu and uǣ with the first one being more common.
	['ີວ'] = 'īu', ['ິວ'] = 'iu',
	['ຽວ'] = 'iāu',
	['ວີວ'] = 'uīu',

-- Mapping of coda consonants.
local coda_conv = {
	['ກ'] = 'k', ['ຂ'] = 'k', ['ຄ'] = 'k',
	['ງ'] = 'ng',
	['ຈ'] = 't', ['ຊ'] = 't',
	['ດ'] = 't', ['ຕ'] = 't', ['ຖ'] = 't', ['ທ'] = 't',
	['ສ'] = 's',
	['ນ'] = 'n',
	['ບ'] = 'p', ['ປ'] = 'p', ['ພ'] = 'p', ['ຟ'] = 'p',
	['ມ'] = 'm',
	['ຢ'] = 'y',
	['ຣ'] = 'n', ['ລ'] = 'n',
	['ວ'] = 'w',
	[''] = '',

-- Special symbols.
local sp_symbols = {
	['ຯ'] = '〃', ['ໆ'] = '〃',
	['໌'] = '',
	['໐'] = '0', ['໑'] = '1', ['໒'] = '2', ['໓'] = '3', ['໔'] = '4',
	['໕'] = '5', ['໖'] = '6', ['໗'] = '7', ['໘'] = '8', ['໙'] = '9'

-- List of character types.
local char_type = {
	['ກ'] = 'coda', ['ຂ'] = 'coda', ['ຄ'] = 'coda', ['ງ'] = 'coda',
	['ຈ'] = 'coda', ['ຊ'] = 'coda', ['ຍ'] = 'ambig',
	['ດ'] = 'coda', ['ຕ'] = 'coda', ['ຖ'] = 'coda', ['ທ'] = 'coda', ['ນ'] = 'coda',
	['ບ'] = 'coda', ['ປ'] = 'coda', ['ຜ'] = 'cons', ['ຝ'] = 'cons', ['ພ'] = 'coda', ['ຟ'] = 'coda', ['ມ'] = 'coda',
	['ຢ'] = 'coda', ['ຣ'] = 'coda', ['ລ'] = 'coda', ['ວ'] = 'ambig',
	['ສ'] = 'coda', ['ຫ'] = 'cons', ['ອ'] = 'ambig', ['ຮ'] = 'cons',
	['ໜ'] = 'cons', ['ໝ'] = 'cons',
	['ຯ'] = 'iter_symbol',
	['ະ'] = 'vowel_let', ['ັ'] = 'suf_vowel', ['າ'] = 'vowel_let', ['ຳ'] = 'suf_vowel',
	['ິ'] = 'suf_vowel', ['ີ'] = 'suf_vowel', ['ຶ'] = 'suf_vowel', ['ື'] = 'suf_vowel',
	['ຸ'] = 'suf_vowel', ['ູ'] = 'suf_vowel', ['ົ'] = 'suf_vowel',
	['ຼ'] = 'glide',
	['ຽ'] = 'vowel_let',
	['ເ'] = 'pref_vowel', ['ແ'] = 'pref_vowel',
	['ໂ'] = 'pref_vowel', ['ໃ'] = 'pref_vowel', ['ໄ'] = 'pref_vowel',
	['ໆ'] = 'iter_symbol',
	['່'] = 'tone', ['້'] = 'tone', ['໊'] = 'tone', ['໋'] = 'tone',
	['໌'] = 'canc_symbol', ['ໍ'] = 'suf_vowel',
	['໐'] = 'number', ['໑'] = 'number', ['໒'] = 'number', ['໓'] = 'number', ['໔'] = 'number',
	['໕'] = 'number', ['໖'] = 'number', ['໗'] = 'number', ['໘'] = 'number', ['໙'] = 'number'

-- List of consonant classes
local cons_class = {
	['ກ'] = 'mid', ['ຂ'] = 'high', ['ຄ'] = 'low', ['ງ'] = 'low',
	['ຈ'] = 'mid', ['ສ'] = 'high', ['ຊ'] = 'low', ['ຍ'] = 'low',
	['ດ'] = 'mid', ['ຕ'] = 'mid', ['ຖ'] = 'high', ['ທ'] = 'low', ['ນ'] = 'low',
	['ບ'] = 'mid', ['ປ'] = 'mid', ['ຜ'] = 'high', ['ຝ'] = 'high', ['ພ'] = 'low', ['ຟ'] = 'low', ['ມ'] = 'low',
	['ຢ'] = 'mid', ['ຣ'] = 'low', ['ລ'] = 'low', ['ວ'] = 'low',
	['ຫ'] = 'high', ['ອ'] = 'mid', ['ຮ'] = 'low'

