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local pron = {}

local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub

-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

local function map(seq, fun)
	if type(seq) == "table" then
		local ret = {}
		for _, s in ipairs(seq) do
			-- store in separate var in case fun() has multiple retvals
			local retval = fun(s)
			table.insert(ret, retval)
		return ret
		-- store in separate var in case fun() has multiple retvals
		local retval = fun(seq)
		return retval

-- Combine stem pronunciation and suffix pronunciation. The stem can actually
-- consist of a table of stems, in which case the suffix will be added to each
-- stem separately and the return value will be a list of pronunciations;
-- otherwise the return value will be a single string. The combination
-- procedure mostly just appends the two, but handles changing ".jj" to "j.j"
-- (moving the syllable boundary) and converting ".C[lʁ]j" to ".C[lʁ]i".
local function add(source, appendix)
	return map(source, function(s)
		return rsub(rsub(s .. appendix, "%.jj", "j.j"),
			"(%..[lʁ])(j[ɔe]̃?)", "%1i.%2")

-- Construct the pronunciation of the entire present tense (indicative,
-- subjunctive, imperative and participle), plus the imperfect indicative,
-- given up to four stems:
-- STEM = short pre-final stem (used for pres indic/imper 1s/2s/3s, required);
-- STEM2 = pre-vocalic stem (used for pres indic/imper 1p/2p,
--         impf indic 1s/2s/3s/3p, pres part) (required);
-- STEM3 = long pre-final stem (used for pres indic 3p and pres subj 1s/2s/3s/3p,
--         defaults to STEM);
-- STEM4 = pre-/j/ stem (used for 1p/2p of pres subj and impf indic,
--         defaults to STEM2).
-- The value of any of these stem arguments can actually consist of multiple
-- stems in a table or separated by a /; see add().
-- Note that this will not override an already-existing value for the
-- present participle, but will override all the rest.
pron["ind_p"] = function(data, stem, stem2, stem3, stem4)
	stem3 = stem3 or stem
	stem4 = stem4 or stem2
	data.prons.ind_p_1s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.ind_p_2s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.ind_p_3s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.ind_p_1p = add(stem2,"ɔ̃")
	data.prons.ind_p_2p = add(stem2,"e")
	data.prons.ind_p_3p = add(stem3,"")

	pron["ind_i"](data, stem2, stem4)
	pron["sub_p"](data, stem3, stem4)

	data.prons.imp_p_2s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.imp_p_1p = add(stem2,"ɔ̃")
	data.prons.imp_p_2p = add(stem2,"e")

	data.prons.ppr = add(stem2,"ɑ̃")

-- Construct the pronunciation of the imperfect indicative given STEM
-- (used for the 1s/2s/3s/3p parts) and STEM2 (used for the 1p/2p parts).
-- STEM2 defaults to STEM, and either or both may be multipart, see add().
pron["ind_i"] = function(data, stem, stem2)
	stem2 = stem2 or stem
	data.prons.ind_i_1s = add(stem,"ɛ")
	data.prons.ind_i_2s = add(stem,"ɛ")
	data.prons.ind_i_3s = add(stem,"ɛ")
	data.prons.ind_i_1p = add(stem2,"jɔ̃")
	data.prons.ind_i_2p = add(stem2,"je")
	data.prons.ind_i_3p = add(stem,"ɛ")

-- Construct the pronunciation of the simple past, imperfect subjunctive and
-- past participle given the stem (which should include the final vowel and
-- may be multipart, see add()). This will not override an already-existing
-- value for the past participle, but will override the rest.
pron["ind_ps"] = function(data, stem)
	data.prons.ind_ps_1s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.ind_ps_2s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.ind_ps_3s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.ind_ps_1p = add(stem,"m")
	data.prons.ind_ps_2p = add(stem,"t")
	data.prons.ind_ps_3p = add(stem,"ʁ")


	data.prons.pp = add(stem,"")

