User:Dan Polansky/Object model

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  • object: conclusion
    • attribute adjectives: reasonable, hasty
    • action verb: arrive at $1
      • quotation: This seems to me a strange conclusion to arrive at.[1]
      • quotation: In this manner he arrived at the conclusion that, to convey to the ocean the quantity of sodium which is contained therein, ninety million ...[2]
    • action verb: reach $1
      • quotation: It is well to decry the slow and pettifogging minds which require evidence in order to reach conclusions.[3]
    • action verb: come to $1
      • quotation: Weighing all the probabilities, I have come to the conclusion that the evidence is not sufficiently strong for me to hold that Churchill actually did see ...[4]
    • action verb: draw $1
      • quotation: Is the Englishman prepared to draw the same conclusion in both cases?[5]
    • action verb: jump to $1
      • quotation:It is no wonder, then, that ontological controversy should tend into controversy over language. But we must not jump to the conclusion that what there is depends on words.[6]
  • object: distinction
    • attribute adjective: formal, fundamental
    • action verb: draw
    • action verb: grasp
    • action verb: make
  • object: feeling
    • attribute adjective: good, bad, nice, pleasant, great, horrible, terrible
  • object: goal
    • attribute adjective: important, admirable, realistic, specific, measurable, time-bound, exciting, challenging, ultimate, short-term, long-term
    • action verb: set
    • action verb: achieve
    • action verb: attain
    • action verb: accomplish
    • action verb: meet
    • action verb: pursue
  • object: house
    • action verb: build
    • action verb: buy
    • action verb: sell
    • action verb: insure
    • action verb: live in
  • object: hypothesis
    • attribute adjective: tentative, scientific, probable, improbable, wild, groundless (archaic?)
    • action verb: test
    • action verb: confirm
    • action verb: refute
    • action verb: verify
    • action verb: falsify
    • action verb: corroborate
  • object: knowledge
    • attribute adjectives: extensive, deep, superficial, theoretical, practical, useful, working, encyclopedic, public, private, scientific, tacit, explicit, general, specialized, special, broad, declarative, procedural
    • action verb: gain $1
    • action verb: acquire $1
    • action verb: share $1
  • object: meeting
    • attribute adjectives: quarterly, yearly, regular, annual, anniversary, effective, secret, successful
    • action verb: plan
    • action verb: schedule
    • action verb: cancel
    • action verb: host
    • action verb: run
    • action verb: attend
    • action verb: go to
    • action verb: miss
  • object: message
    • attribute adjectives: short, long, secret, encrypted, hidden, important, urgent
    • action verb: write
    • action verb: send
    • action verb: receive
    • action verb: read
    • action verb: encode
    • action verb: decode
    • action verb: encrypt
    • action verb: decrypt
    • action verb: decipher
  • object: need
    • attribute adjectives: physiological, psychological, emotional, psychosocial, human, special, basic, fundamental, satisfied, unmet, unsatisfied
    • action verb: satisfy $1
      • quotation: We study the needs of individuals, and the means by which they satisfy them, ...[7]
    • action verb: meet $1
      • quotation: Our Nation is better able than ever before to meet the needs of the American people, and to give them their fair chance in the pursuit of happiness.[8]
  • object: objection
    • attribute adjectives: serious, grave, fatal
    • action verb: have $1 to
      • quotation: I'll take you into my employ, if you have no objection to travel.[9]
    • action verb: raise $1 to
      • quotation:No objection should be raised to a science on the ground that its premises are inductive,...[10]
    • action verb: make $1
      • quotation: Another objection which has been made,...[11]
    • action verb: raise $1 against
      • quotation: The main objection raised against Mr. Darwin's hypothesis is that it...[12]
    • action verb: answer $1
      • quotation:The following facts are enough to answer every objection on this ground.[13]
    • action verb: meet $1
      • quotation: But in the former case it has to meet this fatal objection.[14]
  • object: pleasure
    • attribute adjective: bodily, mental, intellectual, sensory, sensual, sensuous, momentary
    • action verb: feel
    • action verb: seek
    • action verb: pursue
    • action verb: take $1 in
  • object: price
    • selecting adjectives: average, current
    • attribute adjectives: high, low, fair, rising, falling
    • subject verbs: rise, fall, fluctuate, skyrocket, swing, swing up
    • action verbs: reduce, increase
  • object: problem
    • attribute adjectives: difficult, serious, pressing
    • action verb: solve $1
    • action verb: pose $1
    • action verb: deal with $1
    • action verb: create $1
  • object: promise
    • action verb: make $1
    • action verb: keep $1
    • action verb: fulfill $1
    • action verb: break $1
  • object: proposal
    • attribute adjectives: written, revised, indecent
    • action verb: make $1
    • action verb: write $1
    • action verb: revise $1
    • action verb: prepare $1
    • action verb: submit $1
    • action verb: accept $1
    • action verb: reject $1
    • action verb: approve $1
    • action verb: decline $1
    • action verb: refuse $1
  • object: question
    • attribute adjectives: important, difficult, tough, deep, profound, trivial, open, closed
    • action verb: ask $1
    • action verb: answer $1
    • action verb: put $1
  • object: requirement
    • action verb: meet $1
    • action verb: satisfy $1
      • quotation: Salesmen always want to cater to whims instead of acquiring sufficient knowledge of their product to be able to explain to the customer with the whim that what they have will satisfy his every requirement--that is, of course, provided what they have does satisfy these requirements.[15]
    • action verb: fulfill $1
      • In case some State agency can't fulfill its requirements with software stated in article 2DEG of this law then ...[16]
    • action verb: comply with $1
  • object: suffering
    • action verb: inflict $1 on
      • quotation: Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering,[17].
    • action verb: endure $1
      • quotation: Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering,[18].
  • object: term
    • action verb: define $1
      • quotation: The State may define the term "physician" to mean only a physician currently licensed by the State, and may proscribe any abortion by a person who is not a physician as so defined. P. 165.[19]
  • object: theorem
    • action verb: prove $1
      • quotation: Before proceeding to prove this theorem analytically we may observe, that if ...[20]
  • object: trap
    • action verb: put down $1
    • action verb: fall into $1
  • object: weight
    • action verb: lose
    • action verb: gain
    • action verb: regain
    • action verb: measure
    • action verb: control


  • verb: bear
    • object: likeness
    • object: resemblance
    • object: witness
  • verb: meet
    • object: requirement
    • object: demand
    • object: need
  • verb: bend
    • object: the truth
    • object: the facts
    • object: the law
    • object: the rules
  • verb: render
    • adjective: immobile
    • adjective: obsolete
    • adjective: useless