-- Reset the syllable table.
local function reset_syllable()
	return { curr = {}, initial = {}, vowel = {}, tone = {}, coda = {} }

-- Split the entry into individual syllables.
function export.split_syll(text)
	-- (temp function)
	if type(text) == 'table' then
		text = text.args[1]

	-- Store split syllables.
	local syllables = {}
	local curr_syll = reset_syllable()

	-- Iterate through Lao characters.
	for lao_text in gmatch(text, '[ກ-ໝ]+') do
		local c, c_types = {}, {}

		-- Classify each character in the syllable.
		for i = 1, len(lao_text) do
			c[i] = sub(lao_text, i, i)
			c_types[i] = char_type[c[i]]

		-- Parse the entry by identifying each character's type.
		for i = 1, #c + 1 do
			local type_curr, type_next = c_types[i], c_types[i + 1]
			local curr_vowel_full = table.concat(curr_syll.vowel)

			-- Prefix vowels are always the start of a new syllable.
			if type_curr == 'pref_vowel' or i == #c + 1 then
				if #curr_syll.curr ~= 0 then
					table.insert(syllables, table.concat(curr_syll.curr))
					curr_syll = reset_syllable()
				table.insert(curr_syll.vowel, c[i])
				table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- Glide consonants always follow the initial consonant.
			elseif type_curr == 'glide' then
				table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
				table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- Suffix vowels and vowel letters are always part of the same syllable.
			elseif type_curr == 'suf_vowel' or type_curr == 'vowel_let' then
				table.insert(curr_syll.vowel, c[i])
				table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- Same with tone marks.
			elseif type_curr == 'tone' then
				table.insert(curr_syll.tone, c[i])
				table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- Some consonants can be at the end of a syllable.
			elseif type_curr == 'coda' then
				if #curr_syll.coda == 0 and initial_conv[table.concat(curr_syll.initial)..c[i]] and (#curr_syll.vowel == 0 or char_type[curr_vowel_full] == 'pref_vowel') then
					table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])
				elseif #curr_syll.coda == 0 and #curr_syll.initial ~= 0 and (type_next ~= 'glide' and type_next ~= 'suf_vowel' and type_next ~= 'vowel_let' and type_next ~= 'tone')
				and not (type_next == 'ambig' and match(c_types[i + 2], 'co')) then
					table.insert(curr_syll.coda, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])
					table.insert(syllables, table.concat(curr_syll.curr))
					curr_syll = reset_syllable()
					table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- However, some consonants can only start a syllable.
			elseif type_curr == 'cons' then
				if #curr_syll.coda == 0 and initial_conv[table.concat(curr_syll.initial)..c[i]] and (#curr_syll.vowel == 0 or char_type[curr_vowel_full] == 'pref_vowel') then
					table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])
					table.insert(syllables, table.concat(curr_syll.curr))
					curr_syll = reset_syllable()
					table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- Ambiguous characters can be either the start or end of a syllable.
			elseif type_curr == 'ambig' then
				if #curr_syll.initial == 0 or char_type[table.concat(curr_syll.vowel)] == 'pref_vowel' then
					table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])
				elseif c[i] == 'ຍ' and #curr_syll.vowel == 0 then
					table.insert(syllables, table.concat(curr_syll.curr))
					curr_syll = reset_syllable()
					table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])
				elseif #curr_syll.initial ~= 0 and (#curr_vowel_full == 0 or vowel_conv[curr_vowel_full..c[i]] and
				(type_next ~= 'glide' and type_next ~= 'suf_vowel' and type_next ~= 'vowel_let' and type_next ~= 'tone')) then
					table.insert(curr_syll.vowel, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])
					table.insert(syllables, table.concat(curr_syll.curr))
					curr_syll = reset_syllable()
					table.insert(curr_syll.initial, c[i])
					table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- The iteration symbol should be treated as its own syllable.
			elseif type_curr == 'iter_symbol' then
				if #curr_syll.curr ~= 0 then
					table.insert(syllables, table.concat(curr_syll.curr))
				curr_syll = reset_syllable()
				table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- Similar with the cancel symbol.
			elseif type_curr == 'canc_symbol' then
				table.insert(curr_syll.curr, c[i])

			-- As well as with numbers.
			elseif type_curr == 'number' then
				table.insert(curr_syll.curr, sp_symbols[c[i]])

		-- Add syllables to the syllables table.
		for _, syllable in ipairs(curr_syll.curr) do
			table.insert(syllables, syllable)

	return table.concat(syllables, '-')

return export