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Documentation for Template:!!. [[//en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Template: &action=edit edit]]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template simply displays ||. It is used in cases where || would otherwise be (undesirably) interpreted as wikitext. It takes no parameters.

See also

  • {{'}}: '
  • {{^(}} {{)^}}: < >
  • {{!(}} {{)!}}: [ ]
  • {{!((}} {{))!}}: [[ ]]
  • {{(}} {{)}}: { }
  • {{((}} {{))}}: {{ }}
  • {{(((}} {{)))}}: {{{ }}}
  • {{(!}} {{!)}}: {| |}
  • {{=}} =
  • {{!}} |
  • {{!!}}: ||
  • {{!-}}: |-