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Middle English


Alternative forms





  1. electuary
    • late 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer, General Prologue, The Canterbury Tales, line 425-428:
      Ful redy hadde he his apothecaries,
      To sende him drogges and his letuaries,
      For ech of hem made other for to winne;
      Hir frendschipe nas nat newe to biginne.
      He had his apothecaries all ready
      To send him drugs and his electuaries,
      For each of them made the other to profit;
      Their friendship was not recently begun.
    • late 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer, The Merchant's Tale, The Canterbury Tales, line 1809-1812:
      And many a letuarie hadde he ful fyn,
      Swiche as the cursed monk dan Constantyn
      Hath writen in his book de Coitu;
      To eten hem alle, he nas no-thing eschu.
      And many a very fine aphrodisiac had he,
      Such as the cursed monk, Dan Constantine,
      Has written in his book Concerning Intercourse;
      To eat them all he was not at all averse.

