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Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

This module implements {{calligraphy}}.

local m_str_utils = require("Module:string utilities")

local codepoint = m_str_utils.codepoint
local u = m_str_utils.char
local ugsub = m_str_utils.gsub

local export = {}

local code_points = {
	pattern = {
		Latn_capital = "[A-Z]",
		Latn_small = "[a-z]",
		Grek_capital = "[Α-Ω]",
		Grek_small = "[α-ω]",
		digit = "[0-9]"
	normal = {
		Latn = 65,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 48
	b = {
		Latn = 119808,
		Grek = 120488,
		digit = 120782
	i = {
		Latn = 119860,
		Grek = 120546,
		digit = 48
	bi = {
		Latn = 119912,
		Grek = 120604,
		digit = 48
	s = {
		Latn = 119964,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 48
	bs = {
		Latn = 120016,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 48
	f = {
		Latn = 120068,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 48
	ds = {
		Latn = 120120,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 120792
	bf = {
		Latn = 120172,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 48
	ss = {
		Latn = 120224,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 120802
	ssb = {
		Latn = 120276,
		Grek = 120662,
		digit = 120812
	ssi = {
		Latn = 120328,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 48
	ssbi = {
		Latn = 120380,
		Grek = 120720,
		digit = 48
	m = {
		Latn = 120432,
		Grek = 913,
		digit = 120822

local fixes = { -- some characters are in the BMP, separated from their peers
	["i"] = {
	["s"] = {
		["𝒝"]="ℬ", ["𝒠"]="ℰ", ["𝒡"]="ℱ", ["𝒣"]="ℋ", ["𝒤"]="ℐ", ["𝒧"]="ℒ", ["𝒨"]="ℳ", ["𝒭"]="ℛ", ["𝒺"]="ℯ", ["𝒼"]="ℊ", ["𝓄"]="ℴ"
	["f"] = {
		["𝔆"]="ℭ", ["𝔋"]="ℌ", ["𝔌"]="ℑ", ["𝔕"]="ℜ", ["𝔝"]="ℨ"
	["ds"] = {
		["𝔺"]="ℂ", ["𝔿"]="ℍ", ["𝕅"]="ℕ", ["𝕇"]="ℙ", ["𝕈"]="ℚ", ["𝕉"]="ℝ", ["𝕑"]="ℤ"

	local mode = frame:getParent().args[1]
	local text = frame:getParent().args[2]
	text = ugsub(text, code_points.pattern.Latn_capital, function(a)
		return u(codepoint(a) - code_points.normal.Latn + code_points[mode].Latn)
	text = ugsub(text, code_points.pattern.Latn_small, function(a)
		return u(codepoint(a) - code_points.normal.Latn + code_points[mode].Latn - 6)
	text = ugsub(text, code_points.pattern.Grek_capital, function(a)
		return u(codepoint(a) - code_points.normal.Grek + code_points[mode].Grek)
	text = ugsub(text, code_points.pattern.Grek_small, function(a)
		return u(codepoint(a) - code_points.normal.Grek + code_points[mode].Grek - 6)
	text = ugsub(text, code_points.pattern.digit, function(a)
		return u(codepoint(a) - code_points.normal.digit + code_points[mode].digit)
	if mode == "i" or mode == "s" or mode == "f" or mode == "ds" then
		text = ugsub(text, ".", fixes[mode])
	return text

return export