
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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About me


Hi. I've been on the internet since mid 1994, and have added content to wikipedia. My main interest is in working with multi-word concepts and in making words and concepts understandable to a computer. I talk a lot about computer understandable concepts at My only addition here so far was the word entitize.

What I Would Love to Do on Wiktionary


I am also interested in building a reference that contains the best definition of each word in terms of two others. I would love it if this sort of work had a place on Wiktionary. One goal would be to be able to drop one these into a sentence replacing the word they define there and still pretty much make the same sense and have the same grammatical flow. Another goal would be to feed these as useful input to my AI program.

For Example:

  • a (or an): any one
  • abandoned: left lonely
  • abbey: religious compound
  • abilities: innate resources
  • ability: innate resource
  • able: potentially successful
  • aboard: inside vehicle
  • aborigine: primitive human
  • about: concerned with
  • about: measuring approximately
  • about: near to
  • above: higher than
  • abroad: outside country
  • absence: lacking presence
  • absent: not present
  • absolute: utterly complete
  • absolutely: utterly completely
  • absorb: soak up
  • absorbed: soaked up
  • abstract: essentially conceptual
  • abstract: short summary
  • abundant: beyond enough
  • abuse: bad treatment
  • academic: theory based
  • academy: learning organization
  • accept: agreement say
  • acceptable: happily adequate
  • accepted: well received
  • accepting: willingly allowing
  • access: practically reach
  • accessible: practically available
  • accident: chance incident
  • accidents: chance incidents
  • accomplish: achieve goal
  • accounting: financial calculating
  • accuracy: increased precision
  • accurate: very precise
  • accurately: without error
  • accused: stated against
  • achieve: successfully do
  • achieved: successfully did
  • achievement: completed goal
  • achievements: completed goals
  • achieving: successfully doing
  • acid: destructive liquid
  • acid: destructive speaking
  • acknowledge: give credit
  • acknowledged: gave credit
  • acquire: legally get
  • acre: area unit
  • across: crossing over
  • act: action perform
  • act: perform action
  • acted: performed action
  • action: something done
  • action: something done
  • actions: things done
  • active: currently moving
  • activities: things done
  • activity: something done
  • actor: role performer
  • actors: role performers
  • actual: truly real
  • actually: truly really
  • acute: suddenly strong
  • acute: very sharp
  • ad: commercial notice
  • Adam: first man
  • add: include more
  • added: included more
  • adding: including more
  • additional: thing added
  • address: place specifier
  • address: speak to
  • addressed: place specified
  • addressed: spoke to
  • addresses: place specifiers
  • addresses: says to
  • adequate: just enough
  • adjective: changing word
  • adjust: subtly change
  • admit: fact reveal
  • admit: internally allow
  • admitted: fact revealed
  • admitted: internally allowed
  • adopted: did adopt
  • adult: fully grown
  • adults: adult members
  • advance: forward move
  • advance: opinion promote
  • advanced: more sophisticated
  • advanced: moved forward
  • advantage: better chance
  • advantages: better chances
  • adventure: exciting experience
  • advertise: document sell
  • advice: practical opinion
  • advise: advice give
  • advised: gave advice
  • advisors: advice makers
  • advisory: giving opinion
  • advocate: promotion person
  • aesthetic: theory artistic
  • affair: love experience
  • affair: special event
  • affairs: love experiences
  • affairs: special events
  • affect: also change
  • affected: also changed
  • affecting: also changing
  • affects: also changes
  • afford: potentially buy
  • afraid: fear feeling
  • after: then following
  • afternoon: after morning
  • afterwards: time later
  • again: once more
  • age: history period
  • aged: very old
  • agencies: change promoters
  • agency: change promoter
  • agency: service organization
  • agenda: discussion list
  • agenda: hidden goal
  • agent: active chemical
  • agent: active representative
  • agents: active chemicals
  • agents: active representatives
  • ages: history periods
  • aggressive: intensively acting
  • aggressive: naturally attacking
  • ago: past before
  • agree: intend yes
  • agreed: intended yes
  • agreement: yes intention
  • agreements: yes intentions
  • agrees: intends yes
  • agricultural: agriculture regional
  • agriculture: farming sector
  • ah: very nice
  • ahead: before us
  • aid: distant help
  • aids: distantly helps
  • aim: goal focus
  • aimed: goal focused
  • aims: goal focuses
  • air: atmospheric gas
  • airplane: air vehicle
  • airport: airplane harbor
  • alarm: danger sign
  • album: art book
  • alcohol: intoxication liquid
  • alert: event warning
  • alert: watching ready
  • alike: both similar
  • alive: now living
  • all: every one
  • alliance: joining agreement
  • allied: agreement joined
  • allies: alliance members
  • allowed: did allow
  • almost: not quite
  • alone: company free
  • along: longways on
  • alongside: travelling beside
  • alphabet: language letters
  • already: unexpectedly early
  • alright: now okay
  • also: in addition
  • alter: change within
  • altered: changed within
  • alternative: another option
  • always: temporally consistently
  • am: exist as
  • amateur: below professional
  • amazing: wonderfully surprising
  • ambassador: country representative
  • ambiguous: not clear
  • ambitious: situation desiring
  • among: with all
  • amongst: with all
  • amount: material quantity
  • amounts: material counts
  • amphibian: crawling fish
  • amphibians: fish reptiles
  • analysis: data interpretation
  • analyst: data interpreter
  • analyze: data interpret
  • analyzed: data interpreted
  • ancient: very old
  • and: along with
  • angel: heaven creature
  • anger: violent feelings
  • angry: anger feeling
  • announce: publicly say
  • announced: publicly said
  • annual: each year
  • annual: seed plant
  • answered: did answer
  • antichristian: Christ enemy
  • anticipated: did anticipate
  • ants: colony insects
  • anxious: generally afraid
  • apart: not together
  • apartment: resident part
  • apparent: conceptually obvious
  • appear: suddenly arrive
  • appears: clear seems
  • appendage: body part
  • appendages: body parts
  • apple: red fruit
  • appointed: did appoint
  • appointment: given position
  • appropriate: control take
  • appropriate: socially right
  • approved: did approve
  • April: middle Spring
  • arbitrary: rule lacking
  • arc: circle part
  • archaeology: artifact science
  • architect: building designer
  • architecture: building design
  • archive: permanent storage
  • are: exist as
  • area: flat space
  • area: subject field
  • areas: flat spaces
  • areas: subject fields
  • arise: gets up
  • arisen: gotten up
  • arises: get up
  • arising: getting up
  • arm: upper appendage
  • arm: weapons provide
  • arms: upper appendages
  • arms: weapons provides
  • army: military organization
  • arose: got up
  • arranged: did arrange
  • arrested: did arrest
  • arrested: did halt
  • arrow: direction symbol
  • arrow: pointed stick
  • article: noun introduction
  • articles: noun introductions
  • artifact: ancient thing
