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This module allows for easier and more consistent formatting of quotations. It uses Module:RQ:be:s as a back-end.


The title of the book. Needs to be provided in exactly the same way how it is presented on Belarusian Wikisource (e.g. Прынц і жабрак (1940) or Домбі і сын).
The Belarusian text from the book.
The English translation of the Belarusian text. This translation is done by Wiktionary editors, unless origtext is available and already represents a perfectly accurate match for the Belarusian text.
If the Belarusian book is a translation of an older English book, then this parameter is used to provide the original English text from the English edition of the book.
Page number in the paper edition of the Belarusian book.



This template automatically adds the omitted bibliographic information (e.g. the year of the publication, the author, etc.) and passes it to Template:quote-book.

If the book is not a part of the supported set of books, then the book needs to be added to it. Check Module:RQ:be:s for all the necessary instructions.



When the Belarusian book's text is already sufficiently faithful to the English original

#* {{RQ:be:s|Домбі і сын|page=68|Гэтае адзінотнае месца, дзе паміж каменнямі '''бруку''' расла трава, называлася пляцам Прынцэсы.
|origtext=en:The name of this retirement, where grass grew between the chinks in the '''stone pavement''', was Princess’s Place;}}
    • 1938 [1848], Charles Dickens, anonymous translator, Домбі і сын, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Dombey and Son, page 68:
      Гэтае адзінотнае месца, дзе паміж каменнямі бруку расла трава, называлася пляцам Прынцэсы.
      Hetaje adzinótnaje mjesca, dzje pamiž kamjennjami bruku rasla trava, nazyvalasja pljacam Pryncesy.
      [original: The name of this retirement, where grass grew between the chinks in the stone pavement, was Princess’s Place;]

When a Wiktionary editor needs to step in to provide more accurate translation

#* {{RQ:be:s|Востраў скарбаў|page=100|Смала пузырамі выступіла ў шчылінах. Навокал у паветры стаяў такі '''смурод''' ад балотных выпарэнняў, што мне зрабілася моташна. У гэтай агіднай пратоцы пахла ліхарадкай і дызентэрыяй.
|The pitch was bubbling in the seams. The surrounding air had such a nasty swamp vapor '''stench''' that it turned me sick. This abominable anchorage smelt like fever and dysentery.
|origtext=en:The pitch was bubbling in the seams; the nasty '''stench''' of the place turned me sick; if ever a man smelt fever and dysentery, it was in that abominable anchorage.}}
    • 1938 [1883], Robert Louis Stevenson, anonymous translator, Востраў скарбаў, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Treasure Island, page 100:
      Смала пузырамі выступіла ў шчылінах. Навокал у паветры стаяў такі смурод ад балотных выпарэнняў, што мне зрабілася моташна. У гэтай агіднай пратоцы пахла ліхарадкай і дызентэрыяй.
      Smala puzyrami vystupila ŭ ščylinax. Navókal u pavjetry stajaŭ taki smuród ad balótnyx vyparennjaŭ, što mnje zrabilasja mótašna. U hetaj ahidnaj pratócy paxla lixaradkaj i dyzjenteryjaj.
      [original: The pitch was bubbling in the seams; the nasty stench of the place turned me sick; if ever a man smelt fever and dysentery, it was in that abominable anchorage.]
      The pitch was bubbling in the seams. The surrounding air had such a nasty swamp fumes stench that it turned me sick. This abominable anchorage smelt like fever and dysentery.