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Roots and words are listed both in their later, more familiar forms, and in their earlier forms, when more laryngeals were present.


Basic form Early form Meaning
*-ā- *-eH₂- (suffix forming abstract or collective nouns)
*ab(e)l- apple
*ad- *H₂ed- (possibly[1]) to, by, at
*aǵ- (1) *H₁aǵ- to drive, draw, move
*aǵ- (2) *H₂eǵ- to speak
*ag-es- fault, guilt
*agʰ- to be depressed, afraid
*aǵʰ- day (span of time)
*aǵro- *H₁aǵro- field
*agw(e)sī- axe
*agʷʰ-no- lamb
*ai- (1) to give, allot
*ai- (2) *H₂ei- to burn
*aiǵ- goat
*aiḱ- (1) *H₂eiḱ- to be master of, possess
*aiḱ- (2) spit
*aim- *H₂eim- copy
*ais- *H₂eis- to wish, desire
*aiw- *H₂eiw- vital force, life, long life, eternity
*aḱ- *H₂eḱ- sharp
*aḱs- axis
*akʷ-ā- water
*al- (1) *H₂el- (probably[2]) beyond
*al- (2) to wander
*al- (3) to grow, nourish
*al- (4) to grind, mill
*al- (5) all
*albʰo- white
*alu- sorcery; possession, intoxication
*ambʰi *H₂ent-bʰi around
*ambʰō both
*āmer- day
*ams- *H₂ems- black; blackbird
*an- (1) on
*an- (2) old woman, ancestor
*an- (3) *H₂en- to pour, draw water
*andʰ- bloom
*andʰo- blind, dark
*anH₁- *H₂enH₁- to breathe
*anH₂t- *H₂enH₂t- duck
*anHtā- doorjamb
*anǵʰ- tight, painful
*ang- *H₂eng- to bend (see *ank-, below)
*angʷʰi- snake, eel
*ank- *H₂enk- to bend
*āno- ring
*ans- loop, handle
*ansu- *H₂ensu- or *H₂onsu- spirit
*ant- *H₂ent- front, forehead
*ap- (1) *H₂ep- to take, reach
*ap- (2) *H₂ep- water
*āpero- shore
*ap(o)- off, away
*apsā aspen
*ar- *H₁ar- to fit together
*arH₃- *H₂erH₃- to plow
*arǵ- *H₂(e)rǵ- to shine; white; silver
*ark- *H₂erk- to hold, contain, guard
*arku- bow and/or arrow
*as- *H₂es- to burn, glow
*at- to go
*at-al- race, family
*āter- fire
*atto- father
*au- (1) (pronominal base appearing in particles and adverbs)
*au- (2) off, away
*au- (3) *H₂eu- to weave
*au- (4) *H₁au- to perceive
*aug- (1) *H₂eug- to increase
*aug- (2) to shine
*aukʷ- cooking pot
*aulo- hole, cavity
*aus- (1) *H₁aus or (less likely) *H₂eus-[2] to shine
*aus- (2) gold
*aus- (3) *H₂eus- to draw water
*awi- *H₂ewi- bird
*awo- grandfather, uncle
*ayer- day, morning
*ayes- metal, copper, bronze
*ayu- *H₂eyu- life (see *aiw-, above)


Basic form Early form Meaning
*badyo- yellow, brown
*bak- walking stick, staff
*band- drop
*bel- strong
*bend- protruding point
*beu- to swell
*bʰā- (1) *bʰeH₂- to shine
*bʰā- (2) *bʰeH₂- to speak
*bʰa-bʰā- broad bean
*bʰad- good
*bʰag- to share out, apportion
*bʰāǵʰu- arm
*bʰāgo- beech tree
*bʰardʰ-ā- beard
*bʰars- (1) projection, bristle, point
