
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Nominative Indefinite {{1}} {{{1}}}e {{1}} {{{1}}}e
Definite {{{1}}}e {{{1}}}e
Accusative Indefinite {{{1}}}en {{{1}}}e {{1}} {{{1}}}e
Definite {{{1}}}e
Genitive Indefinite {{1}}s {{{1}}}er {{1}}s {{{1}}}er
Definite {{1}}s, {{{1}}}en {{1}}s, {{{1}}}en
Dative {{{1}}}en {{{1}}}er {{{1}}}en {{{1}}}en



This template are to used for adjectives. This template needs one parameter to work, the stem, which is the form of the lemma if a vowel follows it. This template does not work for irregular inflections (including for adjectives ending in vowels or -s).