User:Şêr/Kurdish/ez and min

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Kurmanji Kurdish uses two types of personal pronouns.

Number Singular Plural
normal suffix normal suffix normal suffix normal suffix
1st Ez -(i)m Min -(i)m Em -(i)n (ê)Me -man/(i)n
2nd Tu Te (i)t/u Hun (i)n (ê)We -tan/u
3rd Ew -e Wê (FEM.)
Wî (MASC.)
î/y Ew (i)n (e)Wan -yan

The ez forms (NOM.) are used as subjects in the present and future tenses. They are also used as subjects in past tenses when the verb is an intransitive one. They are used as objects in past tenses when employed with a transitive verb.

The min forms (OBL.) are used with any preposition or postposition. They are also employed as objects in present and future tenses, but as subjects of the transitive verbs in past tenses.

Kurmanji has lost the suffixes for OBL pronouns, whereas Sorani has lost nominative normal pronouns.