Template:fi-dial-map/feature/Kettunen1940 055

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(edit data)

The classification of and data for regional dialects is based on pre-1950s data. Since the 1950s, the dialects have become increasingly mixed, levelled and influenced by Standard Finnish. Besides Standard Finnish, a relatively uniform and originally urban 'colloquial Finnish' is beginning to emerge in their place, especially in the cities.

(background image)

Source: Kettunen, Lauri. Suomen murteet III A. Murrekartasto. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. Helsinki, 1940. Digitized to CSV by Kotimaisten kielten keskus (CC BY 4.0). (Another online hosted version); see the information for the background image for its sources and licensing

*-ulgi- (kuljin < kulkea), *-urgi- (särjin < särkeä)

kuljin, (kulijin), särjin kulīn, särīn kullīn, (nällīssǟn), särrīn, (märrīssä), kul̆līn etc. kulin, särin, (kulìn, särìn)