Module:reference information/data

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-- The first two indices in each array are the lower and higher page numbers of
-- the range in which the information in the rest of the indices applies.
-- The "indices" table gives the named keys that retrieve the information.
return {
	-- From [[Template talk:R:sem-pro:FS Militarev]].
	FS_Militaev = {
		indices = { last = 3, first = 4, title = 5 },
		{ 3, 17, "Bulakh", "Maria", "Etymological Notes on the Akkadian Colour Terms" },
		{ 18, 52, "Lete", "Gregorio", "The Genetic Historical Classification of the Semitic Languages" },
		{ 53, 78, "Dietrich", "Manfried", "„Vokalbuchstaben“ im Keilalphabet von Ugarit und im griechischen Alphabet in Historischer Betrachtung. Zu neueren Beiträgen in der Alphabetforschung" },
		{ 79, 101, "Frolova", "Tatiana", "The Reconstruction of the Vowel in the Proto-Semitic Verbal Base -C₁C₂VC₃ – The Evidence of Akkadian and Arabic." },
		{ 102, 119, "Huehnergard", "John", "Akkadian ḫ and West-Semitic *ḥ¹" },
		{ 120, 140, "Kogan", "Leonid", "Popular Etymology in the Semitic Languages" },
		{ 141, 151, "Marrassini", "Paolo", "The Semites in Abyssinia: Onomastic and Lexicographical Notes" },
		{ 152, 189, "Rubio", "Gonzalo", "Falling Trees and Forking Tongues: On the Place of Akkadian and Eblaite within Semitic" },
		{ 190, 216, "Tropper", "Josef", "Sekundäres wortanlautendes Alif im Arabischen" },
		{ 219, 229, "Bélova", "Anna G.", "Isoglosses yéménites-couchitiques" },
		{ 230, 294, "Blažek", "Václav", "Fauna in Beja Lexicon. A Fragment of a Comparative-Etymological Dictionary of Beja" },
		{ 295, 302, "Jungraithmayr", "Herrmann", "Loss and Growth. Chadic in a Historical Perspective" },
		{ 303, 314, "Naït-Zerrad", "Kamal", "Notes sur les noms d’action verbaux en berbère: formes et emplois" },
		{ 315, 330, "Stroomer", "Harry", "Tashelhiyt Berber Folktales and Riddles from the Ida Ou Tanan Region (Western High Atlas, Morocco)" },
		{ 331, 348, "Takács", "Gábor", "Lexica Afroasiatica II" },
		{ 351, 377, "Loesov", "Sergey V.", "ARM X 4: A Commentary" },
		{ 378, 388, "Roudik", "Nadezhda", "''alap erṣetim'' and ''nēšu ša ḳaḳḳari'': Animals of the Ground or Beasts of the Netherworld?" },
		{ 389, 406, "Seleznev", "Michael", "Exodus 19.12b–13b. As an Expanded Legal Formula" },
		{ 407, 423, "Sommerfeld", "Walter", "Der Name Rīmuš" },
		{ 424, 431, "Streck", "Michael P.", "Sprache und Denken im Alten Mesopotamien am Beispiel des Zeitausdrucks" },
		{ 432, 442, "Tishchenko", "Serguei", "ˁm, ˁlhym and God Abraham" },
		{ 445, 463, "Pennacchietti", "Fabrizio A.", "Paralleli arabo-islamici con il racconto samaritano sulla figlia di Amram" },
		{ 464, 484, "Starostin", "Sergey A.", "Statistical Evaluation of the Lexical Proximity between the Main Linguistic Families of the World" },
	FS_Weninger_Handbook = {
		indices = { last = 3, first = 4, title = 5 },
		{ 1, 6, "Weninger", "Stefan", "Introduction" },
		{ 7, 17, "Takács", "Gábor", "Semitic-Egyptian Relations" },
