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Hello. If you've picked up on the meaning of my username, than you're likely as invested in classics and history as I am. If not, I'm referencing the section of Xenophon's Anabasis where Xenophon and his men reach the sea after trudging through Persia. I'm simply engaged by the elation Xenophon manages to express there in saying "Θαλασσα!" which is the Greek word for "sea." Anyway, I'm primarily interested in Classical, Russian, American, Renaissance, and English histories, as well as classical and romance languages. I have a strong knowledge of Spanish, Latin and Attic Greek, an intermediate understanding of Hittite, and a passing understanding of Italian. Also, for those who are wondering about my signature, it's a line from Virgil's Aeneid. It roughly translates to "Perhaps someday we will look back, even upon these things, and rejoice."