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Documentation for Template:hu-decl-perspron. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template provides a table of the case-forms for the personal pronouns of the Hungarian language. Not all cases can be applied to the personal pronouns, only the possible ones are included in the table.



Let's take the pronouns mi (we) and ti (you, informal, plural) as an example.


  1. back-vowel ending for consonant terminated stems:
    unk for mi.
    atok for ti.
  2. front-vowel ending for consonant-terminated stems:
    ünk for mi.
    etek for ti.
  3. ending for vowel terminated stems (if back and front are different, then this is the back one):
    nk for mi.
    tok for ti.
  4. front-vowel ending for vowel terminated stems (provide only if different than the previous one):
    for mi this is also nk, so no need to provide it.
    tek for ti.


  1. acc= the accusative form
    acc=minket for mi.
  2. nek= the dative form. Use only if it is not nek+{{{2}}}
    nek=neki for ő



én: {{hu-decl-perspron|am|em|m|acc=engem}}