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anglo- +‎ saxare


anglosaxare c

  1. someone from a country where primarily English is spoken and which is influenced by English culture and customs (often specifically an American or Englishman)
    Så där gör anglosaxarna, men här har vi lite andra praxis och normer
    That's what the "Anglo-Saxons" do, but here we have slightly different practices and norms
  2. an Anglo-Saxon (member of the Germanic peoples who settled in England during the early fifth century)

Usage notes[edit]

Often somewhat distancing and derogatory in (sense 1), like in the example.


Declension of anglosaxare 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative anglosaxare anglosaxaren anglosaxare anglosaxarna
Genitive anglosaxares anglosaxarens anglosaxares anglosaxarnas

Related terms[edit]
