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  1. (uncommon) superlative form of important: most important
    • 1645, Kenelme Digby, “That Our Soule Is a Substance, and Immortall”, in The Second Treatise: Declaring, the Nature and Operations of Mans Soule; out of Which, the Immorality of Reasonable Soules, Is Convinced (Two Treatises: In the One of Which, the Nature of Bodies; in the Other, the Nature of Mans Soule, Is Looked Into: In Way of Discovery of the Immortality of Reasonable Soules), London: [] Iohn Williams, [], page 85:
      [] Mathematicians uſe but one ſingle proofe in all their Propoſitions, after which other ſupernumerary ones, would be but tedious nevertheles, ſince al the ſeveral wayes, by which we may look into the nature of our ſoule (the importanteſt ſubject we can buſy our thoughts upon) can not faile of being pleaſing and delightfull to us, we muſt not omit to reflect a little upon that great property of our ſoule, by which ſhe is able to move and to worke, without her ſelfe being moved or touched.
    • 1646 August 5, “Lord Iermin to the Lord Digby. St. Germain, August 5. 1646.”, in A Collection of All the Publicke Orders Ordinances and Declarations of Both Houses of Parliament, from the Ninth of March 1642. untill December 1646. [], London: [] T. W. for Ed: Husband, [], published 1646, page 852:
      The Queen is therefore now more induſtrious then ever, and hath found means to get twenty thouſand Piſtols for ________________ I once wrote to you of, ſo that if the perſons that ſhould have undertaken it be ſtill of the ſame minde, and the Prince of Orange which we have written to know, That buſineſs will go forward and may prove of great uſe in many conſiderations; But the importanteſt ayme in it is the inſenſible ingaging the Hollanders in the War.
    • 1962, Wilma Dykeman, The Tall Woman, New York, N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, →LCCN, page 223:
      Take time when you go to help a woman bring a baby, Lydia. Remember, getting born will be one of the two importantest things that ever happens to that baby. And it takes patience and hard work.
    • a. 1992, Donald “Pee Wee” Gaskins with Wilton Earle, Final Truth, New York, N.Y.: Pinnacle Books, published 1994, →ISBN, page 109:
      Like I keep repeating, I had paid close attention to my cell-mates from New York, and one of the importantest things I learned from them was how to stay two-steps away from doing any of the actual stealing or re-selling.