*bʰars- (2) barley
*bʰasko- band, bundle
*bʰau- *bʰeH₂u- to strike
*bʰē- *bʰeH₁- to warm
*bʰedʰ- to dig
*bʰeg- to break
*bʰegʷ- to run
*bʰei- bee
*bʰeid- to split
*bʰeidʰ- to trust
*bʰeiH₂- to strike
*bʰeigʷ- to shine
*bʰel- (1) to shine, flash, burn
*bʰel- (2) to blow, swell
*bʰel- (3) to thrive, bloom
*bʰel- (4) to cry out, yell
*bʰeld- to knock, strike
*bʰelg- plank, beam
*bʰelǵʰ- to swell
*bʰelk- plank (see *bʰelg-, above)
*bʰel-u- to harm
*bʰendʰ- to bind
*bʰenǵʰ- thick, fat
*bʰer- (1) to carry, bear
*bʰer- (2) *bʰerH₁- to cut, pierce, bore
*bʰer- (3) bright, brown
*bʰer- (4) to cook, bake
*bʰerdʰ- to cut
*bʰerHǵ- to shine; bright, white
*bʰerHḱ- to shine, glitter
*bʰerǵʰ- (1) to hide, protect
*bʰerǵʰ- (2) high
*bʰers- quick
*bʰes- (1) to rub
*bʰes- (2) to breathe
*bʰeu- to swell (see *beu-, above)
*bʰeudʰ- to be aware, make aware
*bʰeu(H)- to be, exist, grow
*bʰeug- (1) to flee
*bʰeug- (2) to enjoy
*bʰeug- (3) to bend
*bʰlād- to worship
*bʰlāg- *bʰleH₂g- to strike
*bʰlē- (1) *bʰleH₁- to howl
*bʰlē- (2) *bʰleH₁- or possibly *bhlēH₂- to howl
*bʰlei- to blow, swell
*bʰleu- to swell, well up, overflow
*bʰors- point (see *bhars- (1), above)
*bʰoso- naked
*bʰrag- to smell
*bʰraǵʰ-men- form, ritual form
*bʰrāter- brother
*bʰreg- to break
*bʰreiH- to cut, break
*bʰrekʷ- to cram together
*bʰrem- (1) to growl
*bʰrem- (2) to project; point, spike; edge
*bʰres- to burst
*bʰreu(H)- (1) to cut, break up
*bʰreu(H)- (2) *bʰreuH₁- to boil, bubble, burn
*bʰreus- to swell
*bʰrū- *bʰruH- eyebrow
*bʰrūg- agricultural produce; to enjoy
*b(ʰ)udʰ- bottom, base
*bʰuǵo- male animal; stag, ram, he-goat


Basic form Early form Meaning
*dā- *deH₂- to divide
*dail- *da(H)i- to divide
*daiwer- husband's brother
*daḱru- tear
*dānu- river
*dap- to apportion (in exchange)
*de- (demonstrative stem, base of prepositions and adverbs)
*dē- *deH₁- to bind
*deig- *deiǵ- to show (see *deik-, below)
*deiǵʰ- insect
*deiḱ- to show, pronounce solemnly
*deḱ- (1) to take, accept
*deḱ- (2) fringe, tuft
*deḱm̥ ten
*deḱs- right; south
*del- (1) long
*del- (2) to recount, count
*del(H)- to split, carve, cut
*dem- house, household
*demH₂- to constrain, force, break in
*denḱ- to bite
*dens- (1) to use mental force
*dens- (2) dense, thick
*dent- *H₁d-ent- tooth
*depʰ- to stamp
*der- (1) to run, walk, step
*der- (2) to split, peel, flay
*derbʰ- to wind, compress
*derH₂- to work
*dergʰ- to grasp
*derk- *derk- to see
*deru- to be firm, solid, steadfast; wood
*des- enemy, foreigner, slave
*deu- (1) to lack, be wanting
*deu- (2) to do, perform, show favor, revere