  • ascetic: pleasure free
  • asking: request saying
  • asleep: now sleeping
  • assassin: hired killer
  • assault: abusive attack
  • assembled: got together
  • assembly: group meeting
  • assess: assign value
  • assessment: value decision
  • asset: wealth thing
  • assets: wealth things
  • assigned: did assign
  • assignment: requested action
  • assist: give help
  • assistance: given help
  • assistant: office servant
  • associated: mentally connected
  • association: idea connection
  • astronomy: space subject
  • atheist: God denier
  • athlete: sport expert
  • atmosphere: setting feeling
  • atmosphere: world air
  • atom: smallest thing
  • atomic: atom realm
  • atoms: smallest things
  • attach: create join
  • attached: made joined
  • attack: intentionally hurt
  • attacked: intentionally hurt
  • attacking: intentionally hurting
  • attacks: intentionally hurts
  • attend: be at
  • attended: was at
  • attitude: thought feeling
  • attitudes: thought feelings
  • attract: closer draw
  • attract: get attention
  • attracted: closer drew
  • attracted: gained attention
  • attractive: closer drawing
  • attractive: good looking
  • audience: attending people
  • audit: account review
  • August: late Summer
  • aunt: parent's sister
  • author: book writer
  • authorized: did authorize
  • authors: book writers
  • auto: machine wagon
  • auto: self activated
  • automatic: repeating gun
  • automatic: self acting
  • automobile: machine wagon
  • Autumn: cooling season
  • awake: not sleeping
  • awarded: did award
  • awful: very bad
  • axis: base direction
  • babies: new people
  • baby: new person
  • background: life profile
  • background: theater scene
  • backwards: rear first
  • bad: not good
  • ball: dancing occasion
  • ball: round object
  • balloon: gas bag
  • ban: legally stop
  • band: illegal group
  • band: surrounding object
  • bands: illegal groups
  • bands: surrounding objects
  • bank: air turn
  • bank: financial company
  • banking: air turning
  • banking: financial action
  • banned: not allowed
  • bar: alcohol building
  • barely: almost not
  • bark: dog call
  • bark: tree skin
  • barn: animal building
  • barrel: beer vessel
  • bars: alcohol buildings
  • base: bottom part
  • basement: underground level
  • basis: concept base
  • basket: grass container
  • bat: flying mammal
  • bat: sports club
  • bath: person wash
  • battle: army fight
  • bay: dog cry
  • bay: wide inlet
  • be: exist as
  • beach: sandy shore
  • beam: light ray
  • bean: food seed
  • bear: carry burden
  • bear: large carnivour
  • beard: face hair
  • bearing: burden carrying
  • bearing: pose style
  • bears: carries burden
  • bears: large carnivours
  • beat: damagingly hit
  • beaten: striking damaged
  • beating: damagingly hitting
  • beautiful: very pretty
  • beauty: aesthetic idea
  • became: did become
  • become: increasingly be
  • becomes: increasingly is
  • becoming: increasingly being
  • bed: sleep furniture
  • bedroom: sleeping room
  • beds: sleep furniture
  • bee: colony insect
  • beef: cattle meat
  • been: existed as
  • beer: grain alcohol
  • before: earlier than
  • began: now started
  • begin: now start
  • beginning: process starting
  • begins: now starts
  • begun: now started
  • behave: act rightly
  • behavior: typical actions
  • being: existing as
  • beliefs: felt convictions
  • believed: did believe
  • below: lower than
  • belt: clothing band
  • bench: wide chair
  • beneath: hidden under
  • benefit: helpful value
  • benefits: helpful characterisitics
  • bent: not straight
  • beside: next to
  • besides: in addition
  • best: most good
  • bet: risk money
  • better: more good
  • beyond: further than
  • Bible: God's word
  • bid: propose payment
  • big: very large
  • bigger: more big
  • biggest: most big
  • bill: bird mouth
  • bill: money paper
  • billion: thousand million
  • billions: thousand millions
  • bills: bird mouths
  • bills: money papers
  • bind: tie together
  • binding: tieing together
  • biological: thing living
  • biology: creature science
  • bird: feathers animal
  • birds: feather animals
  • birthday: birth anniversary
  • bit: orally cut
  • bit: tiny part
  • bite: orally cuts
  • bits: tiny parts
  • bitter: leaf taste
  • bitter: long angry
  • black: very dark
  • blank: text free
  • blanket: bed cover
  • blessed: God helped
  • blind: seeing disabled
  • block: cubic solid
  • blocks: cubic solids
  • blue: generally sad
  • blue: sky colored
  • blues: sad music
  • board: get inside
  • board: wooden sheet
  • boards: gets inside
  • boards: wooden sheets
  • boat: water vehicle
  • boats: water vehicles
  • bodies: person objects
  • body: person object
  • bold: obviously brave
  • bomb: exploding device
  • bomber: bomb airplane
  • bond: binding thing
  • bond: payment agreement
  • bonds: binding things
  • bonds: payment agreement
  • bone: structure organ
  • bones: structure organs
  • boost: push upwards
  • boot: tall shoe
  • boots: tall shoes
  • border: national edge
  • bore: did carry
  • bore: drill hole
  • bore: dull person
  • born: separately begun
  • boss: direct lord
  • both: two simultaneously
  • bottom: rear end
  • boundary: area edge
  • bow: arched stick
  • bow: body gesture
  • bowl: deep dish
  • box: cubic container
  • boy: male child
  • boys: male children
  • brain: mind organ
  • branch: partial division
  • branch: tree division
  • branches: partial divisions
  • branches: tree divisions
  • brass: zinc copper
  • brave: having courage
  • breach: barrier break
  • bread: sponge food
  • break: end cohesion
  • breakfast: morning meal
  • breaking: ending cohesion
  • breaks: ends cohesion
  • breath: breathing phase
  • breathe: exchange air
  • breathing: exchanging air
  • breeze: moderate wind
  • brick: manmade rock
  • bride: new wife
  • bridge: river crossing
  • bridges: river roads
  • brief: very temporary
  • briefly: very temporarilly
  • bright: strongly shining
  • bright: very smart
  • bring: here carry
  • bringing: carrying here
  • brings: here carries
  • broad: flat wide
  • broadly: flat widely
  • broke: did break
  • broke: without money
  • broken: not functional
  • bronze: tin copper
  • brother: male sibling
  • brothers: male siblings
  • brought: with carried
  • brown: ground colored
  • budget: payment plan
  • buffalo: wild cow
  • builder: building maker
  • builders: building makers
  • building: permanent shelter
  • buildings: permanent shelters
  • bull: male cow
  • bundle: diverse assembly
  • bus: group vehicle
  • bush: tiny tree
  • busy: much doing
  • but: and yet
  • butter: solid cream
  • button: clothing connector
  • cabin: primitive house
  • cabinet: central committee
  • cabinet: enclosed shelves
  • cable: wire rope
  • cage: animal contianer
  • cake: sweet bread
  • calendar: time chart
  • calm: quiet feeling
  • came: did come
  • camera: picture machine
  • camp: temporary home
  • campaign: military operation
  • campus: university land
  • can: able to
  • can: metal container
  • canal: water road
  • cancer: lump disease
  • cannot: able not
  • cap: small hat
  • capacity: holding amount
  • cape: flat jacket
  • cape: land point
  • capital: leading city
  • capital: ownership money
  • captain: unit leader
  • car: machine carriage
  • carbon: biology element
  • care: have caring
  • career: professional theme
  • careful: carefully done
  • cares: has caring
  • caring: future concern
  • carpet: floor fabric
  • carriage: passenger wagon
  • carried: did carry