		{ 18, 26, "Brugnatelli", "Vermondo", "Semitic-Berber Relations" },
		{ 27, 37, "Wolff", "Ekkehard", "Semitic-Chadic Relations" },
		{ 38, 53, "Appleyard", "David L.", "Semitic-Cushitic/Omotic Relations" },
		{ 54, 150, "Kogan", "Leonid", "Proto-Semitic Phonetics and Phonology" },
		{ 151, 178, "Weninger", "Stefan", "Reconstructive Morphology" },
		{ 179, 258, "Kogan", "Leonid", "Proto-Semitic Lexicon" },
		{ 259, 278, "Huehnergard", "John", "Phyla and Waves: Models of Classification of the Semitic Languages" },
		{ 279, 302, "Gensler", "Orin D.", "Morphological Typology of Semitic" },
		{ 303, 329, "Waltisberg", "Martin", "Syntactic Typology of Semitic" },
		{ 330, 339, "Kouwenberg", "Bert", "Akkadian in General" },
		{ 340, 358, "Streck", "Michael P.", "Eblaite and Old Akkadian" },
		{ 359, 395, "Streck", "Michael P.", "Babylonian and Assyrian" },
		{ 396, 404, "Zólyomi", "Gábor", "Akkadian and Sumerian Language Contact" },
		{ 405, 415, "Soldt", "Wilfred H.", "Akkadian as a Diplomatic Language" },
		{ 416, 425, "Streck", "Michael P.", "Akkadian and Aramaic Language Contact" },
		{ 425, 451, "Gzella", "Holger", "Northwest Semitic in General" },
		{ 452, 459, "Streck", "Michael P.", "Amorite" },
		{ 460, 471, "Pardee", "Dennis", "Ugaritic" },
		{ 472, 479, "Röllig", "Wolfgang", "Phoenician and Punic" },
		{ 480, 514, "Edzard", "Lutz", "Biblical Hebrew" },
		{ 515, 522, "Bar-Asher", "Moshe", "Mishnaic Hebrew" },
		{ 523, 536, "Schwarzwald", "Ora", "Modern Hebrew" },
		{ 537, 545, "Sáenz-Badillos", "Angel", "Hebrew as the Language of Judaism" },
		{ 546, 554, "Yael", "Reshef", "The Re-Emergence of Hebrew as a National Language" },
		{ 555, 573, "Fales", "Frederick Mario", "Old Aramaic" },
		{ 574, 586, "Gzella", "Holger", "Imperial Aramaic" },
		{ 587, 597, "Folmer", "Margaretha", "Imperial Aramaic as an Administrative Language of the Achaemenid Period" },
		{ 598, 609, "Gzella", "Holger", "Late Imperial Aramaic" },
		{ 610, 618, "Sokoloff", "Michael", "Jewish Palestinian Aramaic" },
		{ 619, 627, "Tal", "Abraham", "Samaritan Aramaic" },
		{ 628, 636, "Morgenstern", "Matthew", "Christian Palestinian Aramaic" },
		{ 637, 651, "Healey", "John F.", "Syriac" },
		{ 652, 659, "Chatonnet", "Françoise Briquel", "Syriac as the Language of Eastern Christianity" },
		{ 660, 669, "Sokoloff", "Michael", "Jewish Babylonian Aramaic" },
		{ 670, 684, "Burtea", "Bogdan", "Mandaic" },
		{ 685, 696, "Arnold", "Werner", "Western Neo-Aramaic" },
		{ 697, 698, "Jastrow", "Otto", "Ṭuroyo and Mlaḥsô" },
		{ 708, 724, "Khan", "Geoffrey", "North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic" },
		{ 725, 737, "Häberl", "Charles G.", "Neo-Mandaic" },
		{ 738, 746, "Kapeliuk", "Olga", "Language Contact between Aramaic Dialects and Iranian" },
		{ 747, 755, "Weninger", "Stefan", "Aramaic-Arabic Language Contact" },
		{ 756, 781, "Hayajneh", "Hani", "Ancient North Arabian" },
		{ 781, 810, "Retsö", "Jan", "Classical Arabic" },
		{ 811, 816, "Abdel Haleem", "Muhammad A. S.", "Arabic as the Language of Islam" },
		{ 817, 834, "Khan", "Geoffrey", "Middle Arabic" },