*deuH₂- long (in duration)
*deuk- to lead
*dʰabʰ- to fit together
*dʰal- to bloom
*dʰē- *dʰeH₁- to set, put
*dʰeb- dense, firm, compressed
*dʰegʷʰ- to burn, warm
*dʰē(i)- *dʰeH₁(i)- to suck
*dʰeiǵʰ- to form, build
*dʰel- hollow
*dʰelbʰ- to dig, excavate
*dʰembʰ- to bury
*dʰen- (1) to run, flow
*dʰen- (2) palm of the hand
*dʰer- (1) to make muddy; darkness
*dʰer- (2) to hold firmly, support
*dʰer- (3) to drone, murmur, buzz
*dʰers- to venture, be bold
*dʰēs- *dʰeH₁s- religious
*dʰeu- (1) *dʰeuH- to rise in a cloud
*dʰeu- (2) to flow
*dʰeu- (3) *dʰeuH₂ to die
*dʰeub(ʰ)- deep hollow
*dʰeubʰ- wedge, peg, plug
*dʰeuH₂- to close, finish, come full circle
*dʰeugʰ- to produce something useful
*dʰǵʰem- earth
*dʰǵʰū- fish
*dʰǵʰ(y)es- yesterday
*dʰgʷʰei- to perish, die away
*dʰgʷʰer- to flow, move forcefully
*dʰīgʷ- to stick, fix
*-dʰlo- (see *-tro-, below)
*dʰragʰ- to draw, drag on the ground
*dʰreǵ- to draw, glide
*dʰregʰ- to run
*dʰeibʰ- to drive, push; snow
*dʰreu- to fall, flow, drip, droop
*dʰreugʰ- to deceive
*-dʰro- (see *-tro-, below)
*dʰugH₂ter- daughter
*dʰwenH₂- to disappear, die
*dʰwer- *dʰwor, *dʰur- door, doorway
*digʰ- goat
*dlegʰ- to engage oneself
*dl̥k-u- sweet
*dn̥ǵʰū- tongue
*dō- *deH₃- to give
*drem- to sleep
*dreu- to be firm (see *deru-, above)
*dus- bad, evil; mis-
dwei- to be in doubt, unsure; (later) to fear
*dwo- two
*dyeu- to shine; sky, heaven, god


Basic form Early form Meaning
(adverbial particle)
*-ē- *-eH₁-* (verbal suffix forming stative denominative verbs from adjectives)
*ed- *H₁ed- to bite; (later) to eat
*eg- to lack
*eǵ- I
*eǵʰero- lake
*eǵʰs out
*egni- fire
*egʷʰ- to drink
*ei- (1) *H₁ei- to go
*ei- (2) reddish, motley; yellow
*eis- (1) passion
*eis- (2) ice, frost
*eḱwo- horse
*el- (1) elbow, forearm
*el- (2) red, brown
*elH₂- to go
*elḱ-es- wound
*em- to take, distribute
*en in
*-en- (suffix forming nouns and adjectives)
*en-es- burden
*engʷ- groin, internal organ
*-eno- (see *-no-)
*-ent- (see *-nt-)
*epi near, at, against
*er- (1) *H₁er- to move, set in motion
*er- (2) earth, ground
*erH₁- (1) *H₁erH₁- to row
*erH₁- (2) *H₁reH₁- to separate
*erH₂- *H₁erH₂- to separate, adjoin
*erH₃dʰ- *H₁(e)rH₃dʰ- (possibly, but details obscure[2]) high
*erǵʰ- *H₁erǵʰ- to mount
*erkʷ- to radiate, beam, praise
*ers- (1) to be in motion
*ers- (2) to be wet
*es- *H₁es- to be
*ēs- *H₁ēs- to sit
*-es- (suffix forming abstract nouns from verbs)
*es-en- harvest, fall
*esōr- woman
*(e)su- *H₁(e)su- good
*eti above, beyond
*ētī- eider duck
*ētmen- *eH₁tmen- breath
*-eto- (see *-to-)
*eu- to dress
