Module:writing systems/data

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This module needs documentation.
Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local m = {}

m["abjad"] = {
	canonicalName = "abjad",
	otherNames = {"consonantary", "consonantal alphabet"},

m["abugida"] = {
	canonicalName = "abugida",
	otherNames = {"alphasyllabary"},

m["alphabet"] = {
	canonicalName = "alphabet",
	category = "Alphabetic writing systems",

m["logography"] = {
	canonicalName = "logography",
	otherNames = {"ideography"},
	category = "Logographic writing systems",

m["pictography"] = {
	canonicalName = "pictography",
	category = "Pictographic writing systems",

m["semisyllabary"] = {
	canonicalName = "semisyllabary",
	category = "Semisyllabaries",

m["syllabary"] = {
	canonicalName = "syllabary",
	category = "Syllabaries",

return m