  • carry: hand transport
  • cars: machine carraiges
  • case: formal example
  • case: legal position
  • case: permanent container
  • cases: formal examples
  • cases: legal positions
  • cases: permanent containers
  • cash: paper money
  • cast: acting crew
  • cast: mold fill
  • castle: protection building
  • casual: not formal
  • cat: claws mammal
  • catch: actively receive
  • cathedral: huge church
  • cattle: meat animals
  • caught: actively received
  • cavalry: horse soldiers
  • cave: hollow place
  • ceiling: room top
  • cell: organ creature
  • cellar: underground room
  • cells: organ creatures
  • cent: money unit
  • center: middle part
  • centers: middle parts
  • central: center located
  • centuries: century units
  • century: hundred years
  • ceremony: formal event
  • certainty: certain attitude
  • chain: link rope
  • chair: sitting furniture
  • chairman: meeting leader
  • chairs: chair objects
  • challenge: positive problem
  • challenged: did challenge
  • chamber: small room
  • champion: overall winner
  • change: return money
  • change: successive difference
  • changed: did change
  • changes: successive alterations
  • changing: successively altering
  • channel: narrow waterway
  • channels: narrow waterways
  • chaos: lacking order
  • chapel: tiny church
  • chapter: book part
  • chapters: book parts
  • character: writing symbol
  • characteristic: single quality
  • characteristics: single qualities
  • characters: writing symbols
  • charge: run toward
  • charged: did charge
  • charges: runs toward
  • charm: personally attract
  • charming: personally attracting
  • chart: information display
  • cheap: priced low
  • cheaper: more cheap
  • check: positive mark
  • checked: positive marked
  • cheek: face side
  • cheeks: face sides
  • cheese: solid milk
  • chemical: chemistry material
  • chemicals: chemistry materials
  • chemistry: material science
  • cheque: payment document
  • chest: storage furniture
  • chest: upper trunk
  • chick: baby chicken
  • chicken: egg animal
  • chief: highest leader
  • child: young human
  • childhood: young period
  • children: young humans
  • chip: small fragment
  • chocolate: utopia food
  • choice: selection action
  • choices: selection actions
  • chord: soft rope
  • chord: tone combination
  • chose: did choose
  • Christ: God salvation
  • Christian: Christ follower
  • Christianity: Christ religion
  • chronic: always present
  • church: religious building
  • circle: round shape
  • circles: round shapes
  • circuit: circular journey
  • circular: circle like
  • circumstances: surrounding facts
  • circus: traveling show
  • cite: refer to
  • cited: referred to
  • cities: large towns
  • citizen: country member
  • citizens: country members
  • city: large town
  • civil: not military
  • civil: well behaved
  • civilian: civil person
  • civilization: region group
  • claim: fact statement
  • claimed: did claim
  • claiming: fact saying
  • claims: fact statements
  • class: defined type
  • class: learning event
  • classes: defined types
  • classes: learning events
  • classic: eternal style
  • classical: old music
  • classroom: learning room
  • clause: simple sentence
  • claws: sharp fingers
  • clay: pot material
  • clean: not dirty
  • cleaning: dirt removing
  • clear: light passing
  • clear: objects remove
  • cleared: did clear
  • clearing: objects removing
  • clearly: with clarity
  • clever: quickly intelligent
  • client: repeating customer
  • clients: repeating customers
  • climate: century weather
  • climbed: did climb
  • closer: more close
  • closest: most close
  • cloth: clothing material
  • clothe: attach clothes
  • clothes: body covers
  • clothing: body covering
  • coach: teaching trainer
  • coal: burnable rock
  • coast: continental shore
  • coast: inertially move
  • coat: suface add
  • coat: warm jacket
  • code: cryptic writing
  • coffee: wakening drink
  • cold: emotionally distant
  • cold: low temperature
  • cold: mild illness
  • collapse: sudden failure
  • college: teaching organization
  • colleges: teaching organizations
  • colonial: colony regional
  • colony: new place
  • combat: soldier fighting
  • comedy: funny story
  • commission: criminal action
  • commit: responsible make
  • committed: crime did
  • committed: made responsible
  • commons: common land
  • communicate: truly talk
  • communist: commons advocate
  • communities: settled groups
  • community: settled group
  • companion: present friend
  • component: inner part
  • composer: music writer
  • compound: building group
  • compound: combine ingredients
  • compound: complex chemical
  • computed: did compute
  • conceived: baby started
  • conceived: idea created
  • concentrate: attention focus
  • concentrate: increase strength
  • concept: created idea
  • conception: baby starting
  • conception: idea creation
  • conclusion: final decision
  • condemned: punishment ordered
  • conduct: public behavior
  • conductor: orchestra director
  • consonant: mouth sound
  • constantly: very often
  • constructed: made structure
  • construction: building making
  • container: holding object
  • containers: holding objects
  • contemporary: time same
  • continent: giant island
  • continental: continent related
  • convenience: easy provision
  • conversation: talking together
  • conversion: substantial change
  • convert: substantially change
  • converted: substantially changed
  • conviction: prison commitment
  • conviction: strong belief
  • cook: food maker
  • cook: heat apply
  • cooked: heat applied
  • cool: barely cold
  • cooling: colder becoming
  • corn: giant grain
  • corporation: business organization
  • corridor: doors hall
  • cottage: small house
  • cotton: plant cloth
  • could: was able
  • counties: small regions
  • countries: organized nations
  • country: organized nation
  • county: small region
  • court: legal room
  • courts: inner yards
  • cow: milk animal
  • cowboy: cattle herder
  • craft: floating vehicle
  • crash: destructive stop
  • cream: milk fat
  • create: newly make
  • created: newly made
  • creates: newly makes
  • creating: newly making
  • creation: created thing
  • creative: creation able
  • creativity: creation ability
  • creator: thing maker
  • creature: created being
  • creatures: created beings
  • credit: borrowing potential
  • crew: working group
  • cricket: batting sport
  • cricket: sound insect
  • cried: emotionally vocalized
  • crime: illegal action
  • crimes: illegal actions
  • criminal: crime doer
  • crisis: danger time
  • critic: criticism writer
  • crop: food field
  • crops: food fields
  • crowd: dense group
  • crowded: densely grouped
  • crown: royal hat
  • crucial: most needed
  • cry: emotionally vocalize
  • crying: emotionally vocalizing
  • crystal: ordered rock
  • cultural: inherited societal
  • culture: inherited society
  • cultures: inherited societies
  • cup: short glass
  • cure: biologically repair
  • curiosity: wanting knowledge
  • curious: wanting knowledge
  • curtains: window fabric
  • curve: rounded edge
  • custom: specially made
  • customer: related buyer
  • customers: related buyers
  • cut: slice into
  • cuts: slices into
  • cutting: slicing into
  • cycle: repeating timeline
  • cycle: rotating device
  • dad: male parent
  • daily: every day
  • damage: physical harm
  • damaged: physically harmed
  • damages: physically harms
  • damp: somewhat wet
  • dance: move rhythmically
  • dancer: rhythmic mover
  • danger: possible harm
