User talk:ValidUserName

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Hi. To answer your question (from Talk:Apology), yes, it is possible for the software you use to silently make edits without your knowing it. The most likely cause is using software that doesn't know how to deal with Unicode characters.

I got bitten by this once, when I used emacs to edit a page. Emacs (at least the version I have) doesn't do Unicode, and it replaced all the Chinese & Russian characters with question marks. If you're using emacs, vi, or any other ASCII-based application for editing, you'll likely run into this problem.

If you're just editing in the browser, I suppose the browser itself could be responsible. I use Opera 7, which has no problem, and a fairly recent version of Mozilla seemed OK, too (it didn't display foreign characters properly, but it also didn't change them when I edited the page). If you're running Windows, you might need to install the foreign language support. -- Ortonmc 04:04, 8 Feb 2004 (UTC)

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