		{ 835, 843, "Glaß", "Dagmar", "Creating a Modern Standard Language from Medieval Tradition: The Nahḍa and the Arabic Academies" },
		{ 844, 850, "Ryding", "Karin C.", "Modern Standard Arabic" },
		{ 851, 896, "Watson", "Janet C. E.", "Arabic Dialects (general article)" },
		{ 897, 908, "Watson", "Janet C. E.", "Dialects of the Arabian Peninsula" },
		{ 909, 919, "Talay", "Shabo", "Arabic Dialects of Mesopotamia" },
		{ 920, 934, "Naïm", "Samia", "Dialects of the Levant" },
		{ 935, 954, "Dickins", "James", "Dialects of Egypt and Sudan" },
		{ 955, 969, "Pereira", "Christophe", "Arabic in the North African Region" },
		{ 970, 981, "Owens", "Jonathan", "Arabic Sociolinguistics" },
		{ 982, 989, "Miller", "Catherine", "Arabic Urban Vernaculars" },
		{ 990, 1000, "Luffin", "Xavier", "Arabic-based Pidgins and Creoles" },
		{ 1001, 1014, "Tilmatine", "Mohand", "Berber and Arabic Language Contact" },
		{ 1015, 1021, "Dénes", "Gazsi", "Arabic-Persian Language Contact" },
		{ 1022, 1032, "Lutz", "Edzard", "Language Contact between Arabic and Modern European Languages" },
		{ 1033, 1041, "Borg", "Albert", "Maltese as a National Language" },
		{ 1042, 1072, "Stein", "Peter", "Ancient South Arabian" },
		{ 1073, 1113, "Simeone-Senelle", "Marie-Claude", "Modern South Arabian" },
		{ 1114, 1123, "Weninger", "Stefan", "Ethio-Semitic in General" },
		{ 1124, 1141, "Weninger", "Stefan", "Old Ethiopic" },
		{ 1142, 1152, "Morin", "Didier", "Tigre" },
		{ 1153, 1169, "Voigt", "Rainer", "Tigrinya" },
		{ 1170, 1177, "Voigt", "Rainer", "Tigrinya as National Language of Eritrea and Tigray" },
		{ 1178, 1211, "Meyer", "Ronny", "Amharic" },
		{ 1212, 1219, "Meyer", "Ronny", "The Role of Amharic as a National Language and an African ''lingua franca''" },
		{ 1220, 1256, "Meyer", "Ronny", "Gurage" },
		{ 1257, 1265, "Wagner", "Ewald", "Harari" },
		{ 1266, 1276, "Crass", "Joachim", "Ethiosemitic-Cushitic Language Contact" },
	Textile_Terminologies = {
		indices = { last = 3, first = 4, title = 5, last2 = 6, first2 = 7, last3 = 8, first3 = 9, last4 = 10, first4 = 11 },
		{ 19, 23, "Gaspa", "Salvatore", "Textile Terminologies, State of the Art and New Directions", "Michel", "Cécile", "Nosch", "Marie-Louise" },
		{ 24, 46, "Soriga", "Elena", "A Diachronic View on Fulling Technology in the Mediterranean and the Ancient Near East: Tools, Raw Materials and Natural Resources for the Finishing of Textiles" },
		{ 47, 90, "Gaspa", "Salvatore", "Garments, Parts of Garments, and Textile Techniques in the Assyrian Terminology: The Neo-Assyrian Textile Lexicon in the 1st-Millennium BC Linguistic Context" },
		{ 91, 106, "Quillien", "Louise", "Tools and Crafts, the Terminology of Textile Manufacturing in 1st-Millennium BC Babylonia" },
		{ 107, 121, "Malatacca", "Luigi", "Ordinary People’s Garments in Neo- and Late-Babylonian Sources" },
		{ 122, 152, "Ben-Yehuda", "Nahum", "Flax and Linen Terminology in Talmudic Literature" },
		{ 153, 163, "Katsikadeli", "Christina", "Jewish Terminologies for Fabrics and Garments in Late Antiquity: A Linguistic Survey Based on the Mishnah and the Talmuds" },