  • dangerous: possibly harmful
  • dangers: possible harms
  • darkness: present dark
  • data: raw information
  • deal: business agreement
  • deals: business agreements
  • December: early Winter
  • decimal: ten based
  • deck: card set
  • deck: ship floor
  • deeper: more deep
  • deer: slender herbivore
  • deers: slender herbivores
  • definitely: completely certainly
  • delight: much pleasure
  • democracy: people government
  • democratic: voter directed
  • describe: details tell
  • described: details told
  • describes: details tells
  • description: detailed account
  • descriptions: detailed accounts
  • desert: dry land
  • designing: design creating
  • desk: writing furniture
  • destructive: destruction causing
  • devil: evil being
  • diagram: line picture
  • diameter: circle width
  • diary: daily book
  • dictionary: word reference
  • die: numbered cube
  • die: stop living
  • died: stopped living
  • digit: hand part
  • digit: single number
  • dimension: space measure
  • dimensional: spatially measured
  • dimensions: space measures
  • dinner: main meal
  • dirty: ground surfaced
  • disable: function break
  • disabled: function broken
  • disagree: not agree
  • discuss: mutually talk
  • discussing: mutual talking
  • dish: food plate
  • dishes: food plates
  • distance: separation feeling
  • distant: feeling apart
  • district: city zone
  • districts: city zones
  • divide: become parts
  • divided: became parts
  • divorce: marriage end
  • dog: domestic wolf
  • dogs: domestic wolves
  • domain: assigned area
  • doorway: wall entrance
  • dot: tiny mark
  • down: direction below
  • down: feeling sad
  • dozen: twelve group
  • drawing: pen picture
  • drawings: pen pictures
  • dress: women clothing
  • dressed: wound covered
  • dressing: wound covering
  • drill: hole maker
  • drill: repeating training
  • dry: water remove
  • drying: water removing
  • duck: water bird
  • duties: required actions
  • duty: required action
  • dye: fabric color
  • dying: ending living
  • ear: hearing organ
  • earlier: more early
  • earliest: most early
  • ears: hearing organs
  • easier: more easy
  • easiest: most easy
  • east: toward dawn
  • eastern: east part
  • egg: baby shell
  • eggs: baby shells
  • eight: twice four
  • eighteen: thrice six
  • eighteenth: third sixth
  • eighth: second fourth
  • eighty: twice fourty
  • elaborate: details add
  • elaborate: highly detailed
  • elbow: arm joint
  • elected: election selected
  • election: electoral event
  • elections: electoral events
  • electoral: politician selective
  • elegant: well formed
  • element: matter type
  • elements: matter types
  • elephant: giant herbivore
  • eleven: almost twelve
  • eleventh: almost twelfth
  • elsewhere: somewhere else
  • emotion: mental feeling
  • emotions: mental feelings
  • emperor: empire ruler
  • empire: nations country
  • engage: mechanical connect
  • engine: power source
  • enjoy: benefit from
  • enjoyed: benefited from
  • enjoying: benefiting from
  • enjoyment: received pleasure
  • enormous: very large
  • environment: spatial conditions
  • environment: terrain type
  • equal: both same
  • equation: equality statement
  • equator: ball circle
  • equilibrium: dyamic balance
  • era: themed period
  • essay: opinion article
  • estate: rich compound
  • estate: total assets
  • estates: rich places
  • Eve: first woman
  • evidence: legal facts
  • evident: obviously true!
  • evolution: natural development
  • evolve: naturally develop
  • execute: judicial kill
  • expert: knowing person
  • expertise: subject knowledge
  • experts: knowing people
  • exterminator: animal killer
  • eye: seeing organ
  • eyes: seeing organs
  • fabric: thick cloth
  • face: head front
  • faced: did face
  • faces: face objects
  • facility: natural ability
  • facility: purpose building
  • facing: wall surface
  • fact: true! statement
  • factory: working building
  • facts: true! statements
  • faculty: college teachers
  • faculty: mental ability
  • faint: thought lose
  • false: not true!
  • families: child homes
  • family: child home
  • famous: widely known
  • fan: air pusher
  • fan: fame worshiper
  • fancy: excessively detailed
  • fans: air pushers
  • fans: fame worshipers
  • farm: food land
  • farmer: farm person
  • farmers: farm people
  • farming: food growing
  • farms: food lands
  • fast: speed high
  • faster: more fast
  • fastest: most fast
  • fat: body food
  • fatal: death causing
  • fate: negative destiny
  • fathers: male parents
  • favored: did favor
  • feathers: bird hair
  • February: late Winter
  • federal: split power
  • feeding: food giving
  • feet: leg ends
  • feet: length units
  • feminist: gender equalizer
  • festival: celebration occasion
  • fewer: quantity less
  • fewest: quantity least
  • field: force area
  • field: plant area
  • field: scientific subject
  • fields: force areas
  • fields: plant areas
  • fields: scientific subjects
  • fifteen: thrice five
  • fifteenth: third fifth
  • fifth: almost sixth
  • fifty: five tens
  • fig: palm fruit
  • fighter: combat person
  • finer: more fine
  • finest: most fine
  • finger: controlling appendage
  • fingers: controlling appendages
  • finish: complete task
  • finish: material surface
  • finished: completed task
  • finished: material surfaced
  • firm: established business
  • firms: established businesses
  • fish: water animal
  • fishes: water animals
  • fist: fighting hand
  • five: hand number
  • flash: brief light
  • fleet: quickly running
  • fleet: ship group
  • flesh: body material
  • flesh: natural man
  • flew: air traveled
  • flexible: shape changing
  • flies: air travels
  • flies: waste insects
  • flight: air travel
  • flower: plant organ
  • flowers: plant organs
  • fly: air travel
  • fly: waste insect
  • flying: air traveling
  • foil: metal sheet
  • foil: successfully oppose
  • follow: after move
  • followed: after moved
  • follows: after moves
  • food: eating energy
  • foods: food types
  • foot: leg end
  • foot: length unit
  • footprints: foot images
  • ford: river cross
  • forest: tree land
  • forests: tree lands
  • fort: military compound
  • forty: twice twenty
  • fought: did fight
  • found: did find
  • founded: enterprise started
  • four: twice two
  • fourteen: twice seven
  • fourteenth: second seventh
  • fourth: second second
  • fox: wild dog
  • fragment: incomplete part
  • frame: base structure
  • frames: base structures
  • frog: jumping amphibian
  • front: forward portion
  • frontier: civilization edge
  • fruit: good result
  • fruit: sweet seed
  • fund: purpose asset
  • funds: purpose money
  • funeral: death burial
  • funny: laughter causing
  • fur: animal hair
  • gallery: art building
  • gallery: balcony room
  • game: structured fun
  • garage: car storage
  • garden: intense farm
  • gardens: intense farms
  • gather: together draw
  • gathered: together drew
  • gaze: long look
  • gear: personal equipment
  • gear: toothed wheel
  • gender: official sex
  • general: army chief
  • generate: system create
  • generated: system created
  • generation: system creation
  • generator: creation system
  • gesture: physical speech
  • giant: huge human
  • girl: female child
  • girls: female children
  • glad: being happy
  • gladiator: entertainment fighter
  • glance: briefly look
  • glance: obliquely hit
  • glass: liquid container
  • glasses: liquid containers
  • goal: end purpose
  • goals: end purposes
  • God: world creator
  • golden: gold colored
  • goods: different supplys