*euH₂- *H₁euH₂- to leave, abandon, give out
*euH-dh-r̥ udder
*euk- to become accustomed
*eus- to burn
*-eyo- (verbal suffix forming causatives and iteratives from verbal roots)


Basic form Early form Meanin
*gal- (1) bald, naked
*gal- (2) to call, shout
*gal- (3) to be able, have power
*gar- to call, cry
*gāu- *geH₂u- to rejoice; to have religious fear or awe
*ǵebʰ- jaw, mouth (see *ǵep(ʰ)-)
*gēi- *geH₁i- to sing
*ǵeiH- to sprout, split, open
*gel- (1) bright
*gel- (2) cold; to freeze
*ǵembʰ- tooth, nail
*ǵemH₁- to marry
*ǵen(H₁)- to give birth, beget
*ǵenu- (1) knee; angle
*ǵenu- (2) jawbone, chin
*ǵep(ʰ)- jaw, mouth
*ger- *H₂ger- to gather
*gerbʰ- to scratch
*gerH₂- to cry hoarsely; crane
*ǵerH₂- to grow old
*ǵeuH- to hasten
*g(e)u-lo- glowing coal
*ǵeus- to taste, choose
*gʰabʰ- to give, receive
*gʰabʰolo- to give, receive
*gʰāi- *gʰeH₂i- to yawn, gape
*gʰ(a)id-o- goat
*gʰais- to adhere, hesitate
*gʰaiso- stick, spear
*ǵʰalgʰ- branch, rod
*ǵʰans- goose
*ǵʰazdʰ-o- rod, staff
*ǵʰē- *ǵʰeH₁- to release, let go
*gʰebʰ- to give, receive (see *gʰabʰ-)
*gʰebʰ-el- head
*gʰedʰ- to unite, join, fit
*ǵʰei- (1) to propel, prick
*ǵʰei- (2) winter
*gʰeis- fear, amazement
*gʰel- to call
*ǵʰel- (1) to shine
*ǵʰel- (2) to cut
*gʰeidʰ- to pay
*gʰeleǵʰ- metal
*gʰelH₂d- hail
*gʰelū- tortoise
*gʰel-unā- jaw
*gʰe(n)d- to seize, take
*ǵʰengʰ- to go, walk
*gʰer- (1) to call out
*gʰer- (2) to scape, scratch
*ǵʰer- (1) to grasp, enclose
*ǵʰer- (2) to like, want
*ǵʰerH₂- gut, entrail
*ǵʰers- to bristle
*ǵʰes- hand
*ǵʰeslo- thousand
*ǵʰeu- to pour (a libation)
*ǵʰēu- to yawn, gape
*ǵʰeu(H)- to call, invoke
*gʰo- (base of demonstrative pronouns and deictic pronouns)
*ǵʰō- behind, after
*gʰos-ti- stranger, guest, host
*gʰow-ē- to honor, revere, worship
*gʰrē- *gʰreH₁- to grow, become green
*gʰrebʰ- (1) to seize, reach
*gʰrebʰ- (2) to dig, bury, scratch
*gʰredʰ- to walk, go
*ǵʰrēi- *ǵʰreH₁i- to rub
*gʰreib- to grip
*gʰrem- angry
*gʰrendʰ- to grind
*gʰrēu- *gʰreH₁u- to rub, grind
*ǵʰwer- wild beast
*gʰwībʰ- shame; pudenda
*gladʰ- smooth
*glei- clay
*gleubʰ- to tear apart, cleave
*glōgʰ- *gleH₃gʰ- thorn, point
*ǵnō- *ǵneH₃- to know
*gras- to devour
*greut- to compress, push
*ǵr̥H-no- grain
*gru- to grunt
*gʷā- *gʷeH₂- to go, come
*gʷābʰ- *gʷeH₂bʰ- to dip, sink
*gʷādʰ- *gʷeH₂dʰ- to sink
*gʷeiH- to press down, conquer
*gʷei(H₃)- *gʷeiH₃- to live


























  1. ^ Sihler, Andrew L. (1995) New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Watkins, Calvert (1985) The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt