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Latest comment: 4 years ago by Pokechu22 in topic Capable of causing contraction
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Capable of causing contraction


Another sense, as a synonym of vasoconstriction, for which I can only find one reference:

  • 1904 June 25, V. V. Zakussoff, “Roussky Vratch, April 10, 1904: Effect of Poisons on the Vessels of Kidneys Removed from Cold-Blooded Animals”, in International Record of Medicine, volume 79, Pith of Current Literature, page 1251:
    The secretion of the skin glands of frogs (phrynin) possessed very marked arteriocontractile powers. Barium chloride induced arterial contraction in very dilute solutions (1 in 100,000).

This seems to be a summary/translation of this (warning: probably bad OCR; I don't know Russian):

  • 1904, В В Закусовъ, “Къ вопросу одЙелвін ядовъ на еосуды изолированных Почекъ”, in Русскій Врачъ, number 15, page 532:
    4. лось слабо выраженнымъ Секретъ кожныхъ железъ жабъ (Phrynin) какъ ока обладаетъ рѣзкимъ сосудосъуживающимъ дѣй
    4. losʹ slabo vyražennym Sekret kožnyx želez žab (Phrynin) kak oka obladajet rězkim sosudosʺuživajuščim děj
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Annoyingly, page 531 is only half-scanned, not that it makes much of a difference in practice. --Pokechu22 (talk) 03:25, 24 June 2020 (UTC)Reply