Wiktionary:List of scripts

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Main article: Wiktionary:Scripts

This page lists all script codes that are recognised by Wiktionary. The contents of this page is generated directly from Module:scripts/data, and any changes to that module will be automatically reflected on this page, once the software refreshes it.

To find a script code quickly, add the code to your URL as a section link. For example, Wiktionary:List of scripts#Latn will link directly to Latin script.

See also Wiktionary:List of languages and Wiktionary:List of families.

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All scripts

Code Canonical name Other names Autodetection Languages
None Unspecified 2371
Adlm Adlam Yes 1
Afak Afaka 1
Aghb Caucasian Albanian Yes 1
Ahom Ahom Yes 1
Arab Arabic Yes 115
fa-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 35
kk-Arab Arabic Yes 1
ks-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 2
ku-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 4
ms-Arab Arabic Yes 7
mzn-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 1
ota-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 3
pa-Arab Shahmukhi Arabic Yes 5
ps-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 2
sd-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 2
tt-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 1
ug-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 2
ur-Arab Arabic Perso-Arabic Yes 12
Armi Imperial Aramaic Yes 3
Armn Armenian Yes 11
Avst Avestan Yes 1
pal-Avst Pazend Yes 1
Bali Balinese Yes 2
Bamu Bamum Yes 1
Bass Bassa Yes 1
Batk Batak Yes 7
Beng Bengali Yes 25
as-Beng Assamese Bengali-Assamese, Eastern Nagari Yes 11
Bhks Bhaiksuki Yes 1
Blis Blissymbols 0
Bopo Zhuyin Yes 4
Brah Brahmi Yes 9
Brai Braille Yes 17
Bugi Lontara Yes 3
Buhd Buhid Yes 1
Cakm Chakma Yes 3
Cans Canadian syllabics Yes 16
Cari Carian Yes 1
Cham Cham Yes 1
Cher Cherokee Yes 1
Chis Chisoi 2
Chrs Chorasmian Yes 1
Copt Coptic Yes 3
Cpmn Cypro-Minoan Yes 0
Cprt Cypriot Yes 2
Cyrl Cyrillic Yes 153
Cyrs Old Cyrillic Yes 6
Deva Devanagari Yes 155
Diak Dhives Akuru Yes 1
Dogr Dogra Yes 1
Dsrt Deseret Yes 1
Dupl Duployan Yes 1
Egyd Demotic 1
Egyh Hieratic 1
Egyp Egyptian hieroglyphic Yes 2
Elba Elbasan Yes 1
Elym Elymaic Yes 1
Ethi Ethiopic Yes 27
Gara Garay Yes 1
Geok Khutsuri Yes 2
Geor Georgian Yes 11
Glag Glagolitic Yes 3
Gong Gunjala Gondi Yes 1
Gonm Masaram Gondi Yes 1
Goth Gothic Yes 1
Gran Grantha Yes 1
Grek Greek Yes 21
Gujr Gujarati Yes 12
Gukh Khema Yes 2
Guru Gurmukhi Yes 5
Hang Hangul Yes 1
Hani Han Yes 67
Hano Hanunoo Yes 1
Hans Simplified Han Yes 33
Hant Traditional Han Yes 35
Hatr Hatran Yes 1
Hebr Hebrew Yes 22
Hira Hiragana Yes 0
Hluw Anatolian Hieroglyphs Yes 1
Hmng Pahawh Hmong Yes 2
Hmnp Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Yes 2
Hrkt Kana Yes 0
Hung Old Hungarian Yes 1
Ibrnn Northeastern Iberian 1
Ibrns Southeastern Iberian 1
Image Image-rendered 0
Inds Indus 1