  • grace: given salvation
  • grace: smooth motion
  • gradually: happening slowly
  • graduate: school complete
  • grain: food grass
  • grandfather: parent's father
  • grandmother: parent's mother
  • graph: directional diagram
  • grass: thin plant
  • greater: more great
  • greatest: most great
  • green: not finished
  • green: plant colored
  • grew: size increased
  • grey: mouse colored
  • gross: twelve dozen
  • grow: size increase
  • growing: size increasing
  • grown: done growing
  • guards: place protectors
  • guest: special visitor
  • guests: special visitors
  • guild: professional group
  • guilty: shame feeling
  • guitar: string instrument
  • gulf: continental bay
  • gun: bullet weapon
  • guns: bullet weapons
  • guy: young man
  • guys: young men
  • hair: long fur
  • hall: narrow room
  • halt: movement stop
  • ham: pig meat
  • hand: grab appendage
  • handed: side favoring
  • handle: hand grip
  • hands: grab appendages
  • handsome: male pretty
  • happen: suddenly occur
  • happened: suddenly occurred
  • happens: suddenly occurs
  • happiness: pleasant feeling
  • harbor: boat port
  • harder: more hard
  • harm: damage cause
  • harvest: food gathering
  • hat: head clothing
  • hate: feel hatred
  • hated: did hate
  • hatred: extreme anger
  • haven: safe place
  • he: that male
  • head: brain container
  • head: forward move
  • head: lead group
  • headed: forward moved
  • headed: lead group
  • heading: forward moving
  • heading: group leading
  • headquarters: directive building
  • heads: brain containers
  • heads: forward moves
  • heads: leads group
  • heart: blood organ
  • heart: core part
  • hearts: blood organs
  • hearts: emotional parts
  • heat: very warm
  • heating: hotter becoming
  • heavy: weighing much
  • hen: female chicken
  • her: that female
  • herbivore: plant consumer
  • herbivores: plant consumers
  • herd: herbivore group
  • hers: her thing
  • herself: her self
  • hide: animal skin
  • hide: keep secret
  • hides: animal skins
  • hides: keeps secret
  • high: vertical strong
  • higher: more high
  • highest: most high
  • hill: small mountain
  • hills: small mountians
  • him: that male
  • himself: his self
  • hit: hand strike
  • hits: hand strikes
  • home: living place
  • homes: living places
  • honey: bee liquid
  • honored: given honor
  • horn: hard appendage
  • horn: wind instrument
  • horse: riding animal
  • horses: riding animals
  • hotel: sleep building
  • house: domestic building
  • household: parent's home
  • houses: domestic building
  • hundred: twice fifty
  • hundreds: ten tens
  • hungry: food needing
  • hurried: too fast
  • hurry: quickly move
  • hurt: damage do
  • hydrogen: light gas
  • hypothesis: initial theory
  • ice: frozen water
  • implication: logical meaning
  • implied: logically meant
  • implies: logically means
  • imply: logically mean
  • impossible: not possible
  • improve: become better
  • improved: became better
  • improving: becoming better
  • indeed: in fact
  • indoor: inside building
  • infant: new human
  • infection: microbe disease
  • inflation: currency decline
  • inflation: volume increase
  • initial: beginning first
  • initial: first letter
  • initiated: now started
  • initiative: first action
  • insect: hard worm
  • insects: hard worms
  • inside: in something
  • instrument: sound maker
  • intellectual: mind worker
  • is: exists as
  • isolated: made apart
  • Israel: God's land
  • Israeli: Israel member
  • its: it is
  • itself: it's self
  • jacket: over clothing
  • January: middle Winter
  • jar: food container
  • Jesus: God's son
  • Jew: Jews member
  • Jews: God's people
  • joint: bend point
  • joke: funny statement
  • journal: time book
  • joy: deep happiness
  • Judeochristian: God follower
  • juice: fruit liquid
  • July: middle Summer
  • June: early Summer
  • jungle: tropical land
  • jurisdiction: police area
  • jury: judging group
  • keep: ownership retain
  • keeps: ownership retains
  • key: lock opener
  • keys: lock openers
  • kick: foot strike
  • kid: child's creature
  • kids: child's creatures
  • kill: death cause
  • killed: death caused
  • killer: killing creature
  • king: royal ruler
  • kingdom: royal country
  • kings: royal rulers
  • kitchen: cooking room
  • knee: leg joint
  • knees: leg joints
  • knight: killing fighter
  • knock: weakly strike
  • knocked: weakly struck
  • knocking: weakly striking
  • laboratory: experiment room
  • lack: miss having
  • lacked: missed having
  • lacking: not having
  • lad: young boy
  • lake: water area
  • lamb: baby sheep
  • land: outdoor area
  • lands: outdoor areas
  • larger: more large
  • largest: most large
  • later: more late
  • latest: most late
  • latest: most recent
  • laughter: group laughing
  • law: legal rule
  • laws: legal rules
  • leaf: flat piece
  • leaf: plant part
  • leather: hide cloth
  • leave: away go
  • leaves: away goes
  • leaves: flat pieces
  • leaves: plant parts
  • leaving: away going
  • left: away went
  • left: turn direction
  • leg: walking appendage
  • legend: ancient story
  • legislation: law making
  • legislators: law makers
  • legs: walking appendages
  • length: maximum dimension
  • lengths: maximum dimensions
  • library: book place
  • lid: container closure
  • light: looking provision
  • light: weighing little
  • lights: light makers
  • like: similar to
  • likewise: also similarly
  • limitations: limiting conditions
  • lion: giant cat
  • lips: opening edges
  • listening: sense hearing
  • lit: made lighted
  • livestock: kept animals
  • lobby: entrance room
  • local: near regional
  • locally: near there
  • locate: position identify
  • located: position identified
  • location: defined place
  • location: finding action
  • log: event record
  • log: trunk section
  • lone: only one
  • lonely: feeling alone
  • long: great length
  • longer: more long
  • longest: greatest length
  • lovely: female pretty
  • lowest: most low
  • lungs: breath organs
  • machinery: powered devices
  • magic: mysterious power
  • main: most important
  • mammal: fur animal
  • mammals: fur animals
  • man: male adult
  • management: organization managers
  • mankind: all people
  • manor: noble compound
  • manual: direction book
  • manual: hand done
  • marble: rigid ball
  • marble: white stone
  • March: early Spring
  • marine: ocean regional
  • mason: stone worker
  • mass: material size
  • masses: material sizes
  • massive: very heavy
  • May: late Spring
  • measurement: measured number
  • memorial: memory building
  • men: male adults
  • merchant: item seller
  • mice: tiny mammal
  • midnight: nights middle
  • might: possibly will
  • mighty: very strong
  • mile: length unit
  • milk: mammal liquid
  • million: thousand thousand
  • millions: thousand thousands
  • mine: mineral source
  • mine: my thing
  • miners: mine workers
  • minimal: lowest satisfactory
  • minor: less important
  • minor: young person
  • moderate: reduce extremes
  • modified: did change
  • modify: change make
  • mold: object pattern
  • mold: simple plant
  • monkey: handed animal
  • monument: remind structure
  • moon: near world
  • mothers: female parents
  • motive: action reason
  • mountain: high land
  • mountains: high lands
  • mouse: tiny mammals
  • mouth: eating organ
  • mouths: eating organs
  • mud: wet dirt
  • municipal: city regional
  • murder: criminal kill
  • muscle: strength organ
  • muscles: strength organs
  • museum: artifact building
  • mussel: shell animal