		{ 164, 172, "Shamir", "Orit", "''Sha’atnez'' – The Biblical Prohibition Against Wearing Mixed Wool and Linen Together and the Observance and Enforcement of the Command in the Orthodox Jewish Communities Today" },
		{ 173, 187, "Korn", "Agnes", "Armenian ''karmir'', Sogdian ''karmīr'' ‘red’, Hebrew ''karmīl'' and the Armenian Scale Insect Dye in Antiquity", "Warning", "Georg" },
		{ 188, 201, "Olsen", "Birgit Anette", "Armenian Textile Terminology" },
		{ 202, 209, "Spantidaki", "Stella", "Remarks on the Interpretation of Some Ambiguous Greek Textile Terms" },
		{ 210, 227, "Flemestad", "Peder", "Sabellic Textile Terminology", "Olsen", "Birgit Anette" },
		{ 228, 234, "Herz", "Peter", "Beschaffung und Handel mit Farbstoffen" },
		{ 235, 249, "Bogensperger", "Ines", "Purple and its Various Kinds in Documentary Papyri" },
		{ 250, 255, "Graßl", "Herbert", "Zur Textilterminologie auf römischen Bleitäfelchen: Probleme der Lesung und Interpretation" },
		{ 256, 277, "Flemestad", "Peder", "Observations on the Terminology of Textile Tools in the Edictum Diocletiani on Maximum Prices", "Harlow", "Mary", "Hildebrandt", "Berit", "Nosch", "Marie-Louise" },
		{ 278, 287, "Öhrman", "Magdalena", "Listening for licia: A Reconsideration of Latin licia as Heddle-Leashes" },
		{ 288, 294, "Schuhmann", "Roland", "Textile Terminology in Old High German between Inherited and Loan Words" },
		{ 295, 300, "Droß-Krüpe", "Kerstin", "Χιτών – δαλματική – μαφόρτης – σύνθεσις: Common and Uncommon Garment Terms in Dowry Arrangements from Roman Egypt" },
		{ 301, 320, "Wild", "John Peter", "''Ars polymita, ars plumaria'': The Weaving Terminology of ''Taqueté'' and Tapestry", "Droß-Krüpe", "Kerstin" },
		{ 321, 345, "Mossakowska-Gaubert", "Maria", "Tunics Worn in Egypt in Roman and Byzantine Times: The Greek Vocabulary" },
		{ 346, 373, "Galliker", "Julia", "Terminology Associated with Silk in the Middle Byzantine Period (AD 843-1204)" },
		{ 374, 382, "Regourd", "Anne", "A Name of a Private Factory (or Workshop) on a Piece of Textile: The Case of the Document A.L.18 (Vienna)", "Handley", "Fiona J. L." },
		{ 383, 396, "König", "Götz", "Zur Bekleidung der Krieger im Avesta: Rüstung und magischer Schmuck" },
		{ 397, 403, "Andrés-Toledo", "Miguel Ángel", "Sasanian Exegesis of Avestan Textile Terms" },
		{ 404, 412, "Niederreiter", "Stefan", "''“Der Faden soll nicht reißen, während ich meine Dichtung webe…”'': Zum metaphorischen Gebrauch von Textilterminologie im Rigveda" },
		{ 413, 420, "Panagl", "Oswald", "Der Text als Gewebe: Lexikalische Studien im Sinnbezirk von Webstuhl und Kleid" },
		{ 421, 436, "Fanfani", "Giovanni", "Weaving a Song. Convergences in Greek Poetic Imagery between Textile and Musical Terminology. An Overview on Archaic and Classical Literature" },
		{ 437, 450, "Wang", "Le", "''Xie'', a Technical Term for Resist Dye in China: Analysis Based on the Burial Inventory from Tomb 26, Bijiashan, Huahai, Gansu", "Zhao", "Feng" },
