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What to do next?


Compiled from my Student's Journal

Abstract; to be done:


All homework for Period 1 and 2

  • Language portfolios: 1
  • Reflections other than LP: 1

To be done:


Block 1-4: WER 1

Block 1: Me, myself and I / TAVA 1A

  • Language portfolio for Me, Myself and I
  • Word file

Block 1 & 2: SLB V1A

Block 2 & 3: SLB V1A

Block 1: Muckraking Media

  • Word file

Block 2: Cool Britannia / TAVA 1B

  • Watching BBC programs and writing summaries (3/10)
  • Making Portfolio
  • Word file

Block 1: Literatuur 1A

  • BEZEM Resit (study texts)

Block 2: Literatuur 1B

  • Test at Friday (27 January, 2006) (study books: Out of the Shelter and Mosquito Coast)

Block 1: Archimedesbreed project: De Veilige School

Block 3: Archimedesbreed project: Zorgverbreding

Block 2: Taalbeurs

  • Dossier Taalbeurs

Block 3: Vakdidaktiek Engels 1

Block 3: Play Your Part

Block 4: UKOK!

Block 2: Ontwikkelingspsychologie van de puberteit

  • ALL: OWK worksheet, et cetera

Block 4: Webquest The English-Speaking World

Block 4: Oriëntatie op duaal/vervolgstudie

Done (and Passed if applicable):

  • Grammar tests for both MMI and MM
  • Phonetics test for MMI
  • Language portfolio for Muckraking Media
  • Products for Project De Veilige School
  • Dossier for Taalbeurs
  • Test at Friday (27 January, 2006) (study books: Bridget Jones' Diary and BJD: The Edge of Reason)
  • Video Diaries for Me, Myself and I
  • Making POP