-- Construct the pronunciation of future and conditional. STEM is used for
-- all parts but 1p/2p of the conditional, which uses STEM2 (which defaults to
-- STEM). Either or both stems may be multipart (see add()). The stem should
-- contain the 'r' of the infinitive.
pron["ind_f"] = function(data, stem, stem2)
	data.prons.ind_f_1s = add(stem, "e")
	data.prons.ind_f_2s = add(stem, "a")
	data.prons.ind_f_3s = add(stem, "a")
	data.prons.ind_f_1p = add(stem, "ɔ̃")
	data.prons.ind_f_2p = add(stem, "e")
	data.prons.ind_f_3p = add(stem, "ɔ̃")

	pron["cond_p"](data, stem, stem2)

-- Construct the pronunciation of the conditional. The stem
-- passed in may be multipart (see add()).
pron["cond_p"] = function(data, stem, stem2)
	stem2 = stem2 or stem
	data.prons.cond_p_1s = add(stem,"ɛ")
	data.prons.cond_p_2s = add(stem,"ɛ")
	data.prons.cond_p_3s = add(stem,"ɛ")
	data.prons.cond_p_1p = add(stem2,"jɔ̃")
	data.prons.cond_p_2p = add(stem2,"je")
	data.prons.cond_p_3p = add(stem,"ɛ")

-- Construct the pronunciation of the present subjunctive given two stems
-- (which may be multipart, see add()). STEM is used for the singular and 3p,
-- and STEM2 is used for 1p and 2p (i.e. when followed by a vowel).
pron["sub_p"] = function(data, stem, stem2)
	data.prons.sub_p_1s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.sub_p_2s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.sub_p_3s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.sub_p_1p = add(stem2,"jɔ̃")
	data.prons.sub_p_2p = add(stem2,"je")
	data.prons.sub_p_3p = add(stem,"")

-- Construct the pronunciation of the imperfect subjunctive given the stem
-- (which may be multipart, see add()).
pron["sub_pa"] = function(data, stem)
	data.prons.sub_pa_1s = add(stem,"s")
	data.prons.sub_pa_2s = add(stem,"s")
	data.prons.sub_pa_3s = add(stem,"")
	data.prons.sub_pa_1p = add(stem,".sjɔ̃")
	data.prons.sub_pa_2p = add(stem,".sje")
	data.prons.sub_pa_3p = add(stem,"s")

-- Construct the pronunciation of all verb parts for -er verbs given the
-- following stems (which may be multipart, see add()):
--   STEM_FINAL is used for those forms without a syllabic suffix (singular
--     and 3p of the present indicative/subjunctive/imperative);
--   STEM_NONFINAL is used for the remaining forms, except that:
--   STEM_NONFINAL_I is used for those forms beginning with /j/ (1p and 2p of
--     present subjunctive and imperfect indicative), and should not contain
--     a final /j/;
--   STEM_FUT is used for the future and conditional (and should contain
--     a final /ʁ/), except that:
--   STEM_FUT_I is used for 1p and 2p of the conditional (and should contain
--     a final /ʁ/).
pron["er"] = function(data, stem_final, stem_nonfinal, stem_nonfinal_i, stem_fut, stem_fut_i)
	stem_fut = stem_fut or add(stem_nonfinal, "ə.ʁ")
	data.prons.ppr = add(stem_nonfinal,"ɑ̃")
	data.prons.pp = add(stem_nonfinal,"e")

	pron.ind_p(data, stem_final, stem_nonfinal, stem_final, stem_nonfinal_i)
	pron.ind_f(data, stem_fut, stem_fut_i)
	pron.ind_ps_a(data, stem_nonfinal)

-- Construct the pronunciation of the simple past and imperfect subjunctive
-- for -er verbs, given the stem (which may be multipart, see add()).
pron["ind_ps_a"] = function(data, stem)
	data.prons.ind_ps_1s = add(stem,"e")
	data.prons.ind_ps_2s = add(stem,"a")
	data.prons.ind_ps_3s = add(stem,"a")
	data.prons.ind_ps_1p = add(stem,"am")
	data.prons.ind_ps_2p = add(stem,"at")
	data.prons.ind_ps_3p = add(stem,"ɛʁ")

	pron.sub_pa(data, add(stem, "a"))

return pron

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