User talk:Meddlin' Pedant/testsubpage

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simple compound
infinitive {{{1}}}are {{{2}}} {{{1}}}ato
gerund [[{{{1}}}ando]] use gerund of {{{2}}} plus {{{1}}}ato
present participle [[{{{1}}}ante]]
past participle [[{{{1}}}ato]]
mood tense person
singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative present [[{{{1}}}o]] [[{{{1}}}i]] [[{{{1}}}a]] [[{{{1}}}iamo]] [[{{{1}}}ate]] [[{{{1}}}ano]]
imperfect [[{{{1}}}avo]] [[{{{1}}}avi]] [[{{{1}}}ava]] [[{{{1}}}avamo]] [[{{{1}}}avate]] [[{{{1}}}avano]]
past remote [[{{{1}}}ai]] [[{{{1}}}asti]] [[{{{1}}}ò]] [[{{{1}}}ammo]] [[{{{1}}}aste]] [[{{{1}}}arono]]
future [[{{{1}}}erò]] [[{{{1}}}erai]] [[{{{1}}}erà]] [[{{{1}}}eremo]] [[{{{1}}}erete]] [[{{{1}}}eranno]]
perfect Use the present tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
pluperfect Use the imperfect tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
past anterior Use the past remote tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
future perfect Use the future tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
conditional present [[{{{1}}}erei]] [[{{{1}}}eresti]] [[{{{1}}}erebbe]] [[{{{1}}}eremmo]] [[{{{1}}}ereste]] [[{{{1}}}erebbero]]
past Use the conditional tense of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
subjunctive present [[{{{1}}}i]] {{{1}}}i {{{1}}}i [[{{{1}}}iamo]] [[{{{1}}}iate]] [[{{{1}}}ino]]
imperfect [[{{{1}}}assi]] {{{1}}}assi [[{{{1}}}asse]] [[{{{1}}}assimo]] [[{{{1}}}aste]] [[{{{1}}}assero]]
past Use the present subjunctive of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
pluperfect Use the imperfect subjunctive of {{{2}}} plus the past participle
imperative [[{{{1}}}a]] [[{{{1}}}i]] [[{{{1}}}iamo]] [[{{{1}}}ate]] [[{{{1}}}ino]]

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