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  1. Misspelling of misandrist.
    • 1999, M's Frost, TYGER: "Dennis With An 'E'" (Mf ped) AIM=555 Group: alt.sex.stories.d
      belligrent and as would be expected by a misandryist.
    • 2003, Diedrich Cole, removing shoes again Group: alt.fan.miss-manners
      "Any man's my man if I want it that way." -- Joan Crawford, as the wicked, duplicitous, scheming, misandryist, egocentric egomaniac Eva Phillips, in 'Queen Bee'.
    • 2009, whitevamp, Ken covers his misspelling Group: soc.men
      ... pissant to be sexually attractive, I'm a misandryist. Boy, talk about narcissism!