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Documentation for Template:A2R. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.


  • |1=: The Arabic numeral to be converted to Roman numerals.
  • |lower=: Whether to write the output in lowercase or uppercase. Defaults to false.
  • |j=: Whether to change last I or i to J or j. Defaults to false.
  • |iiii=: Whether to change IV or iv to IIII or iiii. Defaults to false.



This template converts (western) Arabic numerals to Roman numerals using Module:roman numerals. It is valid for the numbers 1 through 3,999.

  • {{A2R|100}} → C
  • {{A2R|3999}} → MMMCMXCIX
  • {{A2R|3999|lower=1}} → mmmcmxcix

See also
