User talk:Senbesey

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Please advise

@surjection: Sincere apologies for any inconvenience. I am confused and I cannot see the original edit. I completely understand the promo mistake. Understood! But, nonsense gibberish? Something must not have saved right... Can you advise on how to get it in there properly? I've reviewed the criteria and it should've been fine. Thanks!

— This unsigned comment was added by Senbesey (talkcontribs). (through the edit summary)

Do not add protologisms/creative inventions into Wiktionary. I have unblocked you on that condition. — surjection??11:35, 4 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Surjection:I didn't think it was. I have 3 different sources, and all the necessary details. I believe the def is inaccurate, I will make a draft submission and submit for review.