		{ 451, 482, "Omura", "Mari", "The Textile Terminology in Ancient Japan", "Kizawa", "Naoko" },
		{ 483, 491, "Szymaszek", "Maciej", "The Textile Term ''gammadia''" },
		{ 492, 499, "Meo", "Francesco", "The ''oscillum'' Misunderstanding" },
		{ 500, 519, "Maeder", "Felicitas", "Irritating Byssus – Etymological Problems, Material facts, and the Impact of Mass Media" },
		{ 520, 527, "Lervad", "Susanne", " – A Toolkit for Terminology Research and Presentation", "Mathiassen", "Tove Engelhardt" },
	Monumentum_NybergI = {
		indices = { last = 3, first = 4, title = 5},
		{ 1, 6, "Bo", "Utas", "H.S. Nyberg" },
		{ 15, 18, "Asmussen", "Jes P.", "Jüdisch-persische Hoseastücke" },
		{ 19, 30, "Azarpay", "Guitty", "Iranian Divinities in Sogdian Painting" },
		{ 31, 36, "Bailey", "Harold W.", "Excursus Iranocaucasicus" },
		{ 37, 48, "Belardi", "Walter", "Un mot albanais de provenance iranienne indirecte" },
		{ 49, 68, "Bivar", "A.D.H.", "Document and Symbol in the Art of the Achaemenids" },
		{ 69, 76, "Boyce", "Mary", "On Mithra, Lord of Fire" },
		{ 77, 88, "Cameron", "George G.", "Darius the Great and his Scythian (Saka) Campaign. Bisutun and Herodotus" },
		{ 89, 156, "Chaumont", "Marie-Louise", "États vassaux dans l’Empire des premiers Sassanides" },
		{ 157, 178, "Closs", "Alois", "Iranistik und Völkerkunde" },
		{ 179, 192, "Daffinà", "Paolo", "Sulla più antica diffusione del buddismo nella Serindia e nell’Iran orientale" },
		{ 193, 200, "Dandamaev", "Mohammad A.", "La politique religieuse des Achéménides" },
		{ 201, 208, "Davary", "Djelani", "Die Ruinenstadt Bost am Helmand" },
		{ 209, 214, "Duchesne-Guillemin", "Jacques", "Le texte pahlavi « Xosrow et son page » et les origines de l’amour courtois"},
		{ 215, 222, "Dumézil", "Georges", "Note sur un roman scythique d’Hérodote: Skylès" },
		{ 223, 236, "Emmerick", "Ronald E.", "A Khotanese Fragment: P 5536 bis" },
		{ 237, 246, "Frye", "Richard N.", "The Rise of the Sasanians and the Uppsala School" },
		{ 247, 256, "Gharib", "Badri", "Old Iranian roots ''gauz-'' and ''gaud-'' in Sogdian" },
		{ 257, 268, "Ghirshman", "Roman", "Châpour I<sup>er</sup>, « roi des rois » sans couronne" },
		{ 269, 276, "Gignoux", "Philippe", "Coupes inscrites de la collection Mohsen Foroughi" },
		{ 277, 290, "Gnoli", "Gherardo", "Zur Sīstān-Hypothese" },
		{ 291, 310, "Gonda", "Jan", "The Vedic Gods Aṃśa und Bhaga" },
		{ 311, 316, "Greenfield", "Jonas", "Iranian or Semitic?" },
		{ 317, 332, "Gropp", "Gert", "Die Derbent-Inschriften und das Adur Gušnasp" },
		{ 333, 370, "Hinnells", "John R.", "Reflections on the Lion-headed Figure in Mithraisms" },
		{ 371, 386, "Hinz", "Walther", "Zu den Mörsern und Stösseln aus Persepolis" },
		{ 387, 396, "Hoffmann", "Karl", "Avestisch ''yecā''" },
		{ 397, 408, "Humbach", "Helmut", "Vayu, Śiva und der Spiritus Vivens im ost-iranischen Synkretismus" },
		{ 409, 422, "Insler", "Stanley", "The Ahuna Vairya Prayer" },
		{ 423, 434, "Itō", "Gikō", "From the Dēnkard" },
		{ 435, 444, "Jamasp-Asa", "Kaikhusro", "Ēmēt i Ašavahištān 9–12" },
