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This is a private module sandbox of Babr, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Babr's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local export = {}

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("fa")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_string_utilities = require("Module:string utilities")
local m_script_utilities = require("Module:script utilities")
local iut = require("Module:inflection utilities")
local m_para = require("Module:parameters")

-- other tools
local u = require("Module:string/char")

-- mixing latin and Arabic in lua is annoying
local alif = u(0x0627)
local ye = u(0x06cc)
local he = u(0x0647)
local noon = u(0x0646)
-- diacritics
local ZWNJ = u(0x200c)
local zabar = u(0x064e)
local zer = u(0x0650)
local pesh = u(0x064f)
local sukuun = u(0x0652)
local tashdiid = u(0x0651)

local function make_table(alternant_multiword_spec)
local table_spec_personal = [=[
{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher autocollapsed"
! class="vsToggleElement" colspan="8" | Conjugation of ''{{PAGENAME}}''
|- class="vsHide"
! colspan="3" class="fa-conj-roots" | infinitive
| colspan="5" | {infinitive}
|- class="vsHide"
! rowspan="2" class="fa-conj-roots" | stem 
! colspan="2" class="fa-conj-roots" | past
| colspan="5" | {past-stem}
|- class="vsHide"
! colspan="2" class="fa-conj-roots" | present
| colspan="5"| {pres-stem}
|- class="vsHide"
! rowspan="2" class="fa-conj-roots" | participle 
! colspan="2" class="fa-conj-roots" | past
| colspan="5"| {past-participle}
|- class="vsHide"
! colspan="2" class="fa-conj-roots" | present
| colspan="5" | {pres-participle}
|- class="vsHide"
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" class="fa-conj-person" | person</br>{{lang|fa|شخص}}
! colspan="3" class="fa-conj-person" | singular</br>{{l|fa|مفرد}}
! colspan="3" class="fa-conj-person" | plural</br>{{l|fa|جمع}}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-person" | 1<sup><small>st</small></sup></br>{{lang|fa|اول}}
! class="fa-conj-person" | 2<sup><small>nd</small></sup></br>{{lang|fa|دوم}}
! class="fa-conj-person" | 3<sup><small>rd</small></sup></br>{{lang|fa|سوم}}
! class="fa-conj-person" | 1<sup><small>st</small></sup></br>{{lang|fa|اول}}
! class="fa-conj-person" | 2<sup><small>nd</small></sup></br>{{lang|fa|دوم}}
! class="fa-conj-person" | 3<sup><small>rd</small></sup></br>{{lang|fa|سوم}}
|- class="vsHide"

past tense forms

-->! rowspan="6" class="fa-conj-past-group" | past</br>{{lang|fa|گذشته}}
! class="fa-conj-past-group" colspan="1" | 
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | {{l|fa|{{{1s-pronoun|من}}}}}
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | {{l|fa|تو}}
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | {{l|fa|او}}
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | {{l|fa|ما}}
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | {{l|fa|شما}}
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | {{l|fa|{{{3s-pronoun|[[ایشان]]، [[آن‌ها]]}}}}}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | simple</br>{{lang|fa|ساده}}
| {1s-past-simp}
| {2s-past-simp}
| {3s-past-simp}
| {1p-past-simp}
| {2p-past-simp}
| {3p-past-simp}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | imperfect</br>{{lang|fa|ناکامل}}
| {1s-past-imp}
| {2s-past-imp}
| {3s-past-imp}
| {1p-past-imp}
| {2p-past-imp}
| {3p-past-imp}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | perfect</br>{{lang|fa|کامل}}
| {1s-past-per}
| {2s-past-per}
| {3s-past-per}
| {1p-past-per}
| {2p-past-per}
| {3p-past-per}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | subjunctive</br>{{lang|fa|شرطی}}
| {1s-past-sub}
| {2s-past-sub}
| {3s-past-sub}
| {1p-past-sub}
| {2p-past-sub}
| {3p-past-sub}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-past-group" | progressive</br>{{lang|fa|استمراری}}
| {1s-past-pro}
| {2s-past-pro}
| {3s-past-pro}
| {1p-past-pro}
| {2p-past-pro}
| {3p-past-pro}
|- class="vsHide"

