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This is a list of mirrors that we are aware of. When reporting live mirrors use Live mirrors and when reporting possible GFDL or trademark abuse please use the Wiktionary:Beer parlour.

Do not use the http:// prefix for sites in this list.

Known mirrors

Site Possible Issues
www.1-1-2008.com/dictionary/ non GFDL compliant live mirroring
www.all-science-fair-projects.com/ gives attribution to Wikipedia, not Wiktionary ( www.all-science-fair-projects.com/science_fair_project_dictionary/One )
askfactmaster.com/ gives attribution to Wikipedia, not Wiktionary ( askfactmaster.com/dict-en/one )
dictionarypedia.org/ non GFDL compliant live mirroring
www.greengonzo.com/ non GFDL compliant ( www.greengonzo.com/dictionary/Addriss.html )
ninjawords.com/ Looks good
www.panimages.org/ Wiktionary is mentioned in the instructions, is this enough?
panload.com/ Multiproject non GFDL compliant mirroring ( panload.com/page.php?id=21464 )
wordnavigator.com/ non GFDL compliant mirroring
wikitionary.biz/ non GFDL compliant live mirrroring
zidian.cn.yahoo.com non GFDL compliant borrowing, ( zidian.cn.yahoo.com/result_en2en.html?p=orange )
yawiktionary.com/ Trademark infringement + non GFDL compliant mirroring

See also