		{ 445, 456, "Kanga", "Maneck F.", "Sitīkar Nāmak ī Manuščīhr Gōšnjamān" },
		{ 457, 470, "Kellens", "Jean", "Mythes et conceptions avestiques chez les Sassanides" },
		{ 471, 474, "Kia", "Sadeq", "Soġd-e haft āšiān" },
		{ 475, 484, "Kieffer", "Charles", "''Wardak'', toponyme et ethnique d'Afghanistan" },
		{ 485, 492, "Klíma", "Otakar", "Einiges über die stilistischen Ausdrucksmittel in älteren iranischen Sprachdenkmälern"},
		{ 493, 498, "Kotwal", "Firoze M.", "Some notes on the Pahlavi Visperad"},
		{ 499, 498, "Kuryłowicz", "Jerzy", "L’accent du mot en v.-iranien"},
		{ 509, 510, "Philippe", "Gignoux", "Coupes inscrites"},
	Monumentum_NybergII = {
		indices = { last = 3, first = 4, title = 5},
		{ 1, 14, "Lazard", "Gilbert", "Le préverbe moyen-perse ''bē/ba''" },
		{ 15, 38, "Lecoq", "Pierre", "Le dialecte d’Abu Zeyd Ābād" },
		{ 39, 52, "MacDowall", "David W.", "The Copper Denominations of Menander" },
		{ 53, 58, "Mayrhofer", "Manfred", "Ein altes Problem : «Guštāsp» im achten vorchristlichen Jahrhundert" },
		{ 59, 76, "Monchi-Zadeh", "Daoud", "Iranische Miszellen" },
		{ 77, 80, "Morgenstierne", "Georg", "Indo-European ''dheugh-'' and ''deuk-'' in Iranian" },
		{ 81, 92, "Narten", "Johanna", "Avestisch ''čiš''" },
		{ 93, 96, "Navvabi", "Mahyar", "''Vaxsěn Kermak'' = Silk Worm" },
		{ 97, 122, "Nebez", "Jemal", "Die Schriftsprache der Kurden" },
		{ 123, 138, "Neusner", "Jacob", "The Idea of Purity in the Jewish Literature of the Period of the Second Temple" },
		{ 139, 144, "Oranskij", "Igor", "Notes irano-slaves" },
		{ 145, 162, "Paper", "Herbert H", "Isaiah in Judeo-Persian (Chapt. I and 2)" },
		{ 163, 164, "Pisani", "Vittore", "Avest. ''hizuma-, staman-'' und Verwandtes" },
		{ 165, 180, "Schmidt", "Hans P.", "Is Vedic ''dhénā'' related to Avestan ''daēnā''" },
		{ 181, 194, "Schmitt", "Rüdiger", "Nugae Bagistanenses alterae" },
		{ 195, 212, "Schwartz", "Martin", "Proto-indo-european ''ĝem''" },
		{ 213, 226, "Shaked", "Saul", "Some Legal and Administrative Terms of the Sasanian Period" },
		{ 227, 242, "Shaki", "Mansour", "The Concept of Obligated Successorship in the Mādiyān ī Hazār Dādistān" },
		{ 243, 250, "Skalmowksi", "Wojczech", "Two Stories in Afridi Dialect from F. C. Andreas’ Notes" },
		{ 251, 264, "Spuler", "Bertold", "Die armenische Kirche" },
		{ 265, 296, "Strunk", "Klaus", "Semantisches und Formales zum Verhältnis von indoiran. ''krátu-/xratu-'' und gr. κρατύς" },
		{ 297, 312, "Sundermann", "Werner", "Ueberreste manichaischen Yimki-Homilien in mittelpersischer Sprache?" },
		{ 313, 394, "Szemerényi", "Oswald", "Iranica V (n<sup>os</sup> 59–70)" },
		{ 395, 398, "Tafazzoli", "Ahmad", "Elephant: a demonic creature and a symbol of sovereignty" },
		{ 399, 418, "Utas", "Bo", "On the Composition of the Ayyātkār i Zarērān" },
		{ 419, 456, "Widengren", "Geo", "Henrik Samuel Nyberg and Iranian Studies in the Light of Personal Reminiscences" },
		{ 457, 472, "Windfuhr", "Gernot", "Isoglosses: a Sketch on Persians and Parthians, Kurds and Medes" },
	-- For [[Template:RQ:Hakluyt Principall Navigations]].
