V.savaram is a Village located in Rayavaram Mandal of East Godavari District in the state of Andhra Pradesh Postal PINCODE 533 346. STD CODE :08857.
Agriculture is the main occupation of people living in V.savaram , some of the crops grown in this region include Rice, Cotton, Chilis, Wheat etc ,Other occupation in V.savaram includes the priests, carpenters, blacksmiths, barbers, weavers, potters, oil pressers, leatherworkers, sweepers, water bearers, toddy-tappers and many others.
The common traditional clothing for women is a Saree, Salwar and for men is pant,shirt,Dhothi, Lungi and Pancha . Telugu is the main language in V.savaram used for communicating in the Village .
V.savaram is known for its natural liveliness with greenary and peace all around,The lifestyle of the villagers shows our culture, traditions and brotherhood among them.
V.savaram is easily accesed by road from Rayavaram, The nearest Railway Station to V.savaram is Anaparthy,Samalkot Junction, and the nearest Airport is Visakhapatnam airport , Rajahmundry airport ,Hyderabad airport,the nearest busstop is Rayavaram(polamma putta) there is an auto stand also.
Most of the villagers own mobile phones and are connected to the rest of the world through television. The cable operator in V.savaram offers more than 80 television channels to its viewers.both local and foreign.
Nearest Cities and Towns from V.savaram Village are Kakinada , Pithapuram ,Peddapuram , Jaggampeta , Prathipadu , Tuni , Amalapuram , Kothapeta , P.Gannavaram , Razole , Mummidivaram , Ramachandrapuram , Mandapeta , Rajahmundry - Urban , Anaparthy , Rajanagaram , Rampachodavaram
Near by Tourist Places of this Village are Draksharama It is very famous shivaite Temple situated at draksharamam ,vedurupaka God durga petam, where hundreds of pilgrims visit this place everyday. , Samalkot Pancharamam , Pithapuram Birthplace of Sri Padhavallabhudu(lord Dattatreya) , Peddapuram maridamma temple , Dwarapudi Andhra Sabarimalai , Gollala Mamidada Sun God Temple , Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple, Antarvedi ,Korangi Reserve Forest is a well known area for Back waters and mangrove forests , Konaseema a rich and very scenic delta, with lush green fields, farms and river Godavari streams. River rides and houseboats at Dindi resorts , Papi Hills Papikondalu are the major attractions for tourists and film makers. , Maredumilli Eco Tourism