  • mussels: shell animals
  • mustard: hot spice
  • myself: my self
  • nation: collective people
  • national: nation related
  • nations: collective peoples
  • natural: not human
  • nature: not humanity
  • nearer: more near
  • nearest: most near
  • neck: head joint
  • negative: not positive
  • neighborhood: city part
  • nest: bird home
  • never: not ever
  • new: now existing
  • newer: more new
  • newest: most new
  • news: current events
  • next: after this
  • nice: emotionally pleasant
  • nine: thrice three
  • nineteen: almost twenty
  • nineteenth: after eighteenth
  • ninety: thrice thirty
  • ninth: third third
  • no: not yes
  • noble: high born
  • noble: well behaved
  • nodded: head gesture
  • nomad: traveling tribe
  • none: not any
  • nonsense: lacking logic
  • noon: middle day
  • nor: and not
  • northeast: northern east
  • northern: north section
  • northwest: northern west
  • nose: smell organ
  • notable: notice worthy
  • noun: thing word
  • novel: emotionally new
  • novel: fiction book
  • November: late Autumn
  • number: abstract quantity
  • numbers: quantity words
  • numeral: quantity character
  • nuts: food seeds
  • oak: hard tree
  • observe: follow rule
  • observed: followed rule
  • obvious: easily perceived
  • obviously: perceived easily
  • ocean: world lake
  • October: middle Autumn
  • office: official position
  • office: work place
  • officer: military official
  • officers: military officials
  • official: appointed authority
  • okay: declared acceptable
  • older: more old
  • oldest: most old
  • once: one time
  • one: initial number
  • ones: someone's thing
  • only: just one
  • opening: entry gap
  • operator: device handler
  • opportunities: unexpected possibilities
  • opportunity: unexpected possibility
  • orange: section fruit
  • orange: sunset colored
  • organ: body component
  • organ: pipe piano
  • organs: body components
  • origin: starting point
  • origins: starting points
  • ourselves: our selves
  • outdoor: outside buildings
  • outline: shape edges
  • outside: not inside
  • oxygen: life gas
  • pa: close father
  • pace: rhythm speed
  • pace: walking step
  • Pacel: space object
  • packed: stuffed together
  • page: book leaf
  • pages: book leaves
  • painter: paint user
  • painting: painted picture
  • paintings: painted pictures
  • pair: two things
  • palace: royal compound
  • pale: light colored
  • palm: hand bottom
  • palm: tropical tree
  • pan: shallow pot
  • pants: dog breathes
  • pants: leg clothing
  • parish: religious county
  • park: recreation area
  • parks: recreation areas
  • parties: political organizations
  • party: political organization
  • passage: between route
  • peak: highest point
  • perceive: consciously see
  • perceived: consciously saw
  • percent: per hundred
  • perception: conscous seeing
  • personnel: professional crew
  • pet: animal touch
  • pet: companion animal
  • philosophy: existence theory
  • phone: dialogue device
  • phrase: sentence part
  • physics: physical science
  • piano: key instrument
  • pick: hole maker
  • pie: bowl cake
  • piece: general part
  • pig: meat animal
  • pilgrim: religious traveler
  • pine: mountain tree
  • pine: sadly decline
  • pink: tongue colored
  • pit: fruit seed
  • pit: ground hole
  • pitcher: liquid source
  • plain: flat land
  • plain: not fancy
  • planet: distant world
  • planetary: planet related
  • planets: distant worlds
  • plant: ground put
  • plant: still creature
  • plants: ground puts
  • plants: still creature
  • plate: flat part
  • plates: flat parts
  • players: game members
  • pleasant: quite nice
  • plug: hole barrier
  • plural: group noun
  • pocket: clothing container
  • pockets: clothing containers
  • poem: verse story
  • poems: verse stories
  • poet: verse writer
  • poets: verse writers
  • politicians: political people
  • pond: tiny lake
  • pony: small horse
  • Pool: knocking game
  • pool: tiny lake
  • popular: broadly liked
  • population: people quantity
  • porch: roofed entrance
  • port: transfer place
  • portion: partial amount
  • position: area place
  • position: argument opinion
  • position: body stance
  • position: named job
  • positive: above zero
  • pot: cooking object
  • potatoes: food roots
  • pound: fist attack
  • pound: mass unit
  • powers: special abilities
  • practically: done usefully
  • prairie: grass plain
  • prefix: first syllable
  • premium: additional payment
  • prepare: make ready
  • prepared: made ready
  • preparing: making ready
  • presence: being present
  • present: formally give
  • present: here now
  • presently: fairly soon
  • pretty: looking good
  • prevent: successfully oppose
  • prevented: successfully opposed
  • prevention: successful opposition
  • previous: before existing
  • prey: animal game
  • price: object cost
  • prices: object costs
  • pride: lion group
  • priest: judeochristian professional
  • prime: quality best
  • prince: royal son
  • princess: royal daughter
  • principal: chief leader
  • priority: importance rank
  • prison: prisoner building
  • prisoners: prison members
  • private: not public
  • producing: wealth making
  • product: thing produced
  • productivity: production measure
  • products: things produced
  • professor: subject teacher
  • profound: deeply thought
  • progress: forward move
  • progress: situation advancement
  • prominent: easily seen
  • promise: situation commitment
  • promised: situation committed
  • promises: situation commitments
  • promising: situation committing
  • promote: position increase
  • promote: system sell
  • promotion: higher position
  • promotion: system selling
  • pronoun: placeholder noun
  • proof: supporting facts
  • properties: owned places
  • property: owned wealth
  • prophet: truth teller
  • proportion: relative dimension
  • proportions: relative dimensions
  • protect: safe keep
  • protected: safe kept
  • protection: safe keeping
  • proud: thinking well
  • provide: need give
  • provided: need gave
  • provides: need gives
  • providing: need giving
  • province: country part
  • provincial: province regional
  • provision: need preparation
  • psychology: mind science
  • pub: alcohol building
  • publications: published documents
  • publish: public make
  • published: made public
  • pupil: young learner
  • pupils: young learners
  • purple: flower colored
  • push: away move
  • pushed: away moved
  • pushing: away moving
  • quantity: measured count
  • quarrel: angry disagreement
  • quart: volume unit
  • quarter: fourth part
  • quarters: fourth parts
  • queen: royal wife
  • questioning: question saying
  • rabbit: jumping animal
  • rail: beam track
  • railroad: iron road
  • raise: higher lift
  • raised: higher lifted
  • raising: rising causing
  • ram: male sheep
  • rang: did ring
  • raw: not cooked
  • ray: light stream
  • ray: wing fish
  • rays: light streams
  • rays: wing fish
  • ready: now prepared
  • reason: understand cause
  • reasonable: understanding causes
  • reasonably: generally well
  • reasons: purpose causes
  • recall: now remember
  • recall: order return
  • recalled: now remembered
  • recalled: ordered return
  • receipt: delivery note
  • receive: accept delivery
  • received: accepted delivery
  • receiver: receiving entity
  • receives: accepts delivery
  • receiving: delivery accepting
  • recognition: sudden seeing
  • recognize: suddenly see
  • recognized: suddenly saw
  • recover: restore normality
  • recovered: restored normality
  • recovery: normality restoration
