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See also: dènou





From de nou (again).





denou m (plural denous)

  1. (Mallorca) misfortune, accident (unfortunate unexpected chance occurrence)
    • 1990, Miquel Àngel Riera, Illa Flaubert:
      Al poble, fins que passà aquell denou, no havia succeït res important des de la desaparició d'en Beno, feia ja no es sabia quants d'anys.
      In the village, until that misfortune occurred, nothing important had happened since the disappearance of Beno, nobody knows how long ago.
    • 2010, Cosme Aguiló, Sic isti nostri sunt:
      Tenia caixes fetes per a qualsevol denou que hi pogués haver a la família i les feia servir dues vegades.
      They had savings for whatever misfortune there could be in the family and they'd made use of them twice.

Further reading
