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This is a private module sandbox of BajookThug, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at BajookThug's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

-- Define the function
local function convert_gurmukhi_to_cyrillic(gurmukhi_char)
  -- Initialize a table of Gurmukhi characters and their corresponding Cyrillic characters
  local gurmukhi_to_cyrillic_map = {
    ["ਪ"] = "п"
    -- Add other Gurmukhi to Cyrillic mappings here

  -- Look up the Gurmukhi character in the map and return the corresponding Cyrillic character
  return gurmukhi_to_cyrillic_map[gurmukhi_char]

-- Define the export table
local exports = {
  convert_gurmukhi_to_cyrillic = convert_gurmukhi_to_cyrillic

-- Return the export table
return exports