	Hakluyt = {
		indices = { pageurl = 3 },
		func = "Hakluyt",
		{ 1, 75, 20 },
		{ 76, 169, 23 },
		{ 170, 242, 26 },
		{ 243, 261, 28 },
		{ 262, 355, 31 },
		{ 356, 546, 34 },
		{ 547, 640, 37 },
		{ 641, 643, 40 },
		{ 644, 722, 52 },
		{ 723, 816, 55 },
		{ 817, 825, 58 },
	-- For [[Template:R:Romanistisches Kolloquium XII]]
	Romanistisches_Kolloquium_XII = {
		indices = { last = 3, first = 4, title = 5, last2 = 6, first2 = 7 },
		{ 1, 28, "Schubert", "Gabriella", "Die Ungarn und ihre südosteuropäischen Nachbarn. Ein Neben-, Mit- und Gegeneinander im Spiegel der Lexik der Kontaktsprachen" },
		{ 29, 36, "Muljačić", "Žarko", "Die Romanismen in der ältesten kroatischen Übersetzung von I Fioretti di San Francesco (ca. 1520)"},
		{ 37, 72, "Birken-Silverman", "Gabriele", "Die romanischen Lehnwortschatzschichten im Albanischen"},
		{ 73, 90, "Buchi", "Eva", "Wieviel Wortbildung, wieviel Morphologie verträgt die etymologische Forschung? Bemerkungen zur Beschreibung rumänischer Slavismen"},
		{ 91, 102, "Kristophson", "Jürgen", "Zum slavischen Element und seinen Derivationsprozessen im Rumänischen"},
		{ 103, 136, "Leschber", "Corinna", "Etymologisch problematische Bezeichnungen für ‘Stöcke, Strünke, Balken, Schnäbel’ u.ä. im Rumänischen im Lichte der slavischen Nachbarsprachen. Mit einem Exkurs zur modernen Protobulgaren-Diskussion"},
		{ 137, 188, "Popovici", "Victoria", "Sprachkontakt und Wortbildung. Das rumänische Suffix ''-iș''"},
		{ 189, 236, "Dahmen", "Wolfgang", "Die rumänischen Erbwörter altgriechischer Herkunft (Vorarbeiten zum Etymologicum Graeco-Slavo-Valachicum)", "Kramer", "Johannes"},
		{ 237, 254, "Iliescu", "Maria", "Griechisch und Rumänisch unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des aus der Phanariotenzeit stammenden umgangssprachlichen Wortgutes"},
		{ 255, 268, "Schlösser", "Rainer", "Der griechische Anteil am aromunischen Wortschatz"},
		{ 269, 282, "Sora", "Sandra", "Neue Präfixbildung in der rumänischen Pressesprache nach 1989"},
		{ 283, 314, "Fassel", "Luminița", "Rumänische Einflüsse im Wortschatz der deutschsprachigen Presse der Bukowina in der Zwischenkriegszeit"},
		{ 315, 330, "Hetzer", "Armin", "Semantische Isomorphien: Metaphorik in der Wortbildung. Zum Problem der „Europäisierung“ des türkeitürkischen Wortschatzes"},
		{ 331, 343, "Cervenka-Ehrenstrasser", "Irene", "Lexikon der lateinischen Lehnwörter in den griechischsprachigen dokumentarischen Texten Ägyptens mit Berücksichtigung koptischer Quellen. Eine Vorschau"},