Ipach International Phonetic Alphabet 0
Ital Old Italic Yes 17
Java Javanese Yes 3
Jpan Japanese Yes 14
Jurc Jurchen 1
Kali Kayah Li Yes 2
Kana Katakana Yes 5
Kawi Kawi Yes 3
Khar Kharoshthi Yes 6
Khmr Khmer Yes 11
Khoj Khojki Yes 3
Kitl Khitan Large 1
Kits Khitan Small Yes 1
Knda Kannada Yes 19
Kore Korean Yes 5
Kpel Kpelle 4
Krai Kirat Rai Yes 1
Kthi Kaithi Yes 11
Lana Tai Tham Yes 7
Laoo Lao Yes 7
Latf Fraktur Blackletter Yes 1
Latg Gaelic Irish Yes 3
Latn Latin Yes 5212
pjt-Latn Latin Yes 1
Leke Leke 1
Lepc Lepcha Yes 1
Limb Limbu Yes 1
Lina Linear A Yes 1
Linb Linear B Yes 1
Lisu Fraser Yes 3
Loma Loma 2
Lyci Lycian Yes 2
Lydi Lydian Yes 1
Mahj Mahajani Yes 1
Maka Makasar Yes 1
Mand Mandaic Yes 3
Mani Manichaean Yes 5
Marc Marchen Yes 3
Maya Maya Yes 1
Medf Medefaidrin Yes 1
Mend Mende Yes 1
Merc Meroitic cursive Yes 1
Mero Meroitic hieroglyphic Yes 2
Mlym Malayalam Yes 16
Modi Modi Yes 4
Mong Mongolian Yes 9
mnc-Mong Manchu Yes 3
sjo-Mong Xibe Yes 1
xwo-Mong Clear Script Yes 4
Moon Moon 0
Morse Morse code 0
Mroo Mro Yes 1
Mtei Meitei Mayek Yes 2
Mult Multani Yes 1
Music Musical notation Yes 0
Mymr Burmese Yes 28
Nagm Nag Mundari Yes 1
Nand Nandinagari Yes 1
Narb Old North Arabian Yes 8
Nbat Nabataean Yes 1
Newa Newa Yes 7
Nkdb Dongba 1
Nkgb Geba 1
Nkoo N'Ko Yes 3
Nshu Nüshu Yes 2
Ogam Ogham Yes 2
Olck Ol Chiki Yes 1
Onao Ol Onal Yes 1
Orkh Orkhon runes Yes 2
Orya Odia Yes 23
Osge Osage Yes 1
Osma Osmanya Yes 1
Ougr Old Uyghur Yes 2
Palm Palmyrene Yes 1
Pauc Pau Cin Hau Yes 1
Perm Old Permic Yes 1
Phag Phags-pa Yes 5
Phli Inscriptional Pahlavi Yes 1
Phlp Psalter Pahlavi Yes 1
Phlv Book Pahlavi 3
Phnx Phoenician Yes 8
Plrd Pollard Yes 4
Polyt Greek Yes 10
Prti Inscriptional Parthian Yes 1
Ranj Ranjana 3
Rjng Rejang Yes 1
Rohg Hanifi Rohingya Yes 1
Roro Rongorongo 0
Rumin Rumi numerals Yes 0
Runr Runic Yes 8
Samr Samaritan Yes 3
Sarb Old South Arabian Yes 6
Saur Saurashtra Yes 2
Semap flag semaphore 0
Sgnw SignWriting Yes 7
Shaw Shavian Yes 1
Shrd Sharada Yes 4
Shui Sui 1
Sidd Siddham Yes 3
Sidt Sidetic 1
Sind Khudawadi Yes 3
Sinh Sinhalese Yes 4
Sogd Sogdian Yes 2
Sogo Old Sogdian Yes 1
Sora Sorang Sompeng Yes 1
Soyo Soyombo Yes 2
Sund Sundanese Yes 2
Sunu Sunuwar Yes 1
Sylo Syloti Nagri Yes 1
Syrc Syriac Yes 9
Tagb Tagbanwa Yes 2
Takr Takri Yes 16
Tale Tai Nüa Yes 3
Talu New Tai Lue Yes 1
Taml Tamil Yes 11
Tang Tangut Yes 4
Tavt Tai Viet Yes 4
Tayo Lai Tay 2
Telu Telugu Yes 9
Teng Tengwar 3
Tfng Tifinagh Libyco-Berber, Berber Yes 10
Tglg Baybayin Yes 5
Thaa Thaana Yes 1
Thai Thai Yes 31
Tibt Tibetan Yes 34
Tirh Tirhuta Yes 2
Tnsa Tangsa Yes 1
Todr Todhri Yes 1
Tols Tolong Siki 1
Toto Toto Yes 1
Tutg Tigalari Yes 3
Ugar Ugaritic Yes 2
Vaii Vai Yes 1
Visp Visible Speech 0
Vith Vithkuqi Yes 1
Wara Varang Kshiti Yes 1
Wcho Wancho Yes 1
Wole Woleai 1
Xpeo Old Persian Yes 1
Xsux Cuneiform Yes 13
Yezi Yezidi Yes 1
Yiii Yi Yes 1
Zanb Zanabazar Square Yes 3
Zmth mathematical notation Yes 0
Zsym symbol Yes 0
Zyyy undetermined 0
Zzzz uncoded 0
sit-tam-Tibt Tamyig Yes 4