Wiktionary:Per-browser preferences/Descriptions

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Preference Description
Use the preferences set on this page >IMPORTANT – If the above box is unchecked, EVERYTHING on this page is turned offDisable automatic redirect Enable all prefs
Allow special characters to be input into the search box
Display the local timezone date and time on top right corner of every page to the right of “log out”
Display UTC date and time instead – You must check the above box for this to work
Have clock continuously update – You must check the “Display the local timezone date and time” box for this to work; you may also check the “Display UTC” box
Hide the Site Notice The announcements banner
Hide the horizontal separator line before language headings [the CSS rule looks broken—does this work for anyone?]
Hide the maximal amount of parentheses. (Warning: this overrides other parenthesis settings and creates sentences you might consider ungrammatical.) [confusing description]
Hide the parentheses around list item qualifiers.
Italicize the punctuation (parentheses and colon) around italic text.
Hide the “transitive” and “intransitive” qualifiers in definitions — WARNING — causes context tags to display oddly
Hide the {{wikipedia}} sister project boxes
Hide the Project Gutenberg and TV rankings [Can we link to a page where these are described?]
Hide the translation sections entirely – Default is to leave them collapsed
Alternatively, leave '''all''' translation sections expanded (and similar hidden sections) – Default is to leave them collapsed
Use boxes for displaying inflected forms of words — WARNING — this interferes with images and sister project boxes and general HTML layout – Default is to use a smooth-wrapping layout
Indent entries with “See also” lines above the TOC properly [confusing: in what way do they wrap improperly?]
Make the second half of the heading of Special:Recentchanges smaller This seems to make the Recent changes options smaller—is this really a necessary option?
Add a “Check Spelling” button to edit pages — Experimental — only works for 10KB or less – The spellcheck in Firefox 1.5 is much better
Use w:User:Lupin/popups.js – Originally for Wikipedia – now has Wiktionary-specific class overrides Can we link to the documentation instead of to the .js?
WARNING – This does not inflect properly – Turn on the Connel “reformat.js” to reformat certain parts of a Wiktionary entry semi-automatically – It then loads the preview page with the changes for you. Do not use this unless you are very confident of your formatting conventions knowledge, and even then, use only with caution
(Experimental) Color links orange instead of blue, if target language is missing (translation tables only.)
(Experimental) Use Conrad Irwin’s Paper view & language button view alternate (buggy today)
Hide the logo in the upper left corner for more left-column buttons
Show “form of” definitions with a plain (only wikilinked) lemma. (Default is with a bold lemma.)
Show “form of” definitions with an italic definition (“qualifier”) and plain (only wikilinked) lemma. (Default is with a bold lemma.)
Show “form of” definitions with an italic lemma. (Default is with a bold lemma.)
Show “form of” definitions with an italic definition (“qualifier”) and bold lemma. (Default is with a bold lemma.)
Show other Latin (Roman) script mentions in bold. (Default is in italics.)
Show English glosses for mentioned terms in single quotes. (Default is in double quotes.)
Hide parentheses around transliterations and glosses.
Hide parentheses around glosses.
Show parenthesized plain (non-italic) transliterations.
Add an “IRC” link to the right of “log out”
Filter out your own contributions from Special:Contributions
Convert from foreign languages to English the sidebar language names for inter-wikis links
Automatically lookup words that are double-clicked on (in main namespace only)
Trial the javascript prominent interwiki links.
Put the [show] button onto the left of the translation bars.
Float Tables of contents to the right of entries
Make red-links to some form-ofs fill out entries automatically (Accelerated). [some? “accelerated?”]
Make red-links on some inflection tables look black. [some?]
Sysop-only functions: Replace text in deletion log comment
Patrolling enhancements – add a (mark) next to (diff) to mark as patrolled without leaving Special:RC. Use popups above, to hover over (diff) links, then click (mark).
Patrol in “expert mode” with no alerts – all whitelisted users’ edits are quietly marked, bottom to top.
Refresh Special:Recentchanges every 5 minutes
Adds a CIDR Range Contributions check to Special:User contributions
Add a box to the top of user-related pages if the user is blocked from editing. [a box?]