Template:list:days of the week/cu

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(') понедѣлъкъ (ponedělŭkŭ), въторъкъ (vŭtorŭkŭ), срѣда (srěda), четврьтъкъ (četvrĭtŭkŭ), пѧтъкъ (pętŭkŭ)/параскевьгии (paraskevĭgii), собота (sobota)/сѫбота (sǫbota), недѣлꙗ (nedělja) (Category: cu:Days of the week)

The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template {{list doc}}.

This is a list of days of the week in the Old Church Slavonic language.


* {{list:days of the week/cu}}

This list in all languages and scripts