  • red: blood colored
  • reform: improving change
  • reforms: improving changes
  • refusal: no answer
  • refuse: answer no
  • refused: answered no
  • regardless: without thought
  • regime: ruling group
  • region: super nation
  • regional: super national
  • regions: super nations
  • reign: king era
  • reject: emotionally refuse
  • rejected: emotionally refused
  • rent: tenant payment
  • reply: return answer
  • reptile: primitive animal
  • reptiles: primitive animals
  • republic: representative government
  • residence: person home
  • resort: recreation complex
  • response: connected reaction
  • responses: connected reactions
  • restaurant: eating building
  • resume: again start
  • Resume: job document
  • resumed: again started
  • revolution: complete change
  • revolution: full spin
  • rhyme: same suffix
  • ridiculous: foolishly funny
  • rigid: not flexible
  • ring: bell sound
  • ring: solid band
  • rise: height gain
  • risen: became higher
  • rises: height gains
  • rising: going upwards
  • roar: lion call
  • robin: early bird
  • rock: cyclic movement
  • rocket: fire vehicle
  • rocks: cyclic moves
  • root: underground branch
  • roots: underground branches
  • rose: beautiful flower
  • rose: height gained
  • route: road course
  • routes: road courses
  • rule: required instruction
  • rules: required instructions
  • rural: not urban
  • sail: sailing sheet
  • sail: wind travel
  • sailing: wind traveling
  • salary: work payment
  • salmon: season fish
  • salt: ocean solid
  • salt: ocean solid
  • salty: ocean taste
  • sample: class representative
  • sand: tiny stones
  • sang: did sing
  • sauce: spice liquid
  • saw: cutting tool
  • scale: drawing size
  • scale: reptile bit
  • scheme: outline design
  • schemes: outline designs
  • school: fish group
  • school: learning place
  • schools: fish groups
  • schools: learning places
  • science: natural philosophy
  • sciences: natural philosophies
  • scientific: science based
  • scientist: subject researcher
  • sea: small ocean
  • season: quarter year
  • season: spice add
  • second: after first
  • secondary: after first
  • secondly: after firstly
  • section: integrated part
  • sections: integrated parts
  • sector: market part
  • seed: plant egg
  • seeds: plant egg
  • seen: obviously noticed
  • seller: selling person
  • sentence: single statement
  • sentences: multiple statements
  • September: early Autumn
  • setting: crystal place
  • setting: story place
  • settle: finally agree
  • settled: finally agreed
  • settlement: final agreement
  • settlement: settler's colony
  • seven: week number
  • seventeen: almost eighteen
  • seventeenth: almost eighteenth
  • seventh: almost eighth
  • seventy: seven tens
  • shade: sun block
  • shadow: shade image
  • shadows: shade images
  • shape: outline form
  • shaped: outline formed
  • shapes: outline forms
  • share: part give
  • shared: part gave
  • sharing: part giving
  • she: that female
  • shed: tool shelter
  • sheep: wool animal
  • sheeps: wool animals
  • shell: rock hide
  • shells: rock hides
  • shelter: environment protection
  • shelters: environment protections
  • shift: position change
  • shine: produce light
  • shining: light producing
  • shirt: trunk clothing
  • shocked: feeling shock
  • shoe: foot clothing
  • shoes: foot clothing
  • shop: buying building
  • shops: buying buildings
  • shorter: more short
  • shoulder: arm connection
  • shoulders: arm connections
  • shout: loudly say
  • shouted: loudly said
  • shouting: loudly saying
  • shrugged: shoulder gesture
  • silk: worm cloth
  • simpler: more simple
  • simplest: most simple
  • sin: wrong actions
  • since: continuously from
  • since: now because
  • singer: singing person
  • single: one lone
  • sink: downward move
  • sink: washing bowl
  • site: empty location
  • sites: empty places
  • six: second third
  • sixteen: twice eight
  • sixteenth: second eighth
  • sixth: twice three
  • sixty: thrice twenty
  • skill: learned ability
  • skilled: having skill
  • skills: learned abilities
  • skin: human surface
  • skins: creature surfaces
  • sky: above outside
  • slave: owned person
  • slavery: person ownership
  • slaves: owned people
  • slow: speed low
  • smaller: more small
  • smallest: most small
  • smith: iron worker
  • smoke: burn vapor
  • snake: rope reptile
  • snakes: rope reptiles
  • social: socialism themed
  • socialism: national ownership
  • socialist: socialism member
  • sociology: society science
  • solar: sun related
  • sole: foot bottom
  • son: male child
  • song: singing poem
  • songs: singing poems
  • sour: acid taste
  • southeast: south east
  • southern: south part
  • southwest: south west
  • space: above world
  • space: open area
  • space: word division
  • spaces: open areas
  • spaces: word divisions
  • spare: extra give
  • speaker: speech maker
  • specialized: unusual skilled
  • specific: information precise
  • specimen: collected animal
  • specimens: collected animals
  • speculation: future guess
  • speech: long statement
  • spice: sharp food
  • spider: insect hunter
  • spoke: did speak
  • spokesman: representative speaker
  • sponge: hole animal
  • sponge: hole material
  • spot: round mark
  • spots: round marks
  • Spring: heating season
  • spy: secret observer
  • stable: horse house
  • stable: not changing
  • stadium: sports building
  • staff: tool stick
  • star: distant sun
  • star: famous person
  • stars: distant sun
  • stars: famous people
  • startled: surprise jumped
  • state: formally say
  • state: small country
  • stated: formally said
  • statements: formal remarks
  • states: formally says
  • states: small countries
  • stem: flow block
  • stem: start from
  • stem: tiny trunk
  • stems: flow blocks
  • stems: starts from
  • stems: tiny trunks
  • step: foot place
  • step: process part
  • step: stairs part
  • stepped: foot placed
  • stepped: step surfaced
  • steps: foot places
  • steps: process parts
  • steps: stairs parts
  • stick: dead stem
  • stick: poke into
  • sticks: dead stems
  • sticks: pokes into
  • stiff: not flexible
  • stock: company shares
  • stomach: food organ
  • store: commercial building
  • stores: commercial buildings
  • stranger: more strange
  • strangest: most strange
  • strength: physical power
  • strengthen: increase strength
  • strict: rule following
  • strictly: by rules
  • strike: hard hit
  • strike: work stop
  • strikes: hard hits
  • striking: hard hitting
  • striking: work stopping
  • stroke: brain bleeding
  • stroke: deliberate motion
  • stroke: hand attack
  • strong: physically powerful
  • stronger: more strong
  • strongest: most strong
  • struck: hard hit
  • struck: work stopped
  • student: subject learner
  • students: subject learners
  • studio: painting room
  • subject: discussed thing
  • subject: ruled person
  • subjects: discussed things
  • subjects: ruled people
  • suffer: pain continue
  • suffered: pain continued
  • suffering: pain continuing
  • sufficient: goal adequate
  • suffix: last syllable
  • sugar: sweet material
  • suicide: self killing
  • suit: matching clothing
  • suite: room group
  • Summer: hot season
  • summit: mountain top
  • sun: world light
  • sunlight: sun light
  • supervision: staff guidance
  • suppliers: material dealers
  • suppose: currently assume
  • supposed: temporarilly assumed
  • sure: mentally certain
  • surface: facing make
  • surfaced: made surface
  • surfaces: makes surface
  • surgery: body fix
  • survive: still live
