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Documentation for Template:cel-conj. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template creates an inflection table for Proto-Celtic verbs, calling upon Module:cel-verbs for finite verbal forms and Module:cel-adjectives for the past participle. It takes five positional parameters:

  • |1= the present stem (3rd person singular minus -ti)
  • |2= the future stem
  • |3= the preterite active stem (defaults to the suffixless preterite with stative endings)
  • |4= the passive participle stem (participle minus -os)
  • |5= the subjunctive stem (usually contains -s- except for a few verbs, namely *klinutor, *bwiyeti, and *ɸalnati)

Preterite active modifiers


There are many preterite formations in Celtic. By default, the template assumes the verb takes a suffixless preterite. The stative endings are also applied by default if given a preterite stem. If one wants to set a different preterite formation, tags may be appended to the end of the stem.

  • <st> forces an s-preterite
  • <t> forces a t-preterite
  • <xt> forces a t-preterite with velar-final roots
  • <oh> deals with preterites ending in in the singular (like that of *dāti (to give))