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Rhymes for /ʌd.../[edit]

Rhymes ending in Example Longer endings
/ʌdək/ Ruddock
/ʌdəl/ muddle
/ʌdən/ sudden
/ʌdə(ɹ)/ rudder
udderlike, etc /ʌdə(ɹ)l.../
/ʌdi/ ruddy /ʌdi.../
/ʌdɪk/ scuddick
/ʌdɪŋ/ flooding
/ʌdɪʃ/ muddish
mudbank, Sudbrooke, etc /ʌdb.../
mudfish, etc /ʌdf.../
judcock, etc /ʌdk.../
Kudlick, etc /ʌdl.../
mudmark, etc /ʌdm.../
Rudnick, etc /ʌdn.../
Dudrick, mudrock, etc /ʌdɹ.../
mudsnake, bloodstick, etc /ʌds.../
Ludwick, etc /ʌdw.../