  • survived: still lived
  • surviving: still living
  • sweet: fruit taste
  • syllable: word part
  • symbol: meaning mark
  • table: eating furniture
  • tables: eating furniture
  • tail: back appendage
  • tale: fictional story
  • talent: natural ability
  • talents: natural abilities
  • tall: great height
  • tank: armored cannon
  • tank: liquid container
  • target: aiming goal
  • targets: aiming goals
  • task: work particle
  • tasks: short jobs
  • tear: eye rain
  • tears: eye drops
  • technology: industrial things
  • teeth: mouth parts
  • telegraph: message device
  • telephone: dialogue device
  • teller: information speaker
  • telling: account saying
  • temple: religious building
  • temporarily: be briefly
  • temporary: time short
  • ten: twice five
  • tens: two fives
  • tent: fabric shelter
  • tenth: second fifth
  • terrain: land form
  • terrible: greatly bad
  • territory: country domain
  • testimony: legal description
  • theater: performance building
  • theirs: their thing
  • them: those people
  • theme: guiding idea
  • themes: guiding ideas
  • themselves: their selves
  • then: that time
  • theological: theology based
  • theology: religion philosophy
  • there: where indicated
  • they: those people
  • thing: one existing
  • third: almost fourth
  • thirteen: almost fourteen
  • thirteenth: almost fourteenth
  • thirty: thrice ten
  • thousand: ten hundred
  • thousands: ten hundreds
  • threat: danger sign
  • threatened: violence suggested
  • threatening: violence suggesting
  • three: almost four
  • thrice: three times
  • throat: stomach entry
  • thumb: opposite finger
  • tide: ocean phase
  • till: work soil
  • tip: knowledge bit
  • tip: over turn
  • tip: pointed end
  • tip: service money
  • tire: rubber wheel
  • titles: document names
  • to: completely toward
  • tongue: talking organ
  • tooth: mouth part
  • topic: discussed thing
  • topics: discussed things
  • tower: narrow building
  • town: built community
  • towns: built communities
  • track: animal print
  • track: iron street
  • track: tracks follow
  • tracks: animal footprints
  • tracks: iron streets
  • tracks: tracks follows
  • tragedy: sad result
  • train: long vehicles
  • train: skill learn
  • trained: skill learned
  • training: skill learning
  • trains: long vehicle
  • trains: skill learns
  • travel: extensive movement
  • treasury: money building
  • treaty: country agreement
  • tree: huge plant
  • trees: huge plant
  • trial: attempted action
  • trials: attempted actions
  • tribe: patron country
  • tribes: patron countries
  • tried: action attempted
  • tries: action attempts
  • tropical: hot regional
  • trousers: man pants
  • trunk: large chest
  • trunk: nose appendage
  • trunk: tree body
  • trunks: large chests
  • trunks: nose appendages
  • trunks: tree bodies
  • try: action attempt
  • trying: action attempting
  • turkey: domestic bird
  • turned: round moved
  • twelfth: third fourth
  • twelve: thrice four
  • twentieth: second tenth
  • twenty: twice ten
  • twice: two times
  • twin: identical sibling
  • two: pair number
  • type: machine write
  • types: machine writes
  • unable: not able
  • unaware: not aware
  • uncertain: not certain
  • unconscious: long faint
  • under: physically below
  • uneasy: mildly upset
  • unexpected: not expected
  • unfair: not fair
  • unfortunate: not fortunate
  • unhappy: not happy
  • uniform: always equal
  • uniform: official clothing
  • unit: measurement standard
  • unit: military group
  • units: measurement standards
  • units: military groups
  • universe: everything existing
  • universities: academic organizations
  • university: academic organization
  • unlike: not like
  • unlikely: not likely
  • unnecessary: not needed
  • unusual: not common
  • upstairs: level above
  • urban: city land
  • us: my group
  • utopia: perfect place
  • vacuum: airless area
  • vague: not clear
  • valid: declared true
  • valley: mountain pit
  • value: moral principle
  • values: moral principles
  • van: enclosed vehicle
  • vapor: visible gas
  • vast: very huge
  • vat: wine vessel
  • vegetable: food plant
  • vegetables: food plants
  • vehicle: carrying device
  • vehicles: carrying devices
  • velocity: directional speed
  • verb: action word
  • village: small town
  • villages: small towns
  • violet: flower colored
  • virgin: without experience
  • vocabulary: known words
  • voice: human call
  • voices: human calls
  • volcanic: melted rock
  • volume: collection book
  • volume: sound magnitude
  • volume: spatial area
  • volumes: collection books
  • volumes: spatial areas
  • voluntary: freely given
  • volunteer: free worker
  • vote: electoral choice
  • voted: did vote
  • voters: vote makers
  • votes: electoral choices
  • voting: electoral choosing
  • vowel: voice sound
  • voyage: sea journey
  • vulnerable: emotionally hurtable
  • vulnerable: physically hurtable
  • wage: work payment
  • wages: work payments
  • wake: sleep end
  • walk: move upright
  • walked: moved upright
  • walking: moving upright
  • walks: moves upright
  • wall: vertical barrier
  • walls: vertical barriers
  • war: country fight
  • warfare: country fighting
  • was: existed as
  • watch: tiny clock
  • water: life liquid
  • waters: water places
  • we: our group
  • weak: not strong
  • weakness: lacking strength
  • wealth: extraordinary assets
  • wearing: clothing using
  • wearing: use damaging
  • web: spider net
  • weird: very strange
  • welfare: government charity
  • well: water source
  • were: existed as
  • west: toward sunset
  • western: west part
  • wet: water wrapped
  • whale: water mammal
  • whispered: quietly said
  • whistle: high sound
  • white: snow colored
  • whole: all together
  • widen: make wider
  • wider: more wide
  • widest: most wide
  • wildlife: wild animals
  • window: glass opening
  • wing: flying arm
  • wings: flying arms
  • winner: winning player
  • winners: winning players
  • Winter: cold season
  • wire: electric communication
  • wire: metal string
  • wisdom: spiritual knowledge
  • wit: clever statements
  • withdrawn: back pulled
  • withdrawn: emotionally distant
  • wolf: wild dog
  • woman: female adult
  • women: female adults
  • wonder: mentally question
  • wonder: surprise feeling
  • wondered: mentally questioned
  • wondering: mental questioning
  • wood: small forest
  • wood: tree material
  • wooden: tree composed
  • woods: small forest
  • woods: tree materials
  • wool: sheep cloth
  • word: meaning sound
  • words: meaning sounds
  • wore: dressed in
  • wore: use damaged
  • workshop: working place
  • world: similar earth
  • worm: tiny animal
  • worms: tiny animals
  • worn: clothing used
  • worn: use damaged
  • worth: measured value
  • wound: combat injury
  • wound: mechanism turned
  • wounded: combat injured
  • wrap: fabric surround
  • wrapped: fabric surrounded
  • write: make document
  • writer: document creator
  • writers: document makers
  • writes: makes document
  • writing: making document
  • writings: documents made
  • written: document made
  • wrote: made document
  • yard: length unit
  • yard: outdoor workshop
  • yellow: generally scared
  • yellow: old colored
  • yield: force giving
  • yield: produced amount
  • younger: more young
  • youngest: most young
  • youngsters: human children
  • yours: your thing
  • yours: your thing
  • yourself: your self
  • youth: young adult
  • zero: nothing number
  • zone: city area
  • zones: city areas
  • zoo: animal compound

Talk page: jonrgrover