Present tense forms

-->! rowspan="6" class="fa-conj-present-group" | present</br>{{lang|fa|حال}}
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | 
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | {{l|fa|{{{1s-pronoun|من}}}}}
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | {{l|fa|تو}}
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | {{l|fa|او}}
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | {{l|fa|ما}}
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | {{l|fa|شما}}
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | {{l|fa|{{{3s-pronoun|[[ایشان]]، [[آن‌ها]]}}}}}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | simple</br>{{lang|fa|ساده}}
| {1s-pres-simp}
| {2s-pres-simp}
| {3s-pres-simp}
| {1p-pres-simp}
| {2p-pres-simp}
| {3p-pres-simp}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | imperfect</br>{{lang|fa|ناکامل}}
| {1s-pres-imp}
| {2s-pres-imp}
| {3s-pres-imp}
| {1p-pres-imp}
| {2p-pres-imp}
| {3p-pres-imp}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | perfect</br>{{lang|fa|کامل}}
| {1s-pres-per}
| {2s-pres-per}
| {3s-pres-per}
| {1p-pres-per}
| {2p-pres-per}
| {3p-pres-per}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | subjunctive</br>{{lang|fa|شرطی}}
| {1s-pres-sub}
| {2s-pres-sub}
| {3s-pres-sub}
| {1p-pres-sub}
| {2p-pres-sub}
| {3p-pres-sub}
|- class="vsHide"
! class="fa-conj-present-group" | progressive</br>{{lang|fa|استمراری}}
| {1s-pres-pro}
| {2s-pres-pro}
| {3s-pres-pro}
| {1p-pres-pro}
| {2p-pres-pro}
| {3p-pres-pro}
|- class="vsHide"<!--

Future and Imperative forms -->
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" class="fa-conj-future-group" {{!}} future</br>{{lang|fa|آینده}}
! class="fa-conj-future-group" {{!}} {{l|fa|{{{1s-pronoun|من}}}}}
! class="fa-conj-future-group" {{!}} {{l|fa|تو}}
! class="fa-conj-future-group" {{!}} {{l|fa|او}}
! class="fa-conj-future-group" {{!}} {{l|fa|ما}}
! class="fa-conj-future-group" {{!}} {{l|fa|شما}}
! class="fa-conj-future-group" {{!}} {{l|fa|{{{3s-pronoun|[[ایشان]]، [[آن‌ها]]}}}}}
|- class="vsHide"
| {1s-future}
| {2s-future}
| {3s-future}
| {1p-future}
| {2p-future}
| {3p-future}
|- class="vsHide"
! rowspan="3"; class="fa-conj-imperative-group" | imperative</br>{{lang|fa|دستوری}}
! style="background:#e4c0c0; color:#000000" |
! colspan="3"; class="fa-conj-imperative-group" | {{l|fa|تو}}
! colspan="3"; class="fa-conj-imperative-group" | {{l|fa|شما}}
! class="fa-conj-imperative-group" | authoritative</br>{{lang|fa|امر}}
| colspan="3"| {2s-imperative}
| colspan="3"| {2p-imperative}
! class="fa-conj-imperative-group" | prohibitive</br>{{lang|fa|نهی}}
| colspan="3"| {2s-imperative-neg}
| colspan="3"| {2p-imperative-neg}
	local formatted_table_pers = m_string_utilities.format(table_spec_personal, forms)
	return require("Module:TemplateStyles")("Module:User:Babr/fa-conj/frame/style.css") .. formatted_table_pers

	return make_table( alternant_multiword_spec ) .. require( "Module:utilities" ).format_categories( alternant_multiword_spec.categories, lang )

return export