User:Connel MacKenzie/didyoumean2.js

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// Since dev's won't install [[bugzilla:11794]], reimplement in Javascript, until the servers collapse.
//I.e., for the page "AAA", generate 3^32 separate HTTP page lookup AJAX requests.  If any hit, 
//add that page title to the "See also:" line.

//Since normalizing won't work, simply AJAX requests for all possible spelling variations (on every page load, for every NS:0 page)

 var replacements = new Array();

 replacements[0] = [ 'AaAaÁáÀàÂâÄäǍǎĂăĀāÃãÅåĄąẤấẢảẠạẬậª', 'A',
  'ÆæǼǽǢǣ', 'AE',
  'BbBb', 'B',

 'CcCcĆćĊċĈĉČčÇç', 'C',
 'DdDdĎďĐđÐðƉɖ', 'D',
 'EeEeÉéÈèĖėÊêËëĚěĒēẼẽĘęẾếỀềḖḗỂểẸẹỆệƏə', 'E',
 'Ɛɛ', 'Ɛ',
 'FfFf', 'F',
 'GgGgĠġĜĝǦǧĞğĢģǤǥ', 'G',
 'HhHhĤĥĦħḤḥ', 'H',
 'IiIiÍíÌìİıÎîÏïĬĭĪīĨĩĮįỊị', 'I',
 'IJij', 'IJ',
 'JjJjĴĵ', 'J',
 'KkKkǨǩ', 'K',
 'LlLlĹ弾ĻļŁłḺḻ', 'L',
 'MmMmḾḿṂṃ', 'M',
 'NnNnŃńŇňÑñṆṇŊŋⁿ', 'N',
 'OoOoÓóÒòÔôÖöŌōÕõŐőỐốỒồØøǾǿƠơỚớỜờỘộỞở0º', 'O',
 'Œœ', 'OE',
 'Ɔɔ', 'Ɔ',
 'PpPp', 'P',
 'QqQq', 'Q',
 'RrRrŔŕŘřṞṟṚṛ', 'R',
 'SsSsŚśŜŝŠšŞşṢṣ', 'S',
 'TtTtŤťŢţṮṯṬṭŦŧ', 'T',
 'UuUuÚúÙùÛûÜüŬŭŪūŨũŮůŲųŰűǗǘǛǜǙǚǕǖỦủƯưỤụỨứỪừỮữỬửỬửỰự', 'U',
 'VvVv', 'V',
 'WwWwẂẃẀẁŴŵẄẅ', 'W',
 'XxXx', 'X',
 'YyYyÝýỲỳŶŷŸÿỸỹ', 'Y',
 'ZzZzŹźŻżŽž', 'Z',
 'ÞþǷƿ', 'þ',

 'ΑαΆάᾶ', 'Α',
 'Ββ', 'Β',
 'Γγ', 'Γ',
 'Δδ', 'Δ',
 'ΕεΈέ', 'Ε',
 'Ζζ', 'Ζ',
 'ΗηΉήῆῆ', 'Η',
 'Θθ', 'Θ',
 'ΙιΊίΪϊἸἰἼἴἿἷῖ', 'Ι',
 'Κκ', 'Κ',
 'Λλ', 'Λ',
 'Μμ', 'Μ',
 'Νν', 'Ν',
 'Ξξ', 'Ξ',
 'ΟοΌό', 'Ο',
 'Ππ', 'Π',
 'ΡρῤῤῬῥ', 'Ρ',
 'Σσς', 'Σ',
 'Ττ', 'Τ',
 'ΥυΎύὐὐ', 'Υ',
 'Φφ', 'Φ',
 'Χχ', 'Χ',
 'Ψψ', 'Ψ',
 'ΩωΏώῶῶ', 'Ω',

 'Аа', 'А',
 'Бб', 'Б',
 'Вв', 'В',
 'Г㥴ҒғҔҕ', 'Г',
 'Дд', 'Д',
 'Ђђ', 'Ђ',
 'ЕеЁёӘә', 'Е',
 'Жж', 'Ж',
 'ЗзЭэЄє', 'З',
 'Ѕѕ', 'Ѕ',
 'ИиЙй', 'И',
 'ІіЇїӀ', 'І',
 'Јј', 'Ј',
 'Кк', 'К',
 'ЛлЉљ', 'Л',
 'Мм', 'М',
 'НнЊњ', 'Н',
 'ОоӨө', 'О',
 'Пп', 'П',
 'Рр', 'Р',
 'Сс', 'С',
 'Тт', 'Т',
 'ЋћҺһ', 'Ћ',
 'УуЎўҮү', 'У',
 'Фф', 'Ф',
 'Хх', 'Х',
 'ЦцЏџ', 'Ц',
 'Чч', 'Ч',
 'ШшЩщ', 'Ш',
 'Ыы', 'Ы',
 'ЬьЪъѢѣ', 'Ь',
 'Юю', 'Ю',
 'Яя', 'Я',

//come back to the rest when this works

  '', ''];