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Icelandic Wikipedia has an article on:
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A slutwalk in Iceland



From drusla (slut) +‎ ganga (walk, march).



drusluganga f (genitive singular druslugöngu, nominative plural druslugöngur)

  1. slutwalk
    • 2019 June 23, Kolfinna Tómasdóttir, “Af hverju drusla? [Why "slut"?]”, in Vísir.is[1]:
      Fyrsta Druslugangan var gengin þann 3. apríl 2011 í Toronto, Kanada, eftir að lögreglustjóri borgarinnar lagði til að konur ættu ekki að klæða sig eins og druslur svo þeim yrði ekki nauðgað.
      The first SlutWalk was held on April 3, 2011 in Toronto, Canada, after the city's police chief suggested that women should not dress like sluts to avoid being raped.
    • 2022 June 23, Urður Örlygsdóttir, “Valdaójafnvægi þema Druslugöngunnar í ár [Imbalance of power is the theme of this year's SlutWalk]”, in RÚV[2]:
      Fjöldi fólks kom saman í dag og sýndi þolendum kynferðisofbeldis samstöðu í Druslugöngunni.
      A large number of people gathered today and showed solidarity with the victims of sexual violence in the SlutWalk.

