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This module needs documentation.
Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local export = {}

local lang = require('Module:languages').getByCode('nb')

function export.main(frame)
	local word = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local class = frame.args[1]  
	local length = word:len()
	local data = {lang = lang, pos_category = "adjectives", categories = {}, inflections = {}}
	local root = word
	local root2 = word
	if class == '1' then
		local root_n = mw.ustring.gsub(word, "kk$", "k")
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'masculine and feminine', root})
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'neuter', root_n .. 't'})
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'definite singular and plural', root .. 'e'})
	elseif class == '2' then
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'indefinite singular', word})
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'definite singular and plural', root .. 'e'})
	elseif class == '3' then
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'singular and plural', word})
	elseif class == '4' then
		mer = true
        root2 = word:sub(1, length-2)
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'indefinite singular', word})        
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'definite singular and plural', root .. 'e', root2 .. 'ede'})
	elseif class == '5' then
        root2 = word:sub(1, length-2) .. word:sub(-1)
		table.insert(data.inflections, {label = 'masculine and feminine', word})
		table.insert(data.inflections, {label = 'neuter', word .. 't'})
		root2 = mw.ustring.gsub(word:sub(1, length-2), "(.)%1$", "%1") .. word:sub(-1) -- rettkoMNe of [[rettkommen]]
		table.insert(data.inflections, {label = 'definite singular and plural', root2 .. 'e'})
	elseif class == '6' then
		mer = true
        root2 = word:sub(1, length-2)
        if  word:sub(-2) == 'et' then
        	table.insert(data.inflections, {label = 'indefinite singular', word})
        elseif word:sub(-2) == 'en' then	
			table.insert(data.inflections, {label = 'masculine and feminine', word})
			table.insert(data.inflections, {label = 'neuter', root2 .. 'et'})
		table.insert(data.inflections, {label = 'definite singular and plural', root2 .. 'ne'})
	if args[1] == 'mer' or args[1] == 'more' or class == '3' then
		mer = true
	if args[1] == 'non-comparable' or args[1] == 'non-comp' then
		mer = false
		non_comp = true
	if mer then
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'comparative', '[[mer]] ' .. word})
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'superlative', '[[mest]] ' .. word})
	elseif not non_comp then
		table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'comparative', root2 .. 'ere'})
		if class == '2' and word:sub(-2) == 'ig' then
			table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'indefinite superlative', root2 .. 'st'})
			table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'definite superlative', root2 .. 'ste'})
			table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'indefinite superlative', root2 .. 'est'})
			table.insert(data.inflections, { label = 'definite superlative', root2 .. 'este'})

	return require('Module:headword